The shift to their new home was completed rather quickly and in just a few days, all of their things had been unpacked. Unsurprisingly, there hadn't been any big fan fair about it and none of their new neighbours even bothered to visit them and say hello.
It was a startling difference from the reactions of the regular civilians who had all come out to say good bye when they moved out from their old place of abode. The aunty from next door had even baked them a rather large cake as a going away present, something that had been great appreciated by the three of them.
They had of course introduced themselves to the neighbours, but since they had technically known Kuma and Kentaro before they moved out, it felt more like they had simply returned home form an extended family vacation or something.
The only real impact that the move seemed to have made on their lives, was the fact that the amount of time it took to get to the centre of the village to reach the market as well as the academy had increased compared to before.
The three of them quickly got back into their regular routine from before, and Keitaro soon found himself spending more and more time on his own.
With Kentaro spending more and more time at the academy and focusing on his ninken training within the clan, and with Kuma taking on more missions that required him to leave the village, Keitaro found himself without much to do.
While he still occasionally visited his civilian friends from time to time, they weren't able to come into the clan to collect him like they used to. He tried to make some friend within the clan, but he found that there weren't really any other kids his age at the moment. All the other kids where either older than him or much younger than him, which meant they were usually busy training most of the time, or where still very much in diapers.
Still, since the sight of him walking around the place never seemed to bother anyone, so he spent most of his time studying and just thinking about what to do moving forward.
Even after moving in with the clan, his father never bothered to hire a baby sitter to look after him and in all honesty he wasn't sure whether to be happy that he didn't have to interact with random people or be concerned at how little interaction his family seemed to have with the other villagers.
Even his education, which as far as he was concerned was severely lacking, seemed to be facilitated by either his father or older brother. Or at least what could pass for an education in the village.
Learning to read and write were framed as games and fun activities but there was no formal teaching at all and with the only formal school in the village seemingly being reserved for children hoping to become shinobi, it was a wonder how civilians managed to do much of anything with their limited avenues of advancement.
He found himself thinking about these little things, impressed with just how much he had changed from his previous life and how much things had still seemingly remained the same. He was still stuck in situations that he couldn't control, but at least he had a loving family to keep him going.
It would be a lie to say that Keitaro hadn't been slightly disgruntled and unhappy with the fact that he hadn't been born into one of the more promising bloodlines of the Naruto world, but after so much time spent thinking things through, he was truly grateful that he had been born into a relatively minor clan like the Inuzuka overall.
He had a loving father who ensured that his family wanted for nothing, a kind older brother who he could rely on no matter what, and though it had been weird at first, he was now a recognized member of the Inuzuka Clan.
While it might have been better to have been born within the Uchiha Clan or maybe even the Hyūga clan due to their prestigious position in the village along with their overpowered yet amazingly versatile and potent bloodline abilities, Keitaro much rather preferred being apart of a middling clan that didn't have too many major problems within in it.
Had he been born as a Uchiha, then the threat of death in the form of a young bloodthirsty bro-con named Itachi, who was bound to be breathing down his neck in a few years time, would have been a reality that would have left him with very little hope for the future.
Sure, he could most likely survive if he was lucky enough to be born as Itachi's younger brother, but the likelihood hood of that happening to him was practically none.
Being a Hyūga was just as bad in his opinion if not worse. Knowing his luck, Keitaro was certain that he would have been born into the branch family and been branded with the caged bird seal for the rest of his life. Cursed to live forever as a slave to the main family, regardless of how strong he might have become. Not to mention that he was fairly certain that said seal acted as a limiter on the potential of the branch family, even if he couldn't recall it ever being stated outright. How else could Neji's eyes have a range of a few kilometres, but Hinata have a range of a few hundred kilometers?
