
Chapter: 7

#Land of Water - Kirigakure no Sato#

Teams three, five, seven, eight and ten were standing before their hokage with their sensei to his left. It has been three days since the rebel alliance's victory and a day since the feudal water lord publicly declared mei as the godaime mizukage and revealed yagura's atrocities. Itachi looks over the thirteen genin and part of konoha's future, one of which is his precious baby sister. Each were exposed the harsh reality of being a ninja, some even taking lives in the process but endured and survived.

"All of you have done a great Service.. Not only to the people who have been killed due to Yagura's actions.. But for those still living and those Yet to come" itachi says and clears his throat, "Each of you have done what was asked and despite the Exams being interrupted.. One of you has Earned a promotion.. Even if I haven't spoken to the Jonin Commander and Council" he adds. Some of the genin suspect who the one is and one delusionally believes himself to be the one.

"We'll be heading back to Konoha today and I'll discuss things with the Jonin Commander and Council before annoncing who will be promoted" itachi says and dismisses them. Naruto and the princess trio follow him back to his room but find esdeath waiting by his room with two large travel bags.

"I have all my things" esdeath says. Naruto opens his door as the four follow him inside, "I'll seal your things away" he says.

"You should know.. You'll be staying in my Clan's compound before you even Think of Living with Naruto and Karin" tsunade says and esdeath's eyes narrow dangerously.

"Who's Karin" esdeath says.

"She is Naruto's fellow clansmen and like a little sister to him" sarada says and esdeath calms down.

"I'm curious about something Naruto" esdeath says, as the redhead orders some room service before they have to leave the hotel.

"What do you want to know" naruto asks, ordering pizza and sweet tea.

"Your Gamer Bloodline.. Where did it come from.. Such a thing should not exist" esdeath says.

"Well it started three years ago.. I learned a Me from another universe is the reason.. Well because of his actions recieved it from some Universal God and in exchange for his memories.. I got Saiyan Body and some other Perks.. Allowing me easier use of things" naruto explains.

"So other Universes exist.. That interesting.. We could be different people.. I could be a man" sarada says.

"I could be some drunk old lady" tsunade says.

"I could be some emotionless evil woman" kaguya says.

"I could be some Psycho obsessed with power" esdeath comments.

"I may have been some.. I need the power of Friendship and Talk to my enemies to pull them to the good side" naruto says. The pizza and tea soon arrive as the group chows down and esdeath asks how each met naruto. Sarada tells esdeath that she and naruto's mother were friends, then growing up together and being there when her father went insane.

"He saved me from Bullies when I was ten.. Several were making fun of my eyes due to my Byakugan and my Snow-white hair.. They believed I was odd" kaguya says and smiles warmly, "He did his best and helped me.. I learned later our Mothers were friends as well" she adds.

"My family name carries Weight.. My Great Grandfaher was Hashirama Senju.. My Great Grand Uncle was Tobirama Senju.. My Parents are two of the Legendary Sannin.. When I met Naruto in the Academy.. He saw Me and not my name" tsunade says.

"It seems Naruto draws people to him" esdeath says, glancing to the redhead as he stuffs half a pizza in his mouth. She begins to tell her tale of being born on a small island further north, how after the kaguya's massacre kiri ninja came and kekkei genkai users were killed, if not for aemyuri ringo she would have surely perished among her family.

"Ameyuri-sensei raised me and honed my skills to deadly precision.. However He came with them" esdeah says.

"Shizuma" naruto says.

"Him and Raiga Kuroski.. Buntan's older brother.. They killed Sensei and took her Kiba Blades.. Someday I'll find him and Kill him" esdeath says, as the trio change the subject to make small talk. One hour later the konoha group were checking out and heading for the harbor with najenda, akame and kurome accompanying them to finalize an alliance between konoha and kiri.


Ten days after returning from kiri naruto stands before the hokage and looking towards the chunin vest on itachi's desk, "Naruto.. You went above and beyond by defeating Kagura and keeping him from the main battle.. So because of this I am promoting you to Chunin" itachi says.

"Thank you Lord Godaime" naruto says.

"Becoming Chunin will give you more responsibilities.. Something Kakashi will teach you and continue to prepare you for" itachi says and naruto furrows his brow, "Our Alliance with Kiri and Suna will make Kumo and Iwa weary despite Kiri's new leadership and having to shore up things" he adds.

"Then there is Akatsuki" jiraiya says, stepping through the window.

"Akatsuki" naruto says.

"They are a group S-rank Ninja after the Biju" jiraiya says.

"Iwa have used them in the past and can use them again.. On top of that both Kumo and Iwa have two Jinchuriki fully capable of using their Biju" itachi says.

"I'm sure Ume will let you see Lady Mito's notes to fully master Musashi's chakra" jiraiya says.

"I'll talk to her" naruto says and both men nod.

"Oh one last thing.. Yor and Esdeath will be join Team-7.. Giving you more versatility" itachi says and naruto nods before grabbing his new vest, excusing himself and making his way down the tower. He makes a stop at a sweet shop for sweets for his sensei but also tsunade, yor and esdeath.

Rank Chunin Achieved

"Beta Male" kiba shouts and naruto sighs, looking back to see kiba and sakura. The self-proclaimed alpha male sees naruto's chunin vest, "You got Promoted?!" kiba says, his eyes flickering in anger.

"Yes.. I fought Kagura and kept him from Kirigakure.. Defeating him in the process" naruto says.

"So what.. Kiba defeated that Suna shinobi" sakura says.

"And" naruto says and sakura says and what, "All you did was fight Shira.. Kagura was a Very dangeros opponent" he adds.

"I defeated some Kiri shinobi" kiba says.

"So what.. Kagura is more dangerous than that" naruto retorts, leaving out kagura is jinchuriki.

"So what Beta Male.. I bet you Only got that vest because of Sarada" kiba says and sakura screeches yeah.

"Believe what you want Kiba" naruto says and suddenly grabs kiba by his jacket, "Call me Beta Male again and I'll show you All of me and why you're a Bitch" naruto adds, pushing kiba back and vanishing.

