
Naruto: The curse of Hatred

Lukas wasn't expecting his weird dream to turn into reality, now in a new world where he has an expiration date, he scrambles to gain as much power as he can to break through the curse of hatred and somehow appear on the other side with both his eyes intact. 'You never know with the Uchihas...' !Uchiha SI, 12 years before Canon! With 7 years to live, what could just one more Uchiha do to the timeline!!

Enri007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


"...Dismissed" The Jounins slowly trickled out of the room leaving just the Hokage and Suzaku in the room, with half a Dozen ANBU's lurking in the shadows...

"So what's the report?" Hiruzen asked, Suzaku pulled out a scroll from his flak jacket and placed it on Hiruzen he then started to explain, "Fujii Uchiha, orphaned during the Kyuubi attack, the report stated that due to the amount of negative emotions induced by the Kyuubi he awoke his Sharingan at just 7 year of age. Along with Izumi Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha, they were hailed as prodigies by the Uchiha clan at the start, but it quickly became apparent that Izumi wasn't at the level of the other two, while Itachi shined from the start, but Fujii took some time adjusting, maybe it was due to the fact that the Kyuubi affected him more than Itachi, but it took him a month to start fighting back, and since then he had continued to grow."

Suzaku sighed and thought about what to say, "Fujii is paranoid, he trains himself to the ground and thus he is already reaching a solid chunin level, while not an unheard tale it is pretty rare for a kid his age to be this strong, he could be the next big thing but the Kyuubi left a mark on him, I have included his remarks during our team meeting, and it was a first time I think he was being truthful, he had seen death during Kyuubi attack and from that day his survival instincts have been driving him, he has no attachments to the village, with his only friend being Itachi."

Hiruzen listened to the report silently, he stood up and walked up to the window, he liked to stare at the village from up here, the children were laughing and playing and peace was maintained due to the sacrifices his shinobi make every day to provide a false screen to the world, his gaze turned to the visage of Minato. Another death that shouldn't have happened and now that the council is adamant about giving less important missions to the Uchiha, he felt another divide coming.

His thoughts went to Fujii, he had watched the kid with his crystal ball, he was silent, carrying a heavy burden of his own in addition to the expectations of a clan. Hiruzen sighed as he took a puff, "So why pass the team? it would be better if he returned to the academy, spend more time with students his age..." He knew it would be suppressing his potential and maybe twist the mentality of the kid in a negative way but it was still better than a highly trained jounin down the line in a few years that was detached and dangerous.

"Because he wasn't what I expected him to be, I tried to grind his defenses down today, showing the power and strength isn't what he needed to survive, and he adjusted his approach easily, he trusts his teammates somewhat, Kione is a calm and logical thinker, somewhat similar to Fujii, and other than once when he asked a question, he never doubted him during his part of the job, Asano, on the other hand, is smart, happy, human... at first I thought he would hate her attitude but it seems like he gives everyone a chance, maybe it was the gruff exterior of the Uchiha's that he never made any connections but the three of them could work..."

Hiruzen was still looking out of the window, he nodded and said, "3 months of D-ranks, I'll entertain your request for a C-rank after that, let him interact with the civilian populace and let his bonds with the team grow before throwing them out into the world..."

Suzaku nodded and said, "Hai Hokage-Sama", but he had some plans for his own...


{2 Months later...}

---------Fujii's POC---------

[Common Quest Cleared: Paint the fence of Mr. Sinji]

[You have been tasked with painting the new fence for Mr. Sinji's newly created garden]

[Quest Clear Condition: paint the whole fence before sundown.{Cleared}]

[Rewards: 1,000Exp]

Another notification appeared before me, I swipe it away as Suzaku Sensei gave the signed mission scroll to Hokage-sama. It's been 2 months of these missions, and although they were a bit boring I liked them, I got 1050 EXP every day, and I have grown a lot because of that...

[Name: Fujii Uchiha]

[Age: 8]

[Title: Konoha Genin]

[Level: 24]

[Next Level: 23,450/24,000]

[CP: 2,456/2,484 (1.02/s)]

[SP: 843/1290 (1.14/s)]

[Chakra Control : 67.5%]

[STR: 72/500 (41/500)]

[VIT: 57/500]

[DEX: 83/500 (46/500)]

[INT: 51/500]

[Chakra: 23/100]

[Points – 46]

My stats were breaking into the Chunin category, from what I have gotten after extensive spars with the Uchiha clansmen, the actual range of stats was something along the lines of...

[1-15] - Academy student, or Civilian level

[15 -30] - low genin, or recently graduated student.

[30 - 75] - Genin

[75-?] - Chunin

That was all I could base my theory on, these were also the base stats without Chakra enhancement but since everyone can do that it isn't really an advantage, but the most important gain from the break was these two small reserves.

[SP- 363]

[EP- 140]

Most of these points were gained because of the new Jutsu that I have been practicing along with the dragon fire technique, as they were B-Rank and C-rank jutsu respectively leveling them up managed to give him quite a lot of points, although most of the SP he gained was for leveling up Sharingan, it gave me 100 points per level.

"Good work team 7" Third Hokage gave us a kind smile. I looked at the name floating above his head and the color was still black.

'I wonder what level he's at, I can't even see the level of chunin's, to be honest, but at least their names are not orange anymore.' I thought as I recalled all the levels there are.

[Green names]- Easy to beat.

[Orange names]- similar level, could be a tough fight.

[Red names]- higher level, caution.

[Blood red]- Danger, retreat.

[Black] - You're dead.