
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter no.35

Read ( +30 ) advance chapters on Patr.eon.



With that done Naruto walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

Once he did though, he was met with a stuttering Satsuki and a blushing Mikoto, both of whom were staring at him with wide eyes.

Satsuki was wearing a different outfit than usual. She wore a high-collared zip-up white shirt that was unzipped a little to show some skin, she also had on black skin tight shorts that went down to her thighs and black tights. She opted for a pair of black shinobi sandals instead of combat boots like Naruto.

Satsuki chose to break the silence first, "U-um N-Naruto-nii I thought yo were going to get dressed?"

"I am dressed" he replied bluntly.

"It is quite the outfit fufu" Mikoto was soon silenced at Satsuki's glare. She was still jealous at the two of them for what they were doing everywhere.

After a quiet and uneventful breakfast they both headed off to the academy to receive their team placements.

Academy - 9:00 AM

Naruto and Satsuki had just walked into the academy classroom and immediately all eyes were on them. This was usually the case though, nobody could ever figure out why the two of them came to the academy together every morning. Most of the guys were jealous that someone as beautiful as Satsuki would be with Naruto. Normally they would be staring as Satsuki's choice of, usually skin tight, clothing and how beautiful she was, however this was not the case today.

All of the students had noticed that Naruto had chosen not to wear a shirt or his eyepatch today. Most of the girls were staring on with blushes on their face, especially Natsuki and Narumi. The guys were staring in jealousy at his build. Naruto was tall, tan, and very muscular. If fact he barely had any body fat on him.

However everybody was drawn to the scars and tattoos that marred his body. They were just things that people his age did not have.

Naruto ignored all of the stares and took Satsuki's hand to lead them to their usual seat in middle of the room next to Hana.

Naruto waved lazily, "Yo. Morning Hana,"

Not even Hana was immune to his body as she blushed, "G-good morning Naruto. That's an...interesting choice of dress."

Naruto chuckled lightly, "So I've heard."

Satsuki only glared at him for remembering how her mother reacted.

It was then that Iruka walked in covered in bandages, "Okay everyone settle down so we can begin!"

Everybody went silent at that, but Sakura decided to ask a question, "Um Iruka-sensei where's Mizuki-sensei?

Iruka slightly flinched at that, something that nobody but Naruto noticed, "U-um Mizuki-sensei had a bit of an accident yesterday night while training, so he won't be joining us today."

'Hmm. I overheard Minato talking to Kushina about how there might be a traitor in the ranks of the academy and how he was worried if their children would be alright. I guess that answers that question.'

Iruka cleared his throat as a sign of him starting one of his long winded speeches, "Now everyone this will be my final speech to you all. This may or may not be the last time that you see me, but I just wanted to say this. I am proud to have had you as my students. From today onward you are shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato. Everything that you do as a shinobi will reflect upon Konoha so I want you to wear your hitai-ates with pride and make your village proud. Shinobi are born, raised, grow old, die, and fight to protect their village. We may not share ties of blood, but everyone in the village are all part of the same family. I want you to make your village, your family proud.

Many of the students were shocked, having no idea that Iruka could speak like that, they were so used to his boring academy speeches.

Naruto couldn't really care less about anything that Iruka said. It was a speech that was rehearsed to make newly made shinobi buy into the ideals of the village. Naruto lived by his own ideals, no one else's. He wouldn't be so easily influenced my mere words when he had already decided how ho would live his life.

He then began the team placements. Naruto noted that Teams 1-6 had nobody of real importance on them, however he started to pay attention after the first person on Team 7 was announced.

"Team 7 will be Uzumaki-Namikaze Nawaki, Haruno Sakura-"

"Ha! True love conquers all Ino-pig!" yelled Sakura.

"Ahem! As I was saying, Team 7 is Uzumaki-Namikaze Nawaki, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki-Namikaze Narumi, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki. Your Jounin-Senseis will be Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina."

Natsuki and Narumi looked visibly depressed at not being on a team with their Nii-san.

Others were wondering why there were four people on the team and why they had two senseis.

Naruto remembered something however, 'Ah. Tsunade did say that she was interested in Sakura because of her high level of chakre control and that she wanted to take her on as a partial apprentice, but she didn't have the time to take her on fully because of her duties on the hospital, so the girl would need to have a team as well. Kushina-sama just wanted to train her children and Kakashi wanted to train his Sensei's son so it all worked out like that.'

"Team 8 is Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino. Your Jounin-Sensei will be Yuhi Kurenai."

"Team 9 is still in circulation from the previous year, Team 10 will be Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, and Yamanaka Ino. Your Sensei will be Sarutobi Asuma."

Ino decided to voice her opinion to the class, "No! Anybody but those two!"

Iruka just ignored her outburst, "The final team, Team 11 will be Uchiha Satsuki, Inuzuka Hana, and...Portgas...D...Naruto?...Your Jounin-Sensei will be Uchiha Obito."