"K-kiba" sakura says, as kiba growls like a wolf and runs off to whine to his mommy. Naruto arrives at the senju compound and makes his way through the forest towards the manor but sees shizune coming down the path in her jonin uniform with the sleeves longer to hide her hands.

"Naruto.. You were promoted" shizune says, seeing the vest under his arm.

"I did.. I'm sure Tsunade will jealous" naruto says.

"Congratulations and I bet she will.. I have a mission.. Bye" shizune says, giving him a quick hug and excusing herself. Naruto continues on to search to his sensei, tsunade, yor and esdeath, finding all four as two were sparing under tobiume's watchful eye.

"Naruto" yor says and sees the sweets but his chunin vest as well.

"Made it on your First try" tobiume says, as tsunade halts a punch.

"Good work Darling" esdeath says. Naruto hands tobiume the sweets and everyone heads to the back garden before tobiume makes a clone to make some tea, "So what brings you here.. Other than showing off to Tsunade" tobiume says, as her daughter glares at her.

"Well the Hokage told me about several things and Ero-sennin told me I should ask about Lady Mito's notes about being you know" naruto says, confusing yor but esdeath looks to the redhead.

"You're a Jinchuriki like Kagura was" esdeath says and yor gasps a little.

"I am.. I am the Kyubi Jinchuriki" naruto says and looks to yor, "When I told you I was born the same day.. Well the Yondaime sealed Musashi inside me" he adds.

"The village and Sensei failed him but things are changing" tobiume says.

"No that it matters to me.. As long as I have those precious to me" naruto says. Tobiume's clone comes back with the tea and passes out the sweets, "What else did the Hokage say" tobiume asks.

"The Cloud and Stone will be weary of Konoha's Alliance with Kiri and Suna" naruto replies.

"Both countries have Jinchuriki who can utilize their Biju and Kumo has one who is a Perfect Jinchuriki.. He is Ei's broher named Killer-B.. The Yondaime has clashed with both countries during the war.. However you have a way to counter.. Negating the power of a Biju" tobiume says.

"My chains" naruto says and tobiume nods, patting his shoulder.

"Come on.. I'll get you the notes.. Follow me" tobiume says.

"I'll come by and make you a celebratory dinner" yor says, as naruto follows his sensei.

"Grandmother doesn't have much as she didn't use the Kyubi's power" tobiume says.

"She is right.. My original self was locked away by Torii Gates and Kushina bound them to a orb of lava" msashi says.

"What about Mom" naruto asks.

"A bit of the same.. She did have an incident where her seal nearly broke but the future Yondaime saved her" tobiume says, as they head to her library.

"Really" naruto says.

"Really and since you are a Chunin.. You can now know about your father" tobuime says and looks back, "Who is the Yondaime Minato Namikaze" she adds.

"R-really.. My dad is the Yondaime" naruto says, faking his shock .

"Yes.. I'm sure Kakashi and Anko wanted to tell you but things were put in place by Sensei where they couldn't" tobiume says and naruto slowly nods, as she grabs a book from the shelf.

"Not much is here.. However there are accounts from both Grandmother and Kushina" tobiume says, as naruto slowly takes the journal.


Naruto and yor make their way to his home after getting the journal and saying goodbye to tsunade and esdeath, "Do you wish anything special" yor asks.

"How about what your Mom use to make" naruto says and yor smiles but both see the former sandaime waiting at the gate.

"Hello Naruto.. Yor" hiruzen says, puffing his pipe.

"Hey Old man.. What brings you here" naruto says.

"I wanted to speak to you and congratulate you" hiruzen says. Naruto unlocks the gate and everyone heads inside but finds karin is already home, "I'll get started on the meal" yor says, heading for the kitchen as naruto takes hiruzen to his office upstairs.

"What did you want to talk about" naruto asks, closing the door.

"I'm sure Itachi has told you things" hiruzen says and naruto nods, "Well I bear a Warning" he adds, as naruto sits down.

"Be Very weary of Danzo Shimra.. He is fellow Elder but is a reputed Warhawk.. He was very against Itachi becoming Godaime" hiruzen says.

"Itachi done a lot of Good" naruto says.

"Indeed he has but Danzo does not see it that way.. He has inherited my Sensei's weariness of the Uchiha clan.. Madara's shadow loomed large over Sensei" hiruzen says and pauses for a moment, "Danzo sees you as Nothing more than a Weapon and has schemed to get you in his clutches.. He loves Konoha but too much and does things that are not meant to be seen.. His ways have benefitted Konoha but those times have passed.. So please do not listen to him" he adds.

"I won't Old man" naruto says. The former hokage would leave the redhead to reflect on his words and soon naruto would have yor's special stew. Deep underground a frail old man with half his face bandaged but one could see burns on his face, burns also litter his left hand and his missing right arm supposedly.

"Danzo-sama.. The jinchuriki has been promoted Chunin" says a member of the aburame named torune.

"He has done his village well.. A Hyōton user and killed one of Kiri's jinchuriki but he could be better" danzo says. He would have used his trump card but it was gone along with his right arm, burned to ashes by itachi's eyes, his body constantly raked with pain from his burns. Itachi left him alive with a guarantee of death the moment he acts against konoha, even allowing a dozen of his Ne to remain alive with seals on their bodies.

"Fuu contact Sai.. Have her make contact with the Jinchuriki.. She is not branded and no longer has ties to me" danzo says.

"Yes Danzo-sama" fuu says, a member of the yamanaka clan. The next day naruto makes his way to training ground-7 meeting yor and esdeath along the way as yor wears a konoha uniform.

"Hello my Kawaii Chunin" kakashi says, waiting for them.

"Hello Kakashi-sensei.. Thank you for allowing me to join Naruto's team" yor says.

"I agree Kakashi Hatake" esdeath says.

"What are we doing Kakashi" naruto asks.

"We're continuing with your Elemental Rasengan and with Esdeath's Ice release.. You can attempt your Fire Style Rasengan or Nova as you call it or Wind Style Rasengan" kakashi says.