Of course had he been born into the Hyūga Clan side branch, he could spend a lot of time learning and mastering Fūinjutsu to hopefully unravel the cursed seal, but it was most likely a pipe dream that would have never been allowed to come to fruition. Either Fūinjutsu was not something that the Hyūga were proficient at -unlikely since they had the cage bird seal in the first place- or the seal was so complex that side branch members would need formal dedicated training in the art of Fūinjutsu in order to begin unravelling it. Something that the main branch wouldn't allow in the first place.
Not to mention how lacklustre the Hyūga clans strength actually was when compared to their supposed importance and heritage. All of that coupled with the constant internal strife and overt hostility that most clan members seemed to have for each other was more than enough reason to avoid the Hyūga Clan at all cost.
In comparison, the Inuzuka clan may not have been the holders of an amazingly powerful Kekkei Genkai, and they may not be taken too seriously in the grand scheme of things by some of the more powerful clans, but at least from what he had seen so far they were a pretty laid back clan that spent most of their days raising their ninken and being as unproblematic as possible.
As long as you didn't do anything to challenge the 'dignity' of the clan then you could live a pretty good life, whether as a shinobi or as regular a civilian as a member of the clan.
A couple weeks had passed since the move, and Keitaro and his family could be seen walking through the market place of the village as they had finally managed to have some family time together.
With how busy everyone's schedules had been recently, it was nice to finally have some time to unwind as a family, especially given the more recent developments.
They had decided to have a large feast that evening in order to celebrate the news that Kuma was being promoted to Jōnin, a great achievement that was going to improve their way of life for years to come.
"What do you guys think about grilling some meat to add to the spread for tonight?" Kuma asked his two sons as they made their way deeper into the marketplace looking for some fresh fish to make a side dish for tonight. "I'll even let you boys chose what ever meats you want."
Kuma was happily swaying from side to side as Keitaro laughed from his spot on his shoulder and Kentaro held his hand with his ninken pup sitting at the top of his own head.
"I want beef!" Keitaro shouted, giddily patting his fathers head while swinging his legs. He was enjoying being able to look down at everyone as they walked on by, unable to stop the budding hope that he would at least inherit his fathers height if nothing else.
"Beef is good for us too." Kentaro said, while trying to keep an over excited Shiromaru from jumping out of his hands and into the food stall.
"We'll have as much beef as you guys want then." Kuma chuckled to himself as he picked up the produce he had been examining, before heading on his way.
He was happy to spend some extra time with his boys, especially now that both of them had warmed up to him. He was especially happy about how close he and Keitaro had become over the pass few weeks after their emotional talk.
He still couldn't believe that all this time his youngest son had been blaming himself for the passing of his wife and every time he recalled his sons tear filled face a wave of guilt threatened to swallow him. How could he as a father not have noticed it sooner?
Still, he was just grateful that he'd managed to address it before it became a form of trauma that affected his son for the rest of his life.
As far as he concerned, the two of them had become closer now and his youngest had finally started to enjoy his childhood. He couldn't wait till both of his boys were old enough for him to pass on his Jutsu and techniques to them, but he was grateful that they at least wouldn't be robbed of their childhood due to war or anything horrendous like that.
He was just glad to have a peaceful happy moment that all three of them where more than happy to enjoy. The three of them drifted around the shopping district, occasionally picking up a random items or toys that caught one of the boys eyes, simply enjoying each others company until the sun began to set in the west, signalling it was time to head on home.
It didn't take long for the four of them to make it back home and they quickly got to work preparing the meal. They busied themselves setting the table, preparing the dishes and having a blast all the while.
Even Shiromaru, the new ninken addition to the family was barking happily as he helped out in anyway that he could, though he usually ended up just eating all the scraps thrown to him as the boys cooked the meal.
In no time at all, they were all seated around the dinner table eating and laughing amongst themselves as they enjoyed their feast.
The two brothers were dressed casually while Kuma was wearing his new Jōnin vest, showing it off for his sons to see.
Keitaro had been surprised at how heavy and robust the deceivingly simple jacket actually was. It was reinforced with small chainmail sewn into the underside with removable clay slates placed on the front and back to protect the torso as best as it could. That coupled with its many visible and hidden pockets made the jacket the perfect piece of clothing for any competent shinobi.
