
Naruto: The clan that got lost in history

Malika walked into the room and was treated by yet another portal right under her hooves. It was meaningless to struggle and she just let it suck her in and wondered in anticipation: "Where is the portal taking me to this time?" While having fun studying and violation common sense, she learns about her origins, the roots of her power and does her best in protecting the precious people she'd met. ***************** WARNING!!! -IF YOU DON'T LIKE SUPER OP CHARACTERS, DO NOT READ!!!! -I don't own Naruto. Only my character)

mdrm · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Not a chapter 2.

sorry guys, my life was a little too busy. I'm back now and have many fresh ideas for the future plot! I've already started a new chapter, but due to some complications, I couldn't finish it today. I will post it tomorrow.

I hope you all will have a good week!

Thank you all for the support I've received from all of you. Thank you for your review, power stones and comments. They all made me really glad. I hope you will continue to give me your support in the future.

If it is not too troublesome, could you please leave a review? I really appreciate them.

Thank you and see you all tomorrow!