
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Anime e quadrinhos
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106 Chs

Reflections and Transformations

Hana stared at her reflection in a nearby stream. It would not be long before the group arrived at Hozuki Castle. Another half an hour, and a boat ride, then the facility would be in sight.

The group had stopped for a moment's rest and meeting before they would arrive there. For Hana, this was a good time to make some...necessary changes that she figured she would need. Even now, as she looked at her face, it annoyed her for some reason that she couldn't place. What else had Konoha done to her? Could she even handle the pressure of knowing? Could it even be as terrible as what they were going to subject her to?

She had the answers to none of those questions. However, she did have an answer for her own identity right now. She grabbed her hair in one hand and took a kunai in the other. With a tightly held hand, Hana cut the length of her hair away and, with a worn rag, scrubbed the Inuzuka clan markings off her cheeks.

Even with her strength, this took some effort as Inuzuka markings, by design and tradition, were never supposed to be removed once they were given.

Harder and harder, Hana scrubbed and scratched her skin until her efforts were rewarded with a clean, marking-free face. As she stared at her reflection, she noticed the cuts her claws had done to her face during her...cleansing. However, no sooner than her accepting them as a severe necessity did her wounds start healing. Due to the sheer sharpness of her eyes, she could see each piece of cut skin seal itself until there was no sign that the scars were even there.

"Wonder how much that was coming in handy when I fought literally the entire village. Hell, it could be that pill that Naruto gave me," Hana thought to herself. Well, she hoped it was from Naruto. That made her happier than imagining it was another genetic ability that had been spliced into her body by someone else.

Once Hana returned to the group, she spotted Ryuzetsu staring at Naruto as he started packing up the sleeping bags that everyone had been using. For the past week, the former Inuzuka had been seeing these little glances and nods when both were sure the redhead wasn't looking. It was fairly obvious the girl had some small attraction to Naruto. Hana wouldn't say she was jealous because she had seen Akari, on more than one occasion, kiss Naruto hotter than any Redlight District prostitute, but it wasn't like Hana hadn't done the same...occasionally.

She couldn't explain why. Ever since she had finished her transformation in Konoha, her entire blood screamed for her to mate with the strongest male in a hundred-mile radius. Granted she had seen too many men during this week, but...her eyes kept her pinned to Naruto. She didn't exactly know why. Perhaps it was the ruthlessness, the ingenuity, or that fuckin' gorgeous red hair that made her think to forgo Naruto's desire to be of age. Yet, he always seemed to smile at her as if to know what she was thinking. It irritated her.

All Hana knew was that no one was going to get in front of her if she could help it.

Hana's return drew the attention of the others. Naruto stared at her new appearance and sighed briefly. "A pity. I liked your long hair," he said as he finished the last remains of packing. A hand on his shoulder alerted him to the fact that his recent Uzumaki princess had come close to him.

"Hurry up and get older, and I might grow it back for you," she answered. She then walked off to collect her own things. As for Naruto, a dark chuckle expelled from his lips. Perhaps he would need that fool of a Hokage to call him a 'hero' again. That had made him so angry that his powers had aged his body. How could he do that again? Better yet, how should he get someone to observe these changes?

"Hmph, perhaps I could get that bastard snake's help, but dealing with Orochimaru in any capacity is going to require more knowledge than I've got. Somehow, even the greatest minds are still toys to him. I'll have to tread carefully if I conduct more personal business with him," Naruto thought to himself.

Once everyone was together, Akari pulled out a map. "Alright, we've had a week to go over this. I want no screw ups from anyone. This is a vital mission that must succeed. Once we have located the artifact, we leave with the obtained knowledge. Remember, this is a mission under the disguise of a routine prison assessment. Do not interact with the prisoners. Do not answer their questions. Do not engage with them unless I give the order via radio channel," Akari said. She pulled out three wireless radio headsets.

"I didn't pack any extras, so we'll just improvise. Uzumaki, this is your contact so you're the one in charge of her. If she slips up, then that is your responsibility. I'll team up with Ryuzetsu. I think this is obvious, but don't get caught, understood?"

"Understood," Naruto, Hana, and Ryuzetsu said.

Once she saw this, Akari nodded as well.

The group of four then quickly headed for the meeting point. As they ran, Naruto kept a watchful eye on Ryuzetsu. A smile appeared on his face when he saw the lifeless look in her eyes. It was obvious that the girl hadn't been sleeping very well as of late. It was no surprise as to why. Every night, Naruto spoke sweet and sour words into her ears.

That dark frown in her eyes made him blush. She looked so beautiful like that, with nothing and no one to chain her down to petty nonsense. Of course, she still seemed to hold some piece of reason that kept her from fully submitting to his embrace, but that reason was slipping faster and faster.

Naruto was sure that by the end of the mission, Ryuzetsu would be the lovely poison flower he dreamt she could be. Then, he...would be the one to direct that poison and that growing contempt within her. Within her was enough anger to rival his own.

The group of four walked to a lone ship with about five guards clothed in bamboo hats and woven robes. Naruto, Ryuzetsu, and Hana spoke not a word to them. Instead, Akari was the one to take charge of the introductions and the reason for the squad's arrival.

It took a moment of time, but finally the four had begun sailing through the harsh waves and covered mist. After about half an hour, the boat was pulled ashore and the squad was escorted towards the prison. Its high walls, imposing stature, gloomy appearance, and fortress-esque body was a sight for the eyes.

As the iron doors to the entrance opened, the four were greeted by numerous guards with weapons in their hands. No sooner than them stepping into the iron fortress did Naruto's body shake like a severe blizzard had washed over the land.

The hairs on his head stood on end, a painful thump ruptured from his heart and through his veins. Yes, it was here. The pressure of its ungodly chakra rippled through his body. Even now he could feel the dark energies within him mixing with the malicious energy of the box.

Unfortunately, the chakra was too dense around the prison for him to pinpoint its location, but that didn't matter. He would find it eventually. For now, he hoped he could find a private room to cultivate this chakra. There was so much material to work with here that he had to restrict his body from achieving a minor breakthrough already.

Suddenly, Naruto noticed that the guards were immediately on alert. It didn't take him long to figure out why. He turned to see Hana's eyes reliving that same bloodlust from a week ago. Her body seemed ready for combat and ready for destruction. How odd, it wasn't even a full moon yet.

Naruto grabbed Hana's hand and tightly held it. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Sorry, I just...felt really good just now," she said.


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