"Rasengan" yor says. Naruto holds out his left with his palm up and the orb of swirling chakra forms, "The Rasengan is the pinnacle of shape manipulation and requires no hand-signs" he says.

"But requires a certain amount of Chakra control" kakashi adds.

"So you wish to add Elements to it" esdeath says and naruto nods.

"My Sensei the Yondaime Hokage tried but could not.. Same with me.. So I created the Chidori" kakashi says, making his chidori to yor's shock.

"It seems that it would take time to create.. Especially if the Yondaime could not" esdeath says.

"True but Naruto can cut down on time.. It's how he learned all Five major chakra natures" kakashi says and naruto makes a hundred clones, "Have them continue what we doing before the exams" he adds.

"You know what to do you Lot" naruto shouts and his clones roar in acknowledgement, heading to grab some leaves.

"Now I want to see what you put in your report about what happened with Kagura" kakashi says. Naruto makes for more clones for them to make a barrier around him as he goes SSJ as esdeath and yor's eyes widen, "Is this how the Kyubi manifests" esdeath says.

"Yes.. The Yondaime split the Kyubi into Yin and Yang" kakashi says.

"He looks pretty" yor says. Naruto spreads his legs apart and raises his arms chest level as his teeth grit, his aura flaring out as the grass buffets and wind picks up inside.

"Hao" naruto shouts, as his body doubles in mass pushing on his shirt and the grass is ejected towards he barrier.

"Is this the form you used with Kagura" kakashi says, his Sharingan showing.

"No this is about two to three tails worth.. So I can go towards Four tails" naruto says and flares his aura more. He roars as his golden hair spikes even more and his muscles increase even more as it tears his top open, "This is Fours Tails" naruto says.

"Just by looking.. This form has a Glaring Weakness" esdeath says.

"I agree.. Those bulky muscles will weigh him down" yor says.

"Sacrficing speed for power" kakashi says, pulling his hitai-ate down.

"I didn't need to move to hold off Kagura's Biju Bomb" naruto says, powering down and hs clone bringing the barrier down.

"We'll need to figure out a way to increase the use of more tails but without sacrificing speed" kakashi says.

"You may need to unlock SSJ2 or use Super Kaioken" musashi says.

"I'll need to keep working on it and look through Lady Mito's journal" naruto says.

"We'll see... Now let's find out Yor's affinity and see your progress Naruto" kakashi says. Yor finds out she has a earth affinity and begin her crash course into changing her chakra nature as naruto and esdeath spar. Naruto dodges her icy shards and weaves signs to spew a fireball but esdeath uses icy breath to counter. Naruto comes from the steam with a missile dropkick but esdeath avoids it as he snaps into high kick, however his body seizes as several dozen memories hit him and esdeath sweeps his legs out.

"My win Darling" esdeath says, creating a ice sword to his neck.

"Yes and your Prize" naruto says and esdeath smiles.

"Your Succulent cooking" esdeath says, relenting her ice sword. Naruto kips up and rolls his neck a few times, "Now let's try my new Rasengan... Kakashi!" he says, getting the copy-ninja's attention.

"Progress from your clones" kakashi says and naruto nods. He lowers his stance and holds his hands out but pointing downward as he focuses, slowly forming his Rasengan between his hands as kakashi watches. It swirls as esdeath and kakashi notice blue flames slowly forming with the sound of a crackling fire, "Alright Naruto" he says and forms his own Rasengan, "Collide your Rasengan with mine" he adds. Naruto and kakashi shoot forward with their Rasengan colliding, both pushing to gain the upperhand as they explode back. Kakashi looks at his hand and it's burned to his forearm, "H-he's done it Sensei" he thought.

"Well Naruto.. You have achieved a Fire style Rasengan" kakashi says and naruto grins. Two weeks later naruto is holding a screeching Rasengan in his left hand, "Now a Wind Style Rasengan" he says.

"Congratulations Naruto" yor says.

"Indeed Darling but I think both can go more" esdeath says.

"I agree.. You maybe able to push your Rasengan into S-rank territory" kakashi says.

"Something to work for" naruto says.

"Well.. Let's take a mission" kakashi says. The new team-7 make their way to the mission hall and meet the former sandaime, "Team-7.. Perfect timing.. There is a Escort mission.. Escorting merchants to the Land of Vegetables.. A simple C-rank" hiruzen says.

"Well it is a C-rank.. How about I let three Chunin handle it" kakashi says.

"I think so as well.. The Merchants are heading towards the border.. You can meet them on the way and give them this" hiruzen says, holding up a tied green bag.

"Right Old man" naruto says.


Naruto and his two teammates leap through the trees in search of their merchants to escort with nice scenery around them, "They should be coming along the path ahead" he says.

"Guarding merchants seems mundane" esdeath comments.

"There.. That should be them" naruto says, pointing to a medium size group of a dozen or so people pulling two carts with no horses. Team-7 drop down as they come to a halt and two men from the group rush forward, "Who are you" one says.

"We're from Konoha.. We were hired to escort you to The Land of Vegetables" naruto says holding up his hitai-ate.

"I'm Yor Briar.. This is Esdeath Partas and Naruto Uzumaki" yor says and holds out the green sack, "This would also identify us as well" she adds and a little girl snatches it like a monkey. She scampers up one of the wagons and opens it to reveal three hoari with konoha moving service as a woman scolds the little girl named Momiji.

"Konoha Moving Service" esdeath says, acid in her tone.

"This has the Old man written all over it" naruto says, as everyone from the caravan laugh.

"I'm Kikunojo" one says.

"I'm Yurinojo" the second man says.

"I'm Shun" a third man says.

"We'll be counting on you Movers" momiji says. Naruto and his teammates slip on the haori as the redhead thinks, "Can you tie both wagons together" he says.

"Why" kikunojo asks.

"You'll see" naruto says and slowly did so, before the redhead stretches and prepares to pull both. Momiji rides on top the first wagon as naruto it pulls along the path while the others walk close with yor and esdeath keep themselves on guard.

