
Naruto : The Eternal flame

Rise of the Eternal flame Raymond sins an Archmage who distroyed his previous world with his eternal flames is reborn into the naruto world. You want to know what's the most powerful genjutsu? - Obviously the one that can bend the REALITY itself. #Noharem

zippzapp · Anime e quadrinhos
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40 Chs


True to his words next day books about chakra basics and hand seals were delivered to Rei by someone from clan on chief's orders and there was even a transformation jutsu scroll included.

Rei who was eager to learn didn't waste any time and started reading as soon as he got them.

According to what was written here the chakra in the body is manipulated using organs such as heart and the energy is circulated in the body through the chakra pathway system.

The chakra is released through the tenketsu points of the body to perform any jutsu, while the hand signs are used to make the process easier and faster. The chakra can be released from hands or feets for most users and the chakra released from a users body is limited due the presence of tenketsu points called eight gates.

He also read about the basic hand seals used to perform the jutsu.

"Its like a mix between using aura and mana."

Rei was deep in thought as he analysed what he read exploring different possibilities of chakra in his mind.

After some thought he sat down closing his eyes in a meditation pose starting to explore the chakra within him.

After some time he could feel both the physical and spiritual energies merged forming the chakra within him and slowly the chakra started to flow in his body as he wished.

It took a bit of effort in the start but slowly both his body and mind got used to the feeling and speed of the flow increased.

By the time he opened his eyes again it was already getting late as the sky was died red due to the setting sun, its color in perfect harmony with his glowing red eyes.

Looking at the beautiful sky refreshed his tired mind making him reminiscence about the dark skies of his past world.

'It is so much clearer.'

"Come inside and eat Rei, dinner is ready." Miso's voice broke him out of his revere as he headed inside and remembered he still had a jutsu to learn.


Murakumo kurama was the first son of the chief of the kurama clan, next in line to be the leader of the main branch of kurama clan.

He was in his 15's and was a chunin specialising in genjutsu, he knew kurama clan would never be a top clan in the hidden leaf with powerful clans like Uchicha and Hyuga existing. But the words of that little boy Rei tugged at his heart strings, lighting a flame of passion to work harder to raise his clans status in the leaf.

He knew that no one with his clans kekkei genaki would survive as a ninja but he was still hoping for a miracle.