
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter no.65

Read ( +30 ) advance chapters on Patr.eon.



Many of the genin were relieved that they wouldn't be fighting first while others could only sigh in disappointment at not getting their match over with quickly. Many of the rookie 13 sighed in relief at the fact that they wouldn't have to fight Satsuki, she was one of the top kunoichi in their graduating class after all.

"Will Uchiha Satsuki and Abumi Zaku please step forward. Everyone but the contestants must move to the balconies on either side of the arena to watch." Genma stated.

Uchiha Satsuki vs. Abumi Zaku

Satsuki stared at her opponent, determination burning in her eyes. She knew he was from Otogakure and was therefore working for Orochimaru. She would give no mercy to this boy, she would make sure to take care of him. She had gotten the rest she needed over the past few days and was ready to fight.

"Begin!" The proctor yelled before jumping back.

Satsuki also jumped back and quickly pulled out six shuriken. She threw them at Zaku with deadly accuracy, intent on finishing him off quickly. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu)!" The six shuriken multiplied into twenty after she had thrown them, only a few yards from turning Zaku into a pincushion.

The Oto-nin only smirked before going through a few hand seals and thrusting his palms forward."Zankuha (Decapitating Airwaves)!" Zaku released a highly pressurized blast of air from the tubes implanted in his palms to deflect all of the shiriken thrown at him.

Satsuki activated her sharingan and rushed Zaku. It became painfully obvious that the man was not very advanced in taijutsu as he was quickly overwhelmed by Satsuki. As long as she didn't give him any time to form hand seals then he wouldn't be able to use another one of those pressurized air waves.

She had opted to use the Goken style, as it was clear this bot would not be taking the lead in taijutsu so the Interceptor Fist could not be best utilized here. She was by no means a master in the Interceptor Fist like Naruto and Obito did, but she was highly skilled in the Goken. She quickly approached and sent a roundhouse kick towards Zaku's side. The Oto-nin brought his arm to his side to block, but wasn't strong enough to stop the kick completely.

He was sent flying back a dozen feet, but eventually caught himself. He started forming hand seals, but Satsuki disappeared from sight and reappeared right in front of him. She sent a right hook into his chest and grabbed his shirt before he could be sent staggering back. She kneed him in the stomach and kicked him in the chest sending him into the wall, cracking it slightly.

Zaku cursed himself for not being able to counter this girl and letting her take control of the match so early after starting. He looked around to locate the young Uchiha, but couldn't find her. Satsuki Shunshined right in front of him with two kunais drawn and drove them through the openings in his palms, pinning him to the wall in a crucifix-like manner and rendering his air tubes unusable.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!" Zaku screamed in pain as he felt his palms being impaled. He tried to free himself from the wall, but just didn't have the strength. He was also hesitant to harm himself any further by forcefully ripping the kunai out.

Satsuki jumped back several feet while performing hand seals. She finally landed on the tiger seal and inhaled a deep breath. "Katon: Goukyaky no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu)!" She exhaled a large fireball which rushed Zaku and slammed into the wall he was pinned to. The crowd could hear Zaku's screams until the fire died out, revealing an unconscious Zaku covered in third degree burns with the kunai melted into his skin.

Most of the genin in the room cringed at the sight of Zaku and lost their lunches at the smell of burning flesh. Team 11 was completely fine, having gotten used to the sight of bodies with their skin burnt off and the smell of burnt flesh.

Genma moved to the middle of the floor before announcing the winner, "Winner, Uchiha Satsuki."

The medics quickly made their way onto the scene to bring Zaku to the infirmary. Satsuki smirked victoriously and walked up the stairs to where her team was standing. All of them congratulated her and Naruto even rubbed her hair affectionately before looking at the screen to see who the next match would be.

Rest of the Rookie 13

All of the rookie genin, other than Team 11, from Satsuki's academy class couldn't believe how ruthless she was. None of them had ever come close to taking a life before, and yet she alomst did so without a hint of emotion on her face.

"Asuma-sensei...how could she do something like that...she almost killed that genin...I mean isn't killing wrong? Wasn't she worried about what would happen to him?" Ino asked appalled at what Satsuki did.

Asuma only sighed. He really wished he had gotten the idea of a shinobi's life into his gennin's heads a little earlier. In fact it was foolish of him to let them participate in the chunin exams without doing so.

"Ino...there will come a time in your life where you will have to take someone's life as well. It is our duty as shinobi. Did you always just expect to defeat your opponents and then walk away? Sorry to burst your bubble but the world doesn't work like that...from what I can tell I think that all of your classmates from Team 11 have already had their first kill...and you will too after these exams are over."

The three genin of Team 10 were shocked at what their sensei had told them. Shikamaru knew that they would have to do things like this, but hearing their sensei tell them was a whole other story. Choji dropped the bag of chips he was eating, shocked. Ino was disgusted at the thought of heving to take a life and didn't hesitate to voice their opinion.