
Naruto : The Eternal flame

Rise of the Eternal flame Raymond sins an Archmage who distroyed his previous world with his eternal flames is reborn into the naruto world. You want to know what's the most powerful genjutsu? - Obviously the one that can bend the REALITY itself. #Noharem

zippzapp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Aims and Ambitions

*ting* *tting*

I couldn't help but smile awkwardly as I looked at the bells in my hands.

This world really works in mysterious ways.

When I died trying to kill Goldy I never thought I would reincarnate, not to mention with all my memories intact. But here I am as a kid, with a loving mother, a friendly teacher and a good friend.

Geez it feels like a dream come true, everything i wished i never lost, i have it now.

But... will these things even last or is this just a ploy of God.

Does God even exist in this world?

How vast even is this world?

And why am I here, still alive even after i burnt myself to death?

And why do I remember everything, everything good or bad that happened to me, but not the pain or happiness that came with it?

Why? I wonder.

So many questions that I have to find the answer for.


Rei clenched the bells in his hands tightly as he breathed roughly. His mind was clouded with countless questions, it wasn't a sudden occurrence though as he had just been suppressing these questions because he knew these questions weren't going to be answered soon.

But he would not leave them unanswered forever, he would find out everything slowly but surely, just like he did in his last life when he tried to find ways to kill that dragon.

Only this time he wasn't on a self destructive path of revenge, his mind in this life was clearer than it had ever been.

*clap* *clap*

Minato clapped his hand as he proudly walked towards the tired kids.

"That was amazing both of you, the jutsu usage and the synergy in your attacks was perfect. If I had to point out something that was missing it would be the lack of offensive jutsu, but that is something we can always work on. Welcome to team 7 Kakashi Hatake and Rei Kurama, I will be officially teaching you guys from now on." He smiled as looked at the tired Kakashi and the absentminded Rei .

Minato wasn't the type of guy who would hold back on praising someone when they deserved it, he analysed their fight and explained to them what they were lacking.

Both of them had yet to explore their elements chakra natures that could them aid in attacking, while Kakashi knew a few earth style jutsu Rei had no idea what his elemental affinities were yet.

But it hardly mattered since they both were smart and quick learners not to mention they had arguably the best jonin as their teacher.


While Kakashi and Rei fought their new teacher, in the ninja academy grounds a kid was working harder than ever so that he could stand toe to toe with his friends and rivals who had left him in the dust.

"If I can't do 700 pushups I will do 700 laps around the academy."



He lifted his body up as he started to sprint wearing his iconic green jumpsuit.

Although his body was covered in dirt and sweat the passion in his eyes was as strong as ever.

"Wait for me Kakashi,Rei I will soon catch up with you guys."


"Damn Kakashi i will beat you one day for sure." A kid with goggles threw his kunai as he cursed under his breath.

*swoosh* *thud*

The boy despaired as looked at the kunai missing its mark and the target by a few feet and as it pierced the ground.

"Cheer up Obito you can do it." A girl with brown hair shouted from behind encouraging Obito.

"Rin" The boy nodded as he emotionally wiped his tears, picked up a new kunai and threw it again.

*swoosh* *thud*

Was it just not his day?

I'm hardly getting any time to write these days, glad i could write one today.

zippzappcreators' thoughts