
Naruto: The Grey King

Ray died while saving his friends and due to some divine intervention got transmigrated into Naruto's Body. what maelstrom will this change bring? let's find out. Pairing: Naruto/Hinata A/N: In this novel, the world will be much more realistic and dangerous. A/N: hey guys previously I was known as bloodycake and published a fanfic by the name 'Naruto Saga'. for some reasons, I can't access that account anymore. and since I was not happy with 'Naruto Saga', I am rewriting it with the title Naruto: The Grey King' with a more realistic and brutal world.

MohitGOD · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

[Konoha Academy]

Iruka sighed as he remembered what happened last night. 'What the hell was I thinking, asking her out all of a sudden' he thought with a grimace. He messed up big time. He then rubbed his forehead and decided to think about his failed love life later. Picking up the team announcement papers, from his table he stood up and left his office.

While he was walking, he suddenly felt someone following him and before he could react with a "Whoosh" he was grabbed by his collar and forced inside an empty room.

Iruka quickly freed himself and jumped back. Landing on the ground, he took out a kunai and prepared himself to fight. But when he saw the face of his enemy, his blood ran cold, the kunai in his hand slowly slipped down and hit the ground with a loud "Clank".

There in front of him was the love of his life Anko Mitarashi. He then noticed something else and a huge blush appeared on his face. She was not wearing her pale baggy overcoat which used to hide her figure and the fishnet mesh shirt wasn't concealing anything. And for some reasons, there was also a black whip in her right hand which slightly unnerved him.

He quickly shook his head to clear his mind. he then looked in her eyes and saw the care and … lust for him. Anko then moved forward and said. "Iruka, I am sorry about yesterday, you caught me off guard with your confession. I didn't know how to react and ended up running away." She finished with a down expression.

Hearing this he felt bad and moved closer to her while saying. "I am sorry too Anko chan, I shouldn't have asked you without any prior indication." Hearing this Anko nodded and also moved toward him and before he could react she grabbed his jacket and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. He was shocked but didn't complained and returned the kiss.

When it became too hard for them to breathe, they finally separated leaving behind a trail of saliva. Looking into her eyes he couldn't help but smile and said. "Anko chan I love you." Anko smiled back and pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you too Iruka kun."

He was happy, he finally has someone who he can call a family. Anko was also happy, she was finally with her childhood love. They stayed like that for a long time, enjoying each other's warm embrace.

Iruka's smile turned into a frown when he noticed the whip that she was still holding. curiosity took over his logical mind and he made a big mistake by asking. "Anko chan why are you holding a whip."

Realization suddenly dawned upon her and she disappeared with a puff of smoke and before Iruka could even blink he was tied to a table. "Anko what are you doing." He asked feeling a little scared.

"Iruka kun I almost forgot, that you like domineering women.," hearing this his pupil shrunk and he whispered. "I do but how do you know, I haven't told this to anyone." she didn't respond and moved closer to him. noticing the lust in her eyes. He started panting and his d*ck decided that it was the right time to register its presence.

Seeing this she smirked and grabbed his little brother with her left hand, leaning in she whispered in his ears. "Iruka kun, now I will you how dominating I can be." She smiled sweetly and raised her hand.

Screams then started to echo out in the hall but everyone was in their class so no one heard Iruka's screams of terror and later moans of pleasure. (A/N: Yes they are having S*X.)


[Present time] [Naruto's classroom]

A blushing and slightly staggering Iruka entered his classroom. Noticing his state Kiba couldn't help but ask. "Iruka Sensei what happened to you." remembering the things he and Anko did, his blush deepened.

He quickly shook his head to clear his mind. "I am fine Kiba, I was just doing some … extreme physical training." He said while rolling his eyes. looking around he noticed Naruto looking at him with a mischievous grin. He frowned at this but decided to ignore.

"Good morning everyone, today you all are going to start your Ninja career but remember one thing being a ninja is not about saving a damsel in distress or learning technique that has no use in the battleground. If you want to be a ninja then you will have to kill. I know it is harsh but this is the reality and not some ideal world where everyone will live happily ever after." Everyone became silent and listened with rapt attention.

"The real world is filled with dangers that you all can't even imagine. You can't face these dangers alone, you will need your team's help. Konoha considers teamwork as the base of our shinobi military. So remember teamwork is very important, it can save your life." Hearing this our blonde hero thought. 'Wow, that was something else.'

