
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Still Alive?

I suddenly woke up as I a jolt of electricity shot through me.

'What the-? How am I still alive?'

I looked around but there was a wall right in front of me. Not knowing how strong it was, I launched electricity towards it from my palms.


Maybe that was too much as I clearly heard the sound of wood breaking and clattering on the ground.

'Looks like it was just a door. Now where am I?'

I thought as I stepped out of whatever place I was in before. And the sight of the person who was standing in front of me completely shocked me.


The person in front of me was clearly Shisui Uchiha but....he was a lot more older than I remember.

"I thought a lot about how to deal with you Shisui Uchiha and this is the answer that I came up with." A person was standing right behind me

"I decided your opponent to be the scourge of the hidden leaf and the most wanted criminal of the shinobi world, Shirou...Hatake!!" The mad man behind me started laughing menacingly.

Shisui on the otherhand had a frown on his face after looking at me. Well...I do deserve it I guess.

"Oii" I called out to the person behind me

"Are you the one who reanimated me?"

"Yes. I am Kabuto Yakushi. It has been a while hasn't it Shirou-san. Though...you seem a lot more....different than when you were alive. For instance you are much more talkative than before."

'Thats because I was a puppet dumbass!'

"Talking through another reanimated corpse. I see that you are still as much of a coward as before." I said

"What?!" he said in an angry tone.

"I am just saying....if it was Orochimaru then he would have came out to the front lines himself. You on the other hand are just a fake."

"You!! What do you know--"

I tuned out everything that he was saying as I had more important things to check for. I closed my eyes and travelled to my subconscious plane.

'System!!' I called out.

As it's rule, the system should have long since been gone as I wasn't really 18 anymore. But I was never in control of my consciousness or my body at all. Not to mention that over the years when I had been under Black Zetsu's control, the system hadn't shown up once. Meaning that there was still a slight chance of it to still be there.

[..Host recognised....Shirou Hatake Welcome Back.]

'Oh thank god'

'Can I still use the gacha function?'

[The system used that function to get the rewards for you while you were under control of someone else. You just need to collect those rewards. The system will go away as soon as you are done collecting all of them unless one of them is a template or a skill that requires the system's assistance.]

[In that case only the stat window will remain with you.]

'I see. collect the rewards.'

[Collecting rewards....A total of 20 rewards collected.]

[1) Old Flower Vase]

'What a I supposed to do with that?'

[2) Rasengan]

'I can easily make one with my chakra control'

[3) Tsunade Senju's underwear]





And so I have received 20 rewards out of which only 5 are useful.

1) Rasengan [Uncommon Rank]

It does come under the category of useful so there it is

2) Blackflash [Rare Rank]

It still only depends on my concentration but the chances of landing a blackflash are much higher than that of in JJK universe.

3) Hado #63: Raikoho [Uncommon Rank]

It is just another lightning justu I can use though I don't think I will. Now time for the good ones.

4) The Fourth Wall [Legendary Rank]

I was absolutely baffled when I saw this. If I remember correctly this is from The Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. An absolutely overpowered skill that could block off almost all mental attacks. I wonder if it can also block the Infinite Tsukuyomi though.

5) Bullet Time [Legendary Rank]

This particular ability allowed me to slow down time for myself for 3 minutes. Not an overpowered skill like the Fourth Wall but still easy to use.

[Since the host has now reviewed all his rewards, the system will disappear now.]

'Bye' I said to the system and came out of my subconscious plane.

Since in your own subconscious plane, time moves slowly compared to the real world, it only seemed like I had closed my eyes for a few seconds.


And damn, this bitch was still going on and on about Orochimaru.

"Shirou if that's really you, then I want you to answer a few of my questions." Shisui's voice entered my ears.

He looked even more dependable than he did when we were young. He looked a lot more taller and mature as well.

"It has been a while Shisui. How have you been?"

"Do You think you can just ignore me!! I'll show-"

I blasted him off with a huge burst of electricity from the palm of my hands while he was in the middle of his speech.

"What are you guys waiting for? Seal him. Isn't that your entire job right now." I said to the ninjas behind Shisui who were shaking in fear ever since they laid their eyes on me.

"Don't be so afraid if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already."

"Does that mean you don't want to fight us?" Shisui asked

"No I don't"


This statement left almost all if them in confusion.

'Ugh these situations are so exhausting when you have to convince someone that you are not the bad guy.'

"Listen to me. I will only do this one more time and if you don't seal him this time then I will let him wreak as much havoc as I want."

I said as I blasted the recovered reanimated shinobi again.

"Do as he says" Shisui ordered and the rest of them followed though still a bit reluctantly as they didn't wanted to get anywhere near me.

"It really has been a long time. How have you been?" I asked

"Are you really Shirou? Or...is the person controlling you still there?"


"You knew? That....I was being controlled?"

"Well this confirms it. And Lord Fourth and Kakashi Senpai had told me about it after I joined the team directly under Lord Fourth."

"Ahh....I see."

Of course Minato Sensei would have realised that I was being controlled. At that time in the Land of Water when zetsu had just taken control over me, it had also affected my appearance I think. With the colour of my right eye turning yellow and black.

"Well this certainly makes things a lot more easier."

"What do you mean?"

"Shisui. There is only one way to win this war."


"You need to take control over Kabuto and have him use the reanimated shinobis assist us instead of stopping the Reanimation jutsu."

"Why? If we stop the reanimation jutsu then Madara will not be a problem anymore."

"The reanimation jutsu also has it's flaws. The reanimated shinobi can break out of it as long as they know the handsigns to the jutsu and I am pretty sure Madara knows about it."

"But then that would mean.." Shisui said with his eyes wide.

"Yes. You are left with an immortal body and an unlimited amount of chakra. That is the worst case scenario."

I walked past him putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I can sense even from here. Minato Sensei is battling against Madara along with the other 5 Kage. But it is only a matter of time till they are defeated. So I will take care of Madara you go deal with Kabuto."

"How are you not in Kabuto's control? Do you also know the hand signs?"

"There isn't just a single weakness to this jutsu. Just like how your Kotoamatsukami can make someone break out of the reanimation as well."

"I see. But what is the loophole you are using right now?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Just go and if you meet Itachi then use your eyes to break him out of Kabuto's control as well."

"I was planning to that anyway."

"Well then I am off" I said as electricity danced around my body and I ran towards the battlefield.

The fourth wall had been blocking off Kabuto's control over me allowing me to do whatever I want.

I don't think I will be able to defeat Madara but I am confident enough to fight him on equal grounds for sometime.

I had long since surpassed Kayden Break's power even back when I was alive and the only reason the world hasn't already gone to shit yet is because the black zetsu had no idea how to use my powers.

After all I am the only one of a kind who utilises force control. Without using it during fights, my strength is only as much as a Quasi- Kage shinobi. However, even with that much strength the black zetsu had sure found a really good way to make use of me.

He couldn't control my body the entire time so he only left a small part of him attached to me in a way that it will allow him to know of my location, pass on missions, etc. But until a mission comes, my body had been programmed to perform the normal things such as training, eating and sleeping. One more command he had put into my mind was to not come in contact with anyone I knew unless it was for the missions.

That is how he had controlled me for 10 years.

But now....now I will foil all of his plans that he had worked on for thousands of years!!