"You pretty strong Mover.. I like strong people" momiji says.

"You're too young for him" esdeath comments, darkly. The trek falls into silence as momiji sticks her tongue out, while yor asks a few things about the land of vegetables but shun makes some disparaging remarks as momiji's grandmother counters. They soon take a break as momiji sees something and heads up a hill while yor follows her but both see three plumes of smoke rising in the distance, "Naruto" yor says and naruto heads up to them, seeing the smoke plumes.

"Stay here.. I'll check things out.. Keep this a secret for now" naruto says and leaps down rushing towards the forest. He soon comes halt and bites his lip to draw blood, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" he thought, thinking of a stealth specialist. A puff of smoke forms as a dark skin oni having dark blue medium length hair and bangs covering his right eye with a white horn on his forehead, wearing a white and blue outfit.

"Souei.. I need you to scout ahead.. We're heading for the Land Vegetables and I've seen smoke" naruto says.

"Right" souei says and vanishes, as naruto moves on. However has to dodge nearly a dozen shuriken as he lands in a clearing, "You're from Konoha" a disembodied voice says.

"And if I am.. Why attack me" naruto says.

"The one we are searching for is traveling in his direction.. Those who prowl around here Die" the voice says, as several explosive kunai land and explode. Naruto leaps out as numerous kunai pierce his body and crashes to the ground as two shinobi in dark blue outfits appear but they find only a log. Naruto sweeps out one's legs as the other draws a sword with a swing but the redhead ducks under into a knee in the stomach. The other springs to his feet with a thrust of his sword but naruto sidesteps him, ensnaring his sword arm and snapping it.

"Now to head back.. See yourselves home" naruto says and vanishes.

"Seem we have our own Tazuna situation Boya" musashi says.

"Seems so" naruto thought. He soon reaches the others as they move along the path and calls for a break as everyone murmurs but pulls his team aside, "Someone among our group is being followed" naruto says.

"Do we deal with these Shinobi" esdeath says.

"We have elderly and children" yor says.

"We'll take another path for now.. I sent Souei ahead" naruto says and both nod. The caravan takes another path as naruto has a clone place a few traps on the main path but kikunojo slips away from the group. After about a half hour later a series of explosion bring the caravan to a halt, "Seems they are indeed following us" esdeath says.

"Meaning.." yor says, as shun and yurinojo walk up.

"Are those Shinobi following us" shun says and the three say nothing, "Then how about we split into two groups" he adds, explaining his plan of separating into younger people in one and the others in another with two protecting the slower group.

"Alright.. Yor will go with the faster group" naruto says and yor nods, as they slowly separate each.

"I'm going to check out our trap but also where those explosions came from" naruto says and makes some clones, "They'll pull the wagon" he says.

"They won't die Darling" esdeath says and naruto leaps off. He reaches the area near the trap and heads up a small rock formation but finds the ground soggy, also signs of explosions as well as he continues on. He passes through a few bushes to find a body with numerous wounds and naruto recognizes him as kikunojo, "So he was a Shinobi" he says. Naruto heads back to the group and sees a dome of ice with momiji accounting that strange water appeared as esdeath brings it down, "So this group isn't the target" he says and explains that he found kikunojo dead, to the horror of the group.

"Yor's is danger" naruto says.

"Go on ahead.. We'll follow at own pace" esdeath says, as naruto bites his lip again.

"How about some added power" naruto says, slamming his hand down and a puff of smoke erupts. Momiji and others gasp as a young woman with long purple hair in high ponytail, a black horn on her forehead and dressed in tight purple suit appears.

"How can I help Naruto" she says.

"Shion.. I need you to protect these people and assist Esdeath" naruto says.

"No harm will come to them" shion says and naruto leaps off once again. He quickly makes his way to find yor's group as souei runs up next to him, "What did you find" naruto asks.

"Three brothers known as the Janin have killed the Daimyo and took over the country.. They are searching for his daughter Haruna" souei says.

"So for them to attain Full control Haruna must die and since the country is small.. They can do some damage before other countries find out.. Thanks Souei.. Link up with Shion and escort the remains of the caravan" naruto says and souei nods, vanishing. He soon finds the group as yor is trying to convince them to camp for the night, "Naruto" she says.

"What happened" shun says.

"Our group was attacked but they left after not finding their target.. Meaning said target is here or namely you and Yurinojo" naruto says.

"What are you talking about?!" shun says.

"Don't play us for a fool.. I found Kikunojo dead" naruto says, shocking both.

"W-what" shun says.

"He was dressed as a Shinobi and died fighting someone.. So who are you Shun or should I call you Princess Haruna" naruto says, shocking both once again.

"Y-you are correct.. This is Lady Haruna" yurinojo says, as a few murmur.

"Why hide among these merchants" yor asks.

"There was Coup lead.." yurinojo says.

"By the Janin" naruto interrupts.

"Yes.. More than half the officials were bought off by the Janin.. They are Horrible men.. Our Lord had Lady Haruna hide among the merchants to hide but Kikunojo and I were not confident we could protect her.. So we hastily commissioned Konoha" yurinojo says.

"This is very much like Tazuna in Nami but why not tell us" yor says.

"It was not yor concern.. My escape is top secret.. You would've been confused and ended up like Kikunojo" haruna snaps.

"You underestimate my team and I.. And you involved the elderly and children" naruto says.

"So what If I did.. They were to be decoys for my escape" haruna says, before she is yanked forward by yor as she has a very cold and murderous look on her face.

"These are Innocent civilians and you would treat them this way" yor says, coldly.

"Please forgive her" yurinojo says. Naruto grabs yor's arm and she lets go of haruna, "Given Haruna is such a High value figure moves his to an A-rank mission" he says.

"Are you going to Forsake me?!" haruna says.

"No we aren't.. However you will pay the difference owed" naruto says. Nightfall comes as esdeath, shion, souei and the remains of the caravan arrive with them learning shun is haruna. The plan would be for yor, shion and souei to escort the caravan to a village further ahead, while naruto, esdeath, haruna and yurinojo head towards the land vegetables.

