
Blood Memory

"You said I would get Takamura Shingen. You...said you would give him to me," she said, her voice cleared from its previous raspiness. Naruto exited the room and she followed behind him albeit with great difficulty. This continued until they arrived back at Takamura Shingen's office. Perhaps Naruto should be calling it his office now. He took a seat in the chair.

"And what makes you think you can take down a fully grown man? You're an Uchiha so I assume you have shinobi training?" the blonde asked. Izumi's face hardened, but a tone of embarrassment filled her body. She exhaled with a grumble.

She agreed that she had received shinobi training...as a genin. It took Naruto a lot to not laugh. THen again, by all accounts, she was higher ranked than him being an academy student.

"And you think it's a good idea for you, who has been in a cell for Kami knows how long, without training in any shinobi skills, can barely walk straight, and looks about as malnourished as an orphan child, to take on one of the highest lords of the underworld?" he asked.

She glanced off to the side. Okay, so maybe it sounded very stupid when he pointed it out to her so blatantly like that. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest decision in the world.

"You...won't keep him under your...technique while I deal with him?" she asked.

Her anger was slowly raising back up to where it had been. Yes, she was weak at the moment, but she understood the power of a grudge. She had held one for three long years. She had no troubles with turning on the one who had saved her. By his eyes, she was also sure that he could tell what she was thinking.

He leaned forward on his desk. "No, I'm not going to help you. Once you're up to strength, I'm going to release him from my technique. You'll be the one to track him down and kill him. If he's really worth your time then you should be able to deal with him on your own. If your hate is that strong, then you shouldn't need anyone's help beyond that point now should you?"

The blonde asked. Izumi fell silent for a moment. She supposed it would make her feel better to deal with him herself. She also supposed Naruto was under no obligation to help her. Did she need his help? No, she probably didn't. She gave a low grumble, but she acquiesced to this as well.

"Besides...he can't be the only one you resent in this building. None of the guards made comments about you? None of the clients made demeaning comments about you? There's no one else you hate that you could practice your Uchiha techniques on in this building?" he asked,

Izumi quickly got where the ten-year old was going with this. Her eyes hardened. There was no shortage of men and women she could practice with. There was also no shortage of pent up rage filling her body. "However, leave that alone for now. You know, Uchiha Sasuke survived. He's one of my classmates," Naruto answered. The former captive turned around.

Izumi frowned. "Itachi's little brother? Why should I care about him? Unless you're saying I should be happy another member of my clan is alive and my revenge is pointless?" she inquired. Naruto shook his head.

"Nope. Just letting you know since you'll have found it out later. Alright, you must be excited to get some actual food than the garbage you kept getting here. Go get some. After that, do whatever you want. I don't care how possessive Shingen was over you, he needed someone to look after your health. I'm going to need to know how to fix you.," Naruto said throwing some money he had found on the table. Izumi didn't complain.

She merely took the money, bowed, and walked out of the door. That doctor. She hoped this would be the last time she ever had to be touched by her!

She must have passed Uzumei and Yugao because the door opened again showing a much more fitted redhead than the blonde had seen in the cells. She looked deathly pale. They would have to work on rectifying that. She was no use to him in this state that he could think of. But, she had important decisions to make and he couldn't wait to find out.

He stood up. "Have fun. I'll be back later. I have some...other things to deal with," He said rather cryptically. The large grin on his face filled Yugao with worry, but she was not permitted to follow him. He waved goodbye to them both as they descended the staircase once more to deal with what laid below. He then closed the door behind them. He noticed the two guards standing there.

"When I get back, I'd better not hear about any problems, or this place is going to be down two more people. Got me?" he asked. They quickly...got him. Even if they wanted to quickly get...rid of him. The funny thing was, he could easily tell that was what they wanted.

He wished them luck if they tried. It would have to be greatest luck in the history of this village. Needless to say, that room was minus one guard and he was plus another well of blood to empower himself. Yes, Naruto was beginning to learn that hired help...was worthless. Not a single smart one anywhere.

Naruto found a lone room. He closed the door and locked it. He sat in the middle of the room and closed his eyes. For the next five hours, he would be shifting through the memories of people he had received. He hoped in the coming days he would be able to work on his training now that he had a couple of other participants. But for now, it was time to do a bit of fast-paced movie watching.


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