
Naruto The Cycle of Peace and Hatred

After successfully bringing back Sasuke before he goes rouge. Naruto still look for respect and approval from everyone around him and the villagers but receive hate and abuse. Filled with anger and hatred towards the Hidden Leaf Village, "I'll make them pay everything they did to me...." What lies at the end of the rouge path he decides to take.

R_Stark · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Chapter-17 To The Beginning of The End


Three years passed as Naruto started his training with Menma. He learned Sage jutsu and various wind release techniques. He also began using Kurama's chakra, but he couldn't open the Eight Trigrams Seal, restricting his use of Kurama's power to a minimum.

Things in the Hidden Leaf Village started to get busy as Akatsuki intensified their hunt for the Jinchuriki, successfully capturing five Tailed Beasts. Both Akatsuki and the Hidden Leaf were actively searching for the remaining Tailed Beasts. They knew the One-Tail was with Gaara and the Eight-Tails with Killer Bee. The locations of the Nine-Tails were unknown after Naruto's death, and rumors suggested the Six-Tails might be with the Hidden Mist Village.

In the Hokage's office...

"What's the status of the Six-Tails and Nine-Tails search?" Tsunade asked Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"The search is ongoing. We believe the Six-Tails is likely with the Hidden Mist Village, but there's no news on the Nine-Tails," Kakashi reported, handing detailed documents to Tsunade.

"As far as I know, the Nine-Tails was soul-bound to Naruto, so I believe the Nine-Tails is dead as well," Jiraiya said, his expression shadowed.

Tsunade paused, her thoughts briefly returning to Naruto. "How can you be so sure?"

"Partly because I checked the seal on Naruto when I was teaching him. And knowing Minato, he must have sealed the Nine-Tails within Naruto, believing Naruto would one day control its power."

"...Alright, we will continue searching just in case. Kakashi, you will head to the Hidden Mist to confirm the whereabouts of the Six-Tails," Tsunade ordered after considering the situation.

POV Change—

Sasuke continued training in the village, determined to become strong enough to defeat his brother and find Naruto's killer.

Hinata and Neji received intensive training from the Head of the Hyuga Clan, delving into clan secrets.

Sakura continued her medical ninja training under Tsunade's guidance.

Meanwhile, Naruto had mastered all the jutsu Menma had taught him. In just three years, he had surpassed Menma, who had years of experience.

"What do you think, Kurama? Isn't the rate at which he's growing absolutely terrifying? He mastered everything I taught him in just three years."

"It's definitely not normal. But the reason he's growing so fast is his hatred, which you've seen over these years too, Brat."

"I've told you many times to stop calling me Brat, you damned fox," Menma retorted, his tone serious as he observed Naruto standing amidst hundreds of injured and unconscious shinobi.

"Kurama's right. That hatred toward the world is why Naruto has been able to grow so much in such a short time. And it's only intensified during these years of training."

"So, is this good enough?" Naruto asked Menma, seeking validation of his training results.

"Yeah, it's good enough."

"So, are you finally going to tell me everything now?" Menma had promised to reveal everything once Naruto completed his training and was strong enough to confront Menma on equal footing.

Although Naruto had mastered all the jutsu taught to him, he still couldn't unlock the seal on Kurama.

"My time here is almost over, so let's go back. I'm going to tell you everything," Menma said as they started walking.

Naruto walked silently, not even glancing at the fallen shinobi around him. Menma walked beside him, casting one last glance at the injured shinobi before sighing and continuing onward.