"Why are we splitting up.. They still hold personal value for me" haruna says.

"Your distrust of people is laughable.. Darling has agreed to help you.. Don't mistake his good nature for some weakness" esdeath says.

"We'll become a decoy for them" naruto says and soon they setup camp on a high ridge. Naruto pokes the fire with a stick as yurinojo is next to him with haruna sleeping and esdeath guarding her, "They're Arrogance is astounding" naruto thought, as yurinojo talking about kikunojo's flower based ninjutsu.

"Indeed" musashi says, as yurinojo notices something and rises but naruto raises his hand, shaking his head. Naruto sees numerous water orbs as yurinojo uses his flower ninjutsu but it fails as dozens of kunai shoot forward, some even changing trajectory in mid-air as both dodge, while one of the janin Ruiga arrives to find haruna gone.

"To think I would be made a Fool of" ruiga says.

"I will avenge Kikunojo" yurinojo says. Ruiga pulls out a pair of wooden tonfa with a laugh, "Try if you can" he sneers, as yurinojo rushes him but ruiga blocks him easily and sends him off the ridge. Naruto gives chase and so does ruiga but the redhead catches him with falling grapple to his outstretched arm, crashing him to the ground and kipping up to avoid ruiga's sweep. Yurinojo rushes ruiga with a few swings of his sword but the youngest of the janin blocks each and kick him into a flash of signs. However naruto grabs ruiga by his underarms into a tiger suplex, crashing him on his head and ruiga sees stars.

"Bastard" ruiga hisses, staggering to his feet.

"Why are you toying with him Darling" a voice says, before a blade of ice comes out of ruiga's chest.

"I wanted to try to gain some info" naruto says, as esdeath pulls her sword free and ruiga collapses.

"Well there are two more" esdeath says, as haruna approaches.

"What now" haruna says.

"We continue on and deal with the other two Janin" naruto says, creating a clone to carry haruna but she vehemently declines. They move towards the border but naruto senses something and tosses a kunai into the trees, "Keep moving" he shouts and they do so.

"Hahaha.. Good instincts" a voice says, as a overweight man emerges from the trees and naruto sees this is Jiga.

"His skills center around Magnetism.. Meaning weapons are useless" musashi says, as jiga spins his flail. He sends it forward and naruto sidesteps it as it destroys a tree before yanking it back into another spin, "You should feel honored to die at my hand" jiga says. He sends the hooked blade of his flail but naruto parries it away and rushes jiga, who sends the spiked mace at naruto. The redhead catches the spiked mace to jiga's shock but more so when naruto crushes it with ease.

"What?!" jiga says but his eyes bulge as naruto caves in his stomach with a punch. Jiga falls to his knees and vomits, "I-I'll get you.. Jiga Jishaku Ninpō: Mugen Inseki Jishaku" he hisses, magnetizing sand and creating a wide electric current. Jiga struggles to his feet and wipes the vomit from his mouth but his head leaves his shoulders from naruto's violent god slicer.

"I hope the last one proves to be a challenge for you Darling" esdeath says, with yurinojo and haruna.

"Maybe.. Maybe" naruto says and makes a clone, "Seal his head.. Same with the other one and find Kikunojo" he says and looks back, "Now we go on the hunt" he adds. The four head off and make the trek through the night towards the land of vegetable border, reaching it after dawn as they pass through a rocky area.

"We're almost there" yurinojo says, seeing the green lands of their home. Suddenly haruna is struck in the leg and this causes her to fall as yurinojo rushes to her side but is struck in the chest.

"Welcome home Princess.. Too bad you will Never reach the village" a voice says and naruto sees the last janin renga floating above them.

"R-renga" yurinojo says, holding his chest. Renga holds his hands in front of his chest and fires several bursts of his ice disks but naruto slams his hand down to create a wall of earth, "Hoh you can Perceive my Ice Disk Technique" renga says.

"He can do more than that" esdeath says, firing several ice lances and forcing renga to dodge, only for naruto to crack him in the cheek or rather shatter his ice disk barrier.

"Impossible" renga thought, dodging back but his eyes widen as naruto is floating as well. Naruto flies forward into a flying kick as renga brings up another ice disk but again it shatters, "I'll Kill you yet" renga says, weaving signs. A ice disk in the sky focuses the sun's rays into a laser as naruto dodges, forcing esdeath and yurinojo to grab harna as well.

"So long as the sun is here.. I can destroy Everyhing in my path" renga says, destroying the countryside to kill haruna.

"Where is it" naruto thought and dodges a few blasts, "There" he says, firing an energy blast skyward and destroying the lens.

"You Bastard" renga shouts, before a pair of boots slam into his face and sends him crashing into a ridge. He tries to free himself but ice ensnares his limbs as naruto charges with his burning Rasengan, "RasenNova" naruto shouts, slamming the heated orb and renga screams in pain as it burns into his chest. His screams peter out and he falls to the ground with his chest suffering third degree burns, while naruto looks at his hand and his glove charred some.

"You'll need to be careful" musashi says. Naruto slowly lands as haruna is looking over renga's body, "Is it over" she says.

"We'll need to deal with their remaining forces" esdeath comments, checking naruto's hand and using some cold chakra to cool it. Naruto's clone arrives with kikunojo's remains and naruto makes another of inform yor about things.

"Seem we weren't needed after all" a voice says and the group see kakashi but also team-5.

"How's it going Chibi" anko crows.

"Lord Hokage learned of the coup and sent our team.. However the Daimyo.." kaguya says.

"I-I see.. Father" haruna whispers, tears running down her face and yurinojo consoles his charge. After they meet yor the two teams, haruna and yurinojo make their way towards haruna's village, even dealing with the janin's loyal forces and finding the corrupt officials dead at the daimyo's residence but haruna's father as well. A few days later a grave is made for kikunojo and her father as people were informed his passing, even learning haruna's ascension. Haruna attempted to make naruto her advisor for dealing with the janin but the look of five girls diswayed her, so she settles on some aid from konoha in the form of an alliance.


