
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Anime e quadrinhos
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69 Chs

Lust For Vengeance

Try as Yugao might, she had no retort. What was she supposed to say? Of course she knew that Konoha wasn't some holy land of the people. It was still a shinobi village. She had seen horrors that would make even veteran shinobi quit their careers. She had killed traitors to the village, and she had killed...those who knew too much.

Yet, watching the spirit-crushing revelations from Inuzuka Hana, one of her best friends, made her tremble. Worst was that she didn't even want to tell Hana that...she knew as well. Yugao had been one of the Anbu assigned to the project.

She was also one of the shinobi tasked with...monitoring Hana in case she was...deemed a threat. Yes, it had started out as a mission, but...Yugao truly thought of Hana as her friend at this moment.

"Why...why are you exploiting her like this? What do you hope to gain from this?" Yugao asked. Naruto's response was a snort. He placed his feet on the table.

"Exploiting? Aren't you, her dear old friend, doing that all on your own? If anything I kind of sympathize with her. I did have it rough, but I think she's coming to a close second. I suppose it just shows that one truly has to pick their friends, especially in a village of shinobi. To think that even your own home would be against you.

The irony isn't lost on me. Oh well, time to begin the next phase of the plan," Naruto said shutting down the office. He was ready to go home and rest. Honestly, the night life wasn't as fun as he assumed it was.

"Oh, and Uzumei-chan, cut off that pig's husband's medical funding for twenty-four hours," Naruto claimed. While the redhead was obviously confused, she did not seek to question him on why he would do this.

"Yes sir," she replied and left to inform the appropriate accountants of this recent development. Izumi, however, did not have the same lack of curiosity. The female Uchiha came to the side.

"What does that hope to accomplish? You're only going to make that nurse lady freak out," she explained. Naruto merely smirked and turned around in his chair.

"Exactly, I want to see her face when, after all her pleading, the hope drains from her eyes...just like mine did. Besides, I remember her face very well," Naruto explained. He offered no more on the issue. Izumi didn't bother asking.

Neither did Yugao. The merely stared at the video footage of Hana Inuzuka, but Naruto was utterly fascinated by the maddening look of bloodlust in her eyes. Yes, such a perfect specimen to come into his growing fold.

"Naruto-sama!" The ten-year old turned around, a sharp glare towards someone for interrupting his current entertainment. It was a man. Naruto didn't remember his name, but he had assumed that it was one of the former slaves from below.

"Apologies, but I understand you wanted a constant update to the...shipment that went out this morning. It's gone very well. In fact the clients of those who refused are paying double for the quality some have come in. Specifically, a Water Daimyo's son, he will be arriving at the end of the week. Additionally, your reign has been announced."

"The underworld is not pleased by Takamura Shingen's disappearance. Per your instructions, no one knows who you are, but...there is a note which came from a returned parcel. The parcel...didn't survive," He said placing the note on the table.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. He grabbed the note. Suddenly, he crunched it in his palms. He could feel the blood within him stirring. He dug his nails into his skin. From the numerous memories which he had shifted through, this brought a grand smile to his face.

"Finally, you guys were beginning to bore me. I hope you're ready Jiji. I'm gonna drown your Will of Fire in a sea of blood!" Naruto said, his eyes red with a burning lust for vengeance.


Naruto sat at his desk. He stared out the window and into the beautiful fields of grass under the sun. A smile greeted his face, but it was not a simple smile. It was not a smile which was pleased that the sun was out, that the birds were singing, nor the pleasant wind against his face. He smiled because...he could feel the burning, relentless gaze of Uchiha Sasuke on him.

The host of the Kyuubi no Yoko closed his eyes. "I bet it frustrates you, Sasuke. You never thought a loser born with nothing could be your path to power. Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you what you want. In return, I'm going to make proper use of you," Naruto exclaimed to himself.

"Naruto! Are you paying attention?!" Iruka yelled at the blonde. Naruto exhaled.

Honestly, his instructor was likely to get high blood pressure at this rate. The blonde glanced at the board. His eyes scanned the contents in a matter of moments and processed it. Granted the memories helped with that.

"Unfortunately, that's what I'm told I should be doing. You're wasting your time Iruka-sensei. More than half the students in this dumpster will only be good for feeding the worms and bugs in the ground. Why don't you be honest with them sensei, they're only here to make the clan heirs look good.

I mean just look at all the pre-adolescent sluts in this classroom willing to drop their panties hoping to carry the next Uchiha lineage. Heh, it's no wonder none of the clan heirs, especially Sasuke, like any of you. I would talk about the boys too, but...I suppose even dung beetles have their uses," Naruto claimed.

The whole class was stunned to silence. Most were utterly incapable of processing the words which came out of the blonde's mouth. Not even Iruka was capable of finding any speech to reprimand him.

Naruto chuckled. "Anyway, I just spoke the truth, dattebayo. You were talking about the Second Great Shinobi War, right sensei?" the young man asked.

That question seemed to unfreeze time as Iruka angrily marched up the desk stairs until he stood next to his young student. "Naruto, apologize to your classmates. Right. NOW!" Iruka ordered. Naruto exhaled...again. He could see his classmates channeling their anger at him. If they wanted to kill him with their stares then no doubt he would have bursted into flames at this moment.

"Apologize for telling the truth? Don't make me laugh, sensei. I'm just crushing your feeble little hopes and dreams of the glamor of shinobi...just like you crushed mine," Naruto replied which made Iruka shiver. However, the academy teacher slammed his book on the table.

"I won't tell you again. Apologize to everyone, right now!" Iruka repeated. With one eye open, Naruto glanced at his teacher.

He rolled his eyes. Honestly, people were much too sensitive these days. He stood to his feet and sighed.


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