
Naruto : The Eternal flame

Rise of the Eternal flame Raymond sins an Archmage who distroyed his previous world with his eternal flames is reborn into the naruto world. You want to know what's the most powerful genjutsu? - Obviously the one that can bend the REALITY itself. #Noharem

zippzapp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

First day of the Academy 2

What Daikoku taught the kids was what being a shinobi truly meant that the shinobi were meant to save the village with their lives on the line, that they were the heroes of this village. Some kid's eyes shined in admiration as they thought of how they would become these so called heroes to protect their village.

'Ha heroes? More like cannon fodder who die fighting the fights they don't even know the reason of, all for the sake of people in power.'

A look of irritation appeared on Rei's face which soon disappeared behind his calm face.

Soon the lesson was over although he didn't learn much at least he knew what position these shinobi were in, they were just trained to be used by the people in power until they died, raised with the mentality that they were heroes. Rei didn't might getting trained though as for his mentality he wasn't a kid who would fall for these words afterall he had no interest in being a hero.

'No matter the world or place, you will have no place in it if you have no power.'

Rei knew that all he had to do was focus on getting stronger and for him it meant more knowledge. The more he knew the stronger he would be ofcourse training was also a must.

He licked his dry lips as his red eyes shined with a greed he was very much familiar with.


Rest of the classes in the academy were about basic mathematics, reading, writing and geography lastly it was weapon handling classes.

Rei stood in the field with the other while instructructor taught them how to handle the kunai and throw it. The instructor for weapon claases was a chunnin with glasses, since Daikoku taught other classes.

"Ok kids now come here one by one and throw the kunai at the target."

The kids came forward one by one to throw their kunai at the targets as instructed. Ofcourse most of the kids missed the while target while some were able to hit the target board but no could hit the center.

"Next Kakashi Hatake."

Kakashi came up to the front and threw his kunai.


"Wow so cool." Gasps of amazement came from the crowd of kids as Kakshi hit the board right in the center, a bullseye. Even the teacher looked at Kakashi with amazement and praise in his eyes.

"Well done next Obito Uchiha."

Obito came forward with fire burning in his eyes as he looked at Kakashi, he focused on the target and took a throwing pose and let the kunai go.


"Haha, amazing" The kids started laughing as they looked at the kunai embedded in the wooden wall a few inches away from the white faced instructors neck.

"Hey you bastard are you trying to kill me."

A scared and embarrassed Obito ran to the back hiding behind a girl with dark brown hair.

After shouting at Obito for a while the instructor got back to his work

"Next Rei Kurama."

Rei who had done his fair share of throwing with spells went up and threw his kunai without much thought.


"Wow! amazing, Its the same as Kakashi."

It was a bullseye right in the center of the board. The kids clapped at his performance while the teacher continued calling other kids to throw the kunai after praising Rei for his throw.

"Haha you are great Rei, looks like you can also become my rival."

Guy shouted as Rei got back, Rei just smiled as he looked towards Kakashi who was also looking at him.

After this class the academy was over so Rei bid farewell to Guy and went over to take a look at the academy library.