With a cup of sake in his hand and with his two sons occasionally passing a few pieces of meat to the small ninken that was currently laying on a corner of the table, Kuma decided to ask about how they had been dealing with their new reality of being recognized clan members.
"So boys, how have the two of you been adjusting to life in the clan?" Kuma placed his chopsticks to the side making sure to give his children his undivided attention.
"It's been a little weird but at the same time its been great. I still have a lot of stuff to learn when it comes to raising ninken but I'll get there eventually." Said Keitaro.
"The only real problem I guess, is that I can't really make friends my age in the clan. Since I already have my ninken and they don't, I'm actually training with the older kids. It's been tough trying to keep up with them sometimes but I still enjoy it. I'm ahead of the other kids my age at the academy anyway and was honestly a little worried that I wouldn't get a chance to push myself, but now I am. It's a welcomed challenge."
Kuma nodded in understanding before reminding Keitaro earnestly.
"That's good to hear, just don't let it get to your head that you're ahead of the others at the academy just yet. There is always someone better out there so you got to keep improving in your self."
Content with Kentaro's improvements, he turned his attention to his second son instead.
"What about you Keitaro, still haven't made any friends from the clan yet?"
"No not yet. I still hang out with the civilian kids though so it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure when I start training I'll be able to made more friends within the clan."
"Well as long as the two of you are certain that everything's going alright. I hate to admit it but since I've taken on this promotion, I'm going to end up taking more missions that might take me out of the village for longer periods of time. I'll ask a few friends of mine to check in on you two from time to time, but it's going to be up to you two to look out for each other."
"No worries dad the two of us will always stick together."
"I know, I know. It's just-"
Kuma was interrupted when the lights of the house suddenly flickered. The three of them all looked at the failing lightbulb in confusion, until the sounds of Shiromaru's whimpering brought them back to their sense.
If they hadn't realized that something very wrong was happing before, the sudden earthquake that hit them out of no were that resulted in the scattering of the dishes that had been on the table unto the floor, was more that enough of a sign to alert them to the strange situation.
Kuma quickly flickered to the side of his two boys and grabbed them each in either arm, before flickering to the outside of the house. He wasn't the only one who had noticed the irregularity as several other houses had been evacuated and the occupants where also currently standing on the outside.
As they looked around in confusion, an ear splitting roar resounded throughout the village, followed shortly by a bone chilling, blood curdling bloodlust that seemed to blanket everything in a haze of dread and despair.
Many of the people who had been standing inn the street, could only fall shakily to their knees while covering their ears in pain as the Inuzuka clan's enhanced senses caused many of them to suffer even more than they would have normally.
Keitaro would have also been amongst those curling up on the floor if not for the fact that he was petrified by the sight that was unfurling before him. He wasn't the only one though, as screams and shouts of terror soon tore through the night as more persons became aware of what was happening.
Towering over the village, visible even to those who where far away from the actually centre of the crisis, the giant apparition of the nine tailed fox was clear for all to see.
It tilted back its head and opened it massive maw, before once more roaring towards the sky and spreading its bloodlust throughout the village.
Keitaro felt his blood run cold at the sight unfolding before him. In the back of his head he couldn't help but chastise himself for not realizing sooner that this was going to happen and taking the steps necessary to avoid the calamity. He'd literally ran into a pregnant Kushina a few months ago and he knew it was important for him and his family to get away from Konoha soon, but had still brushed it aside and forgotten due to all of the things that had been occupying his mind recently. Now he could only watch on as the dreaded beast tore into Konoha.
It was much more tragic than he could have ever imagined. Reading about it in a manga, and watching it go down in reality were as different as night and day. Even though he and his family were on the safer side of the village, quite a distance away form the rampaging beast, Keitaro could still see and feel the effects of the Kyūbi's rampage.
