
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
242 Chs

Chapter 9

Naruto woke up with an hour to spare before he needed to be at the academy to meet his new sensei, with a headache. 'Remind me never to dispel that many at once ever again.' He thought. Taking a nice long relaxing shower with his lemon scented body wash helped to clear his head. 'Eh it isn't ramen, but it smells good enough.' Then he ate a nice hot meal that had been prepared by a clone while he showered. He had missed having a nice meal where he could take his time and relax the most during his 5 years in the Forest of Death. He mostly ate meat that he hunted and cooked using a make shift spit and a katon jutsu, while being on the look out for animals attracted by smell. He mostly ate meat in the forest with the only variety being the occasional bird or snake eggs he would stumble upon from time to time and his weekly visit to Ichiraku's, in a henge, where he would gorge himself to help keep their business afloat. The Ichiraku's had been like family to Naruto when he was younger, but since his 7th birthday he hadn't felt like that. He realized family was a precious thing and despite how kind they had been to him the Ichiraku's weren't his family. He had stopped calling people nee-san, nii-san, ojii-san, etc. for a simple smile in his direction as was his old habit.

Oh how he was counting the days until he could leave Konoha behind as nothing, but an extremely bad memory. Now wasn't the time to think about that though. Cycling through his memories from yesterday he remembered the scroll he had the clone make of techniques he could use from the forbidden scroll. Retrieving it from where the clone hid it between the mattress and spring box of his bed he looked over it and found two more clone techniques. Placing the scroll back in it's hiding place he thought of what he wanted to do today. He knew the Sandiame wanted to see him after team assignments, but that wasn't in his plans. Naruto having seen the battle or at least the damage done by the battle between the Sandiame and that Danzo guy made him want to get stronger even more. Training was going to be how he spent the day and most of the night as he had a ways to go before he could use most of the techniques in the scroll. So after getting dressed and combing his hair then having a clone rap black cloth in a spiraling fashion so it was one long ponytail that reached the middle of his back he henged to the look people were comfortable with and set off to the Hokage tower after grabbing his clone prepared lunch.

*Hokage Tower 10 minutes later *

Naruto had made it to the tower quickly using shunshine and made it up to the Hokages office without any problems. The floor his office was on was strangely empty so he knocked on the door. He heard "come in" so he opened one side of the double doors and walked in. As he walked in he noticed the room was packed and it was a struggle to make his way towards the Hokage, but he made it despite a few obstacles. "Oh Naruto-kun … I thought you were someone else. I'm sorry, but you can't be here right now." The Hokage said, while wondering where his former Anbu captain was. "No problem, I just came to get the meeting over with now and to show you something." Naruto said. 'Hmm … I wonder what it is he has to show me. Well, that lazy Kakashi-teme isn't here yet so I do have a few minutes to kill most likely.' "I understand, but you need to understand that should you fail to be here by 4:00 p.m. I will add a little time to our contract got it." Naruto glared at the threat the Hokage made, while some of the jounin chuckled hoping he was talking about jail time for his little stunt last night. He nodded though as the Hokage smile triumphantly ignoring the daggers Naruto was shooting at him.

"I am curious though about what it is you needed to show me." The old man began to sweat a bit as Naruto's glare turned to a smirk. "Oh I just wanted show you what you asked me to show you 5 years ago." The Hokage racked his brain trying to decipher the annoying code the boy or perhaps young man gave him. 'Hmm … what happened 5 yea… could it be? Is he finally going to show himself?' Naruto's smirk only grew as he saw the light in the old man's eyes as he figured it out. Before he could say anything though Naruto cut him off. "Yes Hokage-san, I came here to show you how I've changed over the last 5 years so you know before I head to the academy." The old man didn't even answer just gestured for Naruto to do it. Taking a second Naruto closed his eyes and then released all five layers of the minor genjutsu. He opened his eyes to find the old man and several female jounin had fainted. 'Hm .. curious.' Naruto thought as he noticed the female jounin's were sporting a tiny bit of blood near their noses.

It took a few minutes, but soon after everyone was back in their positions they were staring at the blonde some unconsciously licking their lips. Naruto's time in the forest and his new diet plus a little help from a certain fox turned Naruto into a very desirable male. He now stood 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed 145 pounds, his blond hair now smooth