A month would pass since the mission to the lands of vegetables and naruto finds him on a strange mission with tenten and neji to investigate a ghost warrior in the Land of Birds. Before gaining gamer mind he would've freaked out at the mention of ghost but now he is fine with ghosts.

"So why are we three going" naruto asks, as they were walking on the road with a young man named Chishima.

"Lord Godaime wished to test different team formation.. Allowing us to work with other teams.. And you are a Chunin" tenten says.

"Why not chose Iwa or Suna.. Seeing as your country is near both" naruto says.

"Konoha has a prestigious pedigree and highly skilled Shinobi" chishima says. The journey to the land of birds takes several days, even forcing them to shell out money for food as chishima is a bit of a glutton despite his thin physique.

"What do you know about this Cursed Warrior" tenten asks, as they were around a fire one day.

"Some say it is the disembodied spirit of Lord Owashi" chishima says.

"Rather than ghosts.. Tell us about the Land of Birds" neji says.

"Alright.. The Capital of the Land of Birds stretches across the banks of the lake.. Where migratory birds rest.. The lands are peaceful with a lot of greenery and where the waters from the lake are drawn into the canals" chishima says and pauses for a moment, "However after the sudden death of Lord Owashi there was an uproar.. Lord Sagi and Lord Komei.. A tactician for Lord Owashi were nominated to replace Lord Owashi but Lord Komei believed Lord Sagi was too young and opposed the nomination" he adds and pauses again, to eat more rice.

"Lord Sagi in the end was chosen and the matter closed with Lord Moso the High Priest providing tutelage as a Superintendent Official... However not even half a year.. Lady Toki and Lord Sagi's twin sister suddenly died and the once cheerful Lord Sagi became coldhearted and conducted government business from his manor... It was around this time the Cursed Warrior began to appear around the Castle Town and it was then some believed Lord Owashi was killed by someone and his soul is searching for his killer" chishima explains.

"That seems a little scary" tenten says.

"There are no ghosts.. However this Lord Moso gained most from the Daimyo's death" neji says and chishima defends him.

"If that is the case.. That leaves Komei" tenten says.

"True" naruto says and chishima brings up komei's faults, "We'll see once we arrive" naruto adds. After nine days of travel the group arrives at night and head for moso's home but at the same time the cursed warrior appears at komei's home and said commotion alerts the team.

"Is That?!" tenten says, as they see the cursed warrior flying in the sky.

"Clad in white armor and carrying a halberd with a demonic mask" chishima says.

"We'll go after them" neji says and they vanish, leaving naruto and chishima. However along the way to moso's home the pair return, explaining their encounter with the cursed warrior and it was empty once they defeated it. They soon reach moso's modest home and rest for the night to meet moso in the morning. Chishima extols the virtues of moso as three await him as naruto looks around, before long he arrives with a hearty chuckle.

"So That is the game" naruto thought, using observe while bowing his head. Chishima introduces them as moso gives some lip service about the cursed warrior and begging for help. The three head into town and split up to chase rumors about the ghost, as naruto gets the short end of the stick by having chishima.

"Any ideas on who would be dissatisfied by the new Daimyo" naruto says, as he and chishima were in a yakitori stall with the latter immediately bringing up komei.

"If that is the case.. Why did the Cursed Warrior appear at his home" naruto says, after eating a spicy chicken wing.

"Perhaps to divert attention" chishima says.

"Anyway.. We should speak to Lord Sagi" naruto says.

"We can't" chishima says.

"Aren't you childhood friends.. Won't he meet you" naruto says. Chishima leads naruto to a special lake frequented by lord sagi, meeting neji and tenten along the way, and chishima explains his childhood with sagi.

"He often played with Lady Toki here" chishima says. Soon sagi arrives in a palanquin carried by oxen with a few guards and tenten thinks he's handsome but naruto sees another piece of the puzzle. Neji senses KI and uses his Byaukgan to see assassins coming from underwater, "Look out!" he shouts, as shuriken come from the water but he parries two with his kunai as one strikes the palanquin.

"Protect Lord Sagi" one guard shouts, as three masked shinobi come from the water with swords. Naruto and company make short work of them and they flee into the water before a bomb explodes while chishima calms the oxen but also check on sagi. However the young lord admonishes chishima for bringing foreign ninja and chishima defends it but sagi doesn't care, before leaving and chishima frowns.

"We are in two completely different worlds" chishima says. Tenten picks up one shuriken and it is a odd shape to her but chishima's eyes widen, "There are no Ninja here but some are receiving special training" he says.

"Who uses them" neji asks.

"Lord Komei" chishima says.

"More evidence against Komei" naruto says. They head back to town and begin surveillance on komei and follow him once the leaves with no attendants, following him to nightfall as he leads them the abandoned temple where neji and tenten faced the cursed warrior. It arrives but this time with a sword as komei reveals his face but the warrior senses the team's presence and attacks, allowing komei to escape. Tenten fires numerous weapons at it as naruto uses his chains but the warrior creates a whirlwind, forcing naruto to go underground and grabs its ankles to allow neji to use his 64-palm. The warrior crashes into a tree but before they could see who it may be, a dark purple gas spews out followed by green liquid. However this is more evidence pointing to komei as the guards are sent to arrest him and he goes without a fight.

"Something seems odd.. The warrior tonight had a human inside" neji says.

"Meaning" tenten says.

"There are two warriors" naruto says. The next day moso praises them for solving the case as komei confessed to everything, before relieving them of their mission and wishing them a safe journey as he leaves.

"This is suspicious" tenten says.

"I agree.. Everything is too neat.. Neji.. Tenten I'll look into the Cursed Warrior some more while you two look at things from a different angle" naruto says.

"Our mission is over" neji says.

"Just trust me.. I'm sure Kaguya has told you my intuition is never off" naruto says, leaving as chishima passes him.