"Since you are now Genins, you will soon be assigned duties by the village. So I will be announcing the three men teams. Each team will have a jounin level shinobi as their sensei. You will follow your Jounin sensei's instructions as you complete the assigned duties." Finished Iruka and took a deep breath, he was feeling thirsty after talking this much.

Hearing this everyone had different thoughts.

'Pfft, three-man team, that's just more people in my way.' Sneered Sasuke.

'I have to be with Sasuke kun.' Shouted Sakura in her mind.

'Hehe, I hope I am teamed up with two hot babes.' drolled Kiba.

'Wonder if my teammates can cook good food.' "Crunch" Choji.

'Hmm, I must beat that pink-haired bimbo billboard.' Screamed Ino in her mind.

'Why can't I just sleep peacefully' dragged Shikamaru.

'Hmm, Buzz, Buzzz, Buzz' Buzzed Shino.

'I wonder how long will Iruka Sensei survive with a fierce woman like Anko.' thought Naruto.

'Jin san said in his letter that my Iron whip will be finished in a month, Kyaa I can't wait.' Crept Hinata. (A/N: I feel sorry for Naruto.)

Hinata then looked at Naruto with a blush, seeing this Naruto smiled back and asked. "You okay Hinata chan?" hearing this she nodded and thought. 'I need to control my urges or Naruto kun will see me as a weirdo.' (A/N: Really, a weirdo not a psychopath.)


Iruka then started announcing teams one by one.

"Team 1: Not important."

"Team 2: Don't care."



"Team 6: irrelevant."

"Team 7: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and … Kiba Inazuka. Your team sensei is Kakashi Hatake."

'Oh, God! No, I am stuck with the emo king and a banshee. Where are my hot babes.' Cried Kiba in his mind.

"Team 8: Hyuuga Hinata, Aburame Shino and … Uzumaki Naruto. Your team sensei is Kurenai Yuhi."

'Finally' thought Naruto. He then grabbed Hinata's hand and smiled. They both then nodded in Shino's direction who nodded back,

"Team 9: Still in service."

"Team 10: Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji. Youe team sensei is Asuma Sarutobi."

A shocked Ino looked at Shikamaru who was sleeping, she then looked at Choji who was trying to stuff himself to death. Her shocked look quickly turned into horror and she screamed in her mind 'NOOOOOO!'


Iruka smirked seeing their faces and said. "Ok everyone, your Jounin Sensei will introduce themselves to their respective teams this afternoon. Until then you are free." With that, he picked up his things and left the classroom. While walking toward his office, Anko suddenly appeared behind him and before he could react she grabbed his hand and they both disappeared in a puff of smoke.


[Inside Class]

After Iruka Sensei left, Naruto looked at Hinata and said. "Hinata chan, I think we should go and sit with Shino since he is our teammate." She nodded at this. They both then stood up and walked toward Shino who was sitting alone on the last bench.

"Hey Shino, can we sit together." hearing this Shino raised his head and looked at Naruto with a neutral look. He then nodded and the newly formed team 8 sat down together.

Noticing how non-responsive Shino was Naruto sighed and said. "Shino, I know we haven't talked much in past but I was hoping, we can be good friends and work together as a team."

Shino was silent for a while he then nodded and said. "Very well Naruto san." They then started talking about small things. Soon it was lunchtime, So they made a quick trip to Ichiraku ramen and had their fill.



Suddenly the door was pushed open and two figure walked in. one of them was a tall bearded man with a cigarette in his mouth and the other was a black-haired woman with crimson red eyes. They were Jounin sensei of Team 8 and Team 10.

Asuma steps forward and said in a deep voice. "I am Asuma Sarutobi, Jounin Sensei of team 10. So Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi follow me so that we can begin you tore… I mean training." He coughed at the last part and with nervous expressions, Ino-Shika-Cho trio followed their sensei.

After they left Kurenai came forward and said. "I am Yuhi Kurenai Jounin Sensei of team 8." Hearing this our Uzu-Hyu-Abu trio stood up. Kurenai nodded at this and continued. "Follow me to the roof so that we can begin."

(A/N: Hey Guys, there are 27 advance chapters from 32 to 58 on my patre0n page. if interested you can check them out on:

patre0n.c0m/MohitGOD )

(A/N: Chapter 58 is around 6000 words long.)