
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter no.3

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Naruto walked down the stairs and saw that his family had finished their training and were getting ready for lunch in the kitchen. He sighed, hoping they wouldn't ask where he was going.

He walked through the kitchen with them ignoring his very presence. His brother and sisters were dead tired, their form completely slumped over the kitchen table. His mother was the only other one in the room. She was facing the counter, preparing some sandwiches for his siblings after their long day of training. He took this as the perfect opportunity to take his leave.

He rushed to the front door, "Mom, I'm going over to Hana's!" and with that he left.

Kushina looked up surprised, "What? Who was that? I could've sworn I heard someone's voice just now." She looked over confused to see three of her children resting their tired forms on the kitchen table. "I feel like I'm forgetting something...or maybe someone" she decided to dismiss that thought for now and went back to preparing lunch.


Naruto stood in a secluded clearing not too far away from the Uchiha Compound. He liked this place because it was quite the distance away from the other compounds, the park, and the heart of the village. Really it was quite aways away from everything, so it was unlikely that anyone from his family would catch him training, let alone anyone in general. This was one of his more favored areas to train in.

'From what I saw Kaa-san used her chakra to walk up a tree. This is probably the tree walking exercise I read about in Tou-san's study. From what I could gather, I need to figure out the necessary amount of chakra required. Too much chakra and I'll be blown off, too little chakra and I won't stick to the tree's surface.'

He looked at the tree, determination shining in his eyes, and drew a kunai out of his weapons pouch to mark his progress. He began gathering chakra at his feet and sprinted towards the tree.

A teenager, of about eighteen years of age, had been sitting high in a tree above the clearing watching our young blonde making astounding progress with tree walking. He had untamed, wild, and somewhat curly black hair. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt that was common among Konoha shinobi attire and a dark green jounin's vest. His hitai-ate was tied around his forehead spiking up his hair even more.

He had been walking back to the Uchiha Compound from another successful mission and decided to make a detour when he heard the sound of footsteps, a kunai slashing through something, and panting. He decided to satisfy his curiosity and Shunshined into a tree in the clearing once he saw the boy.

From what he could see the boy had only just started tree walking today and was almost halfway up the tree. The panting boy seemed familiar for some reason so he decided to watch for a while.

That is exactly when the boy ran past his other marks and made it halfway up. That is when he saw the boy slip, 'Wait. Blonde hair and with that haircut. Isn't that the yondaime's son! I have to hurry.'

Little did he know the boy didn't slip nor was he out of chakra. As soon as he started to move he sensed a barrage of shuriken coming his way and had to Shunshin to the other side of the clearing.

The boy reached the ground and pulled out a kunai from his weapons pouch, "Who are you and what are you here for?" because of the distance his family put between them and Naruto and his lack of interaction with children his age, he had become somewhat aloof and cynical.

'This isn't what I expected. He actually reminds me a bit of Itachi' the teenager thought.

"I didn't expect you to be able to sense me. How'd you do that anyway?" he asked genuinely curious.

Naruto thought about what guy could possibly want. He noticed that he was a shinobi so one thought crossed through his mind, 'Shit! Did Tou-san send him here to find me? Does he know about my training?

He figured that he should just play along for now, "I suppose I'm somewhat of a sensor. I was able to sense you the moment you arrived in this clearing. I answered your question, now it's your turn to answer mine" Naruto replied in a cold yet demanding tone.

'Yep definitely reminds me of Itachi' teenager mused to himself as he activated his sharingan and smirked, "You're Naruto right? The name's Shisui kid, Uchiha Shisui. I was on the way back to the Uchiha Compound when I saw you training. Why are you out here anyway, shouldn't kids your age be at the academy?"

Shisui noticed that his emotionless look turned into a scowl, "I'm not enrolled in the academy and I won't be given a chance to for three more years."

The raven haired teenager's curious was immediately replaced with one of confusion after he had processed the information and tried to come to a conclusion based on that statement, "...Why is that? most children from clans join the shinobi academy after they turn nine years old. That is unless they are specifically being groomed and trained for the duty of the clan heir."

Naruto let out a dry chuckle that sent a shiver down Shisui's spine for some unknown reason, "I assure you that isn't the case. In fact the title of clan heir will most likely be given to one of my siblings once they turn my age...and that is also the reason I'm not in the academy yet."

"..." after a moment of silence Shisui was about to speak before Naruto raised his hand up.

"You know of the circumstances dealing with the sealing correct?" Shisui nodded, "Demonic chakra can take years to fully assimilate itself into a jinchuriki's body, that's why they tend to be a few years older than they look. That is also the case with my siblings. While we may only be born a few minutes apart, in reality they are close to three years younger than me. For some reason my parents decided to keep us together, so I can't attend the academy until I turn twelve."