"Not like you can say you know the truth because of Observe" musashi says. Naruto speaks to a few guards, checks the lake and heads back to the abandoned area but finds a black kite in tree after looking around. He then goes for the temple but it is empty as he looks around and a draft of wind catches his notice, "Here we are" naruto says, finding a trapdoor. Naruto heads down and follows the tunnel for awhile but to only come up inside daimyo's residence as he hears splashing, before erasing his presence and sees sagi bathing or rather toki bathing.

"Time to head back" naruto thought, heading back through the tunnel.

"So.. Toki is the Cursed Warrior" musashi says.

"Seems so but the question is why" naruto thought, soon reaching the temple and makes his way outside. He suddenly dodges several shuriken and lands on the roof, "Finally revealed yourself" naruto says, as two men named Nagare and Hokushin appear.

"You Konoha Ninja are nosey" hokushin says.

"Maybe.. Maybe" naruto says and jumping a little to vanish, appearing in front nagare with an uppercut. Naruto chains that into a back elbow and roundhouse before hokushin moves to send nagare into a tree, knocking him out in the process. Hokushin draws a sword and swings towards naruto dodges several times, "You brat" hokushin hisses, sending his sword forward. Naruto sidesteps hokushin and captures his sword arm between his chest and right arm, before twisting enough to snap hokushin's sword. Naruto sends hokushin into a tree with a spin into a flying kick and a sixteen-piece combo to hokushin's body, "Now a little Genjutsu" naruto says and grins.


Komei stares at moso as the man orders him to commit seppuku in front the crowd and lord sagi for his horrid crimes. He looks down at the short sword before him and the executioner standing next to him with three guards.

"Hold on" a voice shouts and moso's eyes widen as naruto appears with hokushin and nagare on his shoulders.

"What is this?!" sagi declares.

"Lord Sagi.. I have more evidence to condemn the vile criminal" naruto says, dropping both men and they stir awake. Both get to their knees as naruto glares at them and they begin spilling their guts about their leader moso or hoki infiltrating the village and becoming close to the previous daimyo, soon poisoning him and lady toki to gain the land for himself and his watari ninja. Moso looks like a cat who has a swallowed a canary, "They are right" a injured chishima said being held up by tenten.

"Lord Owashi has poison still embedded in his body from Moso's doing" neji says.

"They are Lying Lord Sagi!" moso says.

"Enough Moso.. You will surrender until I can ascerain the truth" sagi says and moso grits his teeth but weaves signs to tiger and spews a jet of flames. Naruto grabs komei and dodges as the flames catch nagare and hokshin on fire while sagi points to moso, "Arrest him!" sagi shouts. Moso leaps away as naruto gives chase after him, "Curse you Konoha boy" moso says and turns, firing several smaller fireballs. Naruto flings two kunai enhanced by wind to shred moso's robes but he tosses them to reveal his true self of hoki.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu" hoki declares, making a water dragon from the canal's water.

"Fūton: Kami Oroshi" naruto declares, inhaling and unleashing a vortex of wind to destroy the water dragon. Hoki lands on a path rushes naruto with six-piece combo but the redhead block and connects with a headbutt, before closing in and sending a grazing punch under hoki's chin.

"What was that Boy" hoki says, swinging a punch but the ground is rapidly approaching. Naruto watches hoki try to stand once again but collapses once more, "Even a grazing blow can do damage" naruto says, before knocking him out with a stomp. He seals hoki's chakra then ties him up and brings him back to toki, seeing toki has revealed her to her people.

"Two hidden Princesses in a row" musashi says and naruto chuckles.


Naruto and company see the gates of konoha coming into view after returning from the land of birds in seven says compared to nine. Toki had hoki and his watari jailed for their crimes with naruto adding seals to dampen their chakra. She even sent a proposal for an alliance between their countries, "Is that your team" tenten says and naruto sees the remains of team-7 checking in.

"Your Ice Princess looks off" musashi says and naruto sees esdeath is indeed off as they near.

"Back from your mission" kakashi says.

"Yeah" naruto says, as esdeath hugs him tightly.

"Something happened" naruto adds.

"Best she explain it to you Naruto" kakashi says. Naruto makes a clone to hand in his report as he lifts esdeath like a bride and vanishes with yor following. The three arrive home and esdeath goes to take a shower as naruto heads for the living room with yor, "What happened" he says.

"Our mission was to the Katabami Mines in the Land of Rivers.. We were saving a young man named Karashi" yor says.

"Seems simple enough" naruto says and yor frowns.

"However it wasn't" yor says and rubs her arm, "The Mines were taken over by a Missing-nin" she adds and naruto's eyes narrow.

"It was Him" esdeath says, coming into the living room in shorts and a sweater. She crawls on the sofa and lays her head in naruto's lap as the redhead begins to stroke her long sky-blue hair while yor leaves them alone, "Our client was a woman name Sansho.. She owns a Curry shop.. I believe she can break your cast iron stomach" esdeath says and stops for a moment.

"She told us her grandson Karashi joined a gang that took over the mine.. Killed the in her words cruel Magistrate.. The people saw this as a welcomed change... However it all changed when their 'Hero' began burying people Alive.. Fools" esdeath says, liking naruto's fingers in her hair.

"So their Hero was actually a Villian.. So how does Raiga fit into this or is He their noble hero" naruto says.

"When she said His name.. I nearly exploded in anger.. Kakashi had to stop me from leaking KI as the room was getting colder... After learning the details from the old woman.. We began to plan on scouting the mine.. However we got to see first-hand what He does" esdeath says and grits her teeth but naruto's touch calms her down.

"We discovered that not only were the villagers being traumatized by Him and his gang.. They refused to be rescued.. Disgusting people... We encountered a few of his minions after Kakashi and Yor saved a boy who was buried.. They were Fodder and even that fool Karashi was a member" esdeath says.

"So he joins a group who is terrorizing his village.. I guess the mystic of them dealing with the magistrate blinded him" naruto says.