Constantly being assaulted by turbulent winds when ever a tail whipped through the air, trying to dodge the occasional piece of wood, stone or other types of debris that had been flung into the air, trying and failing to stand upright as the ground shook violently below him from time to time, all while being bathed in a blood lust so thick it made his skin crawl. He could only imagine how dangerous and horrifying it must be for those who had the unfortunate experience of being at the epicentre of the destruction.
Keitaro didn't get a chance to watch for too long though as the sound of his fathers frantic yelling as he kneeled in front of him and his brother stole away his attention.
"You boys need to get to the shelter! Do you under stand? Do you remember where it its!?"
Keitaro just kept staring at his father in bewilderment, confused as to why he was even asking them about the shelter in the first place. Why wouldn't they just all just go together?
Thats when his eyes strayed to the Jōnin vest that his father was still wearing from their earlier celebration. It took his mind but a second to realize what was about to happen but the conclusion he came to only made his head spin even more.
His father was just promoted to Jōnin a few days ago.
He was now considered one of the top combatants of the village, which meant that in the event of a threat to said village, he had to move to protect it.
His dad was telling him and his brother to get to safety, while he was going to run right toward the thing that threated their safety.
Keitaro recalled his spotty memories of reading those faded pages of the manga a long ago in his past life. The absolute devastation that he knew was about to befall Konoha flashed through his mind, including the very important fact that there were going to be many, many lives that were about to be lost, the amount of shinobi that were bound to die even more so.
He didn't let himself think any further and instead reached out a trembling hand and clutched onto his fathers arm with a vice like grip, intent on never letting his father hand go.\
He held onto the hand of the father that he had been wary and cautious of, the father that he had finally recognized, the father that he was only just beginning to bond with, the father that he and his brother were just celebrating with just few minutes ago.
He held onto his father's hand and decided then and there that he wasn't going to let him go.
He could feel it in his gut. If he let go of his father hand, if his father left him and his brother tonight... then they'd never see him again.
So he stood there, holding onto his fathers hand as he ignoring everything else around him focused only on not letting go.
"Don't go."
Keitaro didn't even realize what he had said until it was already out of his mouth, but he didn't care anymore. This was supposed to be his second chance at life and he'd be damned if he allowed his happiness to be tramped upon anymore without being able to do anything about it.
He could feel as the tears began to stream down his check, but he didn't try to hold them back. He needed to keep Kuma away from the conflict and if his tears could do it, then he could afford to let them flow.
He kept choking back the sobs that threatened to impede his voice and instead focused on repeating his plea over and over again even as his rational mind kept screaming at him that it was all going to be futile.
His father was an excellent shinobi, a kind man who refused to shirk his duties. No matter how much he pleaded and begged, Keitaro already knew deep down that his father was still going to go. He was still going to fight for his village even if he knew the odds weren't in his favour.
Still Keitaro kept up the water works as even if he couldn't stop him entirely, he could at least stall him for a time.
If he could just hold him back long enough so that the other shinobi and the Hokage could deal with the damn fox before he arrived then maybe his dad could survive.
He watched as Kuma smiled at him, he heard as Kuma tried to explain why he had to go, but Keitaro didn't want to hear it. He didn't care about the village right now, afterall, it was going to be saved anyway so why should he care? He just wanted his dad to stay with him.
Unfortunately he didn't have much of a say in that regard, as his father simply tapped his hand with several quick jabs, causing Keitaro's clenched fingers to release against his will. With surprising ease Kentaro who had been standing quietly to the side, scooped up Keitaro and tossed him over his shoulder at Kumas command, before running away in the direcition of the shelter.
Of course Keitaro wasn't going quietly, but given the Kentaro was much stronger than him, there really wasn't much the he could do. So, once he realized that he really couldn't do anything to stop his brother, Keitaro simply couldn't find it in himself to keep fighting anymore.
He could only watched on, teary eyed, as his father gave them both a final smile before flickering away.
Apologies for the wonky chapt, Was at work so didn't realize there was a problem till i got home. I think becuase I used my laptop and my phone for editing, it caused something weird to happen.