
Naruto: The Hima clan

Roberts now having avenged his daughter's death finds peace in the embrace of death, but finds himself in a tricky situation as a R.O.B presents him with a deal he couldn't deny. watch as he navigated through thee dangerous world and bring his clan to the top

The_Legit_Writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

The Plan (7)

Team A

The sound of air cutting and trees falling could be heard as the three shimura clan members were utilizing their wind style techniques while Yamamoto was nimbly dodging all the attacks resulting in the falling of nearby trees and pot holes to appear on the ground

"Damn it, stop doging like a coward and fight like a man" The leader of the group says as he puts his hands together chakra forming in his body to his hands

Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu(風遁・気流乱舞,Wind Release: Air Current Wild Dance)

As Yamamoto was expecting the justu to be aimed at him what happened wasn't what he expected. The leader aimed his hands at the ground using the air currents that came out of his hands to hit the ground resulting in dust rising everywhere blocking Yamamoto's eyesight

'Although I can easily use my powers to defeat the three, this is a rare moment to train my experience and Taijustu' Yamamoto thinks as he starts looking around sensing the two chakras approaching him



I thought they were three

Just when Yamamoto was currently thinking where the other ninja could be he felt the ground under him shake prompting him to have a sudden realization

without wasting time he jumps up and the third ninja who he had been looking for comes out of the ground under him with his upper body, planning to immobilize yamamoto but he didn't expect that yamamoto had already anticipated him

Yamamoto didn't bother to waste time on the man as he used the ninjas head as a stool and jumps up out of the dust cloud with the aid of his chakra

Ressenpū(烈旋風,Violent Whirlwind)

The leader seeing Yamamoto escaping the dust cloud didn't waste any time and produced a powerful stream of wind from his mouth aiming it in the direction of Yamamoto's chakra signature. This wind was so strong that it tore through all the trees it passed through.

Yamamoto seeing the stream of wind coming at him jumps back while coating is hands with chakra using it to shield is face. not a second later the stream of wind hits Yamamoto lifting him up the ground while tearing up his clothes and scratching his unprotected body parts

Doton: Sokonashi Numa(土遁・底なし沼,Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp)

The second ninja without wasting time slams his hands on the ground turning the land Yamamoto is supposed to land on to mud.

yamamoto after recovering from the heavy wind that hits him notices the mud on the ground, without having to think he throws his sword into the mud exposing only the hilt in which he stands on, balancing himself with only one foot.

"Is that even possible" The second Ninja asks is jaw open at the display of skill Yamamoto had just shown them

Without wasting any more time yamamoto jumps off the sword and lands on solid ground then dashes off at top speed leaving only afterimages.

"Shit!" was all the the leader could says as he sees Yamamoto stop in front of him with his fist all ready in position

Doton: Doryūhek(土遁・土流壁,Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall) Ikkotsu (一骨, Single Bone)

The third ninja seeing his leader in danger quickly puts his hands on the floor conjuring up a rock wall in between Yamamoto and his leader but that wasn't enough as when Yamamoto punches the rock wall it is immediately sent flying along with the leader and the other two ninjas due to the wind that the punch created

'What kind of monster are we up against' The leader thought as he quickly stabilized himself on the bark of a tree shocked at the power that punch contained

The leader then looks at the other two ninja's and when they locked eyes he gave them a nod, in which they both reply by nodding they're own heads

Katon Renkeijutsu: Karura(火遁連携術・カルラ,Fire Release Cooperation Technique: Garuda)

The three ninjas each breathe a long stream of intense fire, which combine to form a flaming dragon which then rushes towards Yamamoto

Yamamoto seeing the flaming dragon rush towards him reaches for his waist only to remember that his sword was stuck in the mud

'I guess this is the right time to practice my chakra control' Yamamoto thought as he closes his eyes trying to spread his chakra everywhere around his body to block the attack

without wasting anytime the fire dragon hits Yamamoto exploding immediately on contact burning everything within a 20 meter radius

"Looks like we were able to deal with him" The leader says as he drops down the tree along with the other two ninjas

"le...le..leader what is that" One of the ninjas says fear leaking from his voice as he points at the roaring flames his finger shaking

"Hmmm?" The leader replies looking at the area his subordinate was pointing to

Once he saw the area he couldn't help but fall on his butt and crawl back in fear

In the flames was a figure fire burning vigorously on his body and surroundings, The figures eyes were fully open and fire was burning in his iris the figure had a curved fire arc on his back making him look like a burning deity

This figure was Yamamoto who before the fire could hit him came up with a move that could help him negate the damage of the fire dragon while also making him stronger, he called it:

Katon : Hinokami(火の神,Fire release: Fire Deity)

"I should thank you guys, because of you I was able to become stronger and reach the ranks where I can be counted among the strongest, for this I will end you swiftly" Yamamoto says as he stares intently at them his fiery eyes causing them fear

Without wasting a second flames starts bursting out of Yamamoto like a tap pouring water, burning everything in the vicinity even the sweat on the faces of the three ninjas

before they knew it Yamamoto disappeared from his position and came in front of them his two fist held in a punching position

Sōkotsu (双骨, Double Bone)

Just like that Yamamoto throws his fist towards the leader only to stop inches away from his face. What came after was devastating as a Flame beam came Yamamoto's hands turning everything in front of it to ash including the three ninjas who didn't even have time to see how they died

Seeing that he had defeated his enemies Yamamoto breathes a sigh of relief and offs his Hinokami mode slumping on the ground in exhaustion

"Yamamoto-san" A voice shouts interrupting Yamamoto from his rest as he turns to see Ariko running to him with tears out of her eyes and snot on her nose

"I *hiccup* thought *hiccup* That you were going to die" Ariko says hugging Yamamoto tightly, during their time together Ariko had come to value his presence and thinks of him as the father she never had

Yamamoto seeing this just smiles and pats her back finally deciding to ask her "Ariko, do you want to be my disciple"

Ariko first surprised by the question suddenly adopts a serious expression as she was about to answer



Author here, what do you guys think about the form I gave Yamamoto, should I make some adjustments or I should just keep it as it is. You guys decide

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The_Legit_Writercreators' thoughts