"Regardless... We faced Him and he dared to mock me concerning Sensei" esdeath says and turns to face his stomach, "He used Every petty trick to stave off my rage.. Even using some child having an unknown Dojutsu.. However Yor was able to separate the boy from him.. After that He fell to Kakashi's Raikiri and I froze him into Tiny ice shards.. Not before mocking him as he did me" she adds.

"And with it your Sensei is avenged" naruto says and esdeath sits up into his lap.

"Yes but it doesn't satiate my anger.. I wished Killing him would bring her back" esdeath says. Naruto wraps his right arm around her body and rests his forehead on hers as her cheeks get a little red, "She would want you to live your life to its fullest.. So do that.. Become a powerful Kunoichi and show her by living" he says. Esdeath reaches her right hand to touch naruto's cheek and look into his blue eyes, "I will try" she whispers, before softly kissing his inviting lips.

[Music: Omen - Jojo Bizarre Adventures]

A week has passed since esdeath avenged her sensei naruto is out doing his 5km run but he slowly comes to halt as the area near a river running through the village. The sounds of birds were gone and no one is around when there is usually a few enjoying the scenery. Naruto freezes as two people were suddenly in front of him about ten feet away with the hair rising on the back of his neck as both were black cloaks having red clouds but also straw conical hats.

"Hello Naruto" one says, revealing themselves as female. She removes her hat to reveal long brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is straight on one side but on the other side it is in a braid, sporting a clip with two circular designs.

"What do you want" naruto says.

"We want you Jinchuriki" the second says and removes his hat, "However not today.. I wish to see how Strong you are.. Seeing as you killed the Sanbi" he adds. He has tanned bronze skin with short, white hair that fluffs out around his head and inward-tilting green eyes. Naruto uses observe on both and their names are Yakumo Kurama and Aki, the former a konoha jonin who possesses a Kekkei Genkai for Genjutsu named Mania. However aki puts naruto on edge as level is 128 and most of his stats were 1000 and above, "S-str 1800.. That's more than Unchained" naruto thought, as aki removes his cloak. He is very muscular with numerous tribal and criminal tattoos with half his face marked by large Inverted eastern cross. He wears a fitted low-cut vest and baggy white hakama pants but no shoes instead a chain of large round black pearls around his ankles.

"Do well to Entertain me" aki says and naruto immediately goes SSJ, tossing off his running jacket. Aki smiles wide as he shifts his stance by bending his knees into a half-crouch position, extending his right arm with a half-clenched fist facing his body and bending his left arm with an open palm.

"We don't have long.. My Barrier will be noticed soon" yakumo says but sees her partner is ignores her, "He's in his Feelings" she says, sighing.

"Boya.. This is a Fight you cannot win" musashi says. A bead of sweat runs down naruto's face as he looks at aki's face, "I know Musashi but they want me and that's exactly who they'll get" he says and flares his SSJ aura, creating a small dustup.

[Music Change: Yujiro Hanma Theme - OST (Loop)]

"You know Naruto.. I loathe the weak.. The sight of them makes my skin crawl.. So much I killed my entire village in the far North and fled South.. Joining Akatsuki... It's why Yakumo was chosen as my Partner.. Her Genjutsu keeps me calm among all the insects" aki says, vanishing. Naruto barely moves his head to avoid aki's left straight as the punch digs a rut behind him and nearly blows his eardrum.

"I like the Strong" aki says, as naruto swings a right hook but aki avoids him.

"You're at the Precipice of Strength" aki adds, as naruto goes a ten-piece combo but he avoids each with a smile and clenches his left fist. Naruto's eyes bulge as aki connects with a body-blow and the redhead doubles over, not avoiding the kick that sends him crashing through a park bench.

"He's broken a few ribs.. I'll try to heal you but he will give you no rest Boya" musashi says. Naruto struggles to his feet as spits out a glob of blood and spittle as aki rushes towards him, "Hyakuretsuken" naruto says, firing off one hundred punches. Aki howls with laughter as he meets naruto with counter punches, "Amazing Naruto" aki praises.

"Iron Annihilation" naruto roars, connecting with a punch to aki's face and sending him flying in the railing by the river. Naruto falls to his knees and vomits more blood as his arms with stinging in pain and ugly bruises forming. He narrowly avoids aki's unseen punches as they destroy trees and ground, "He punching the air and the force fires like a spear" naruto thought. He rockets towards aki into a furious clash of fists and kicks as naruto's body screams in pain, "Thunder Wave" naruto shouts, as aki avoids him and punches the ground to create a wave of energy.

"Amazing" aki says, avoiding it and yakumo does the same lest she be dragged into this. Naruto's breaths were heavy and labored as his body is on brink of failing while aki is smiling, "Show me more Naruto" aki says, leaping skyward. Greenish energy forms in naruto's left hand, "Final Shine" he roars, firing upwards at aki. The blast engulfs aki but he comes through the blast with a euphoric look on his face, "Naruto.. I Love You.. Even with a broken body.. You continue to Fight" he says, as naruto barely avoids aki's downward punch as it shatters the ground.

"Hakai no Yari" aki says. Naruto jerks as aki's right hand is sticking out his back like a spear, "W-wha.." naruto says, before vomiting a large amount of blood.

"Don't worry Naruto.. I avoided your Vital Organs.. Get stronger Naruto.. Our next Dance will be Amazing" aki says, pulling his hand free and blood pours from the wound. Naruto returns to normal and crashes to the ground as aki turns on his heels.

"We need to go.. The Hokage and Anbu have noticed" yakumo says, giving aki his cloak.

"This was fun.. Perhaps this will motivate Pein to face me" aki says but feels something and looks back, his eyes widening slightly. Naruto is on his feet with his right arm dangling and his left clench for a punch as aki smiles, "Amazing... If you can hear me Naruto.. Head to the Northern Continent and seek out my former Master Katsumi Kaioh" aki says, as he and yakumo vanish. Itachi and a dozen of Anbu would find a severely injured but unconsciously standing naruto.

System Error! System Error! System Error!

Potential Harem Member Fu Shiraishi has Died! Compensation will be given and Potential Harem member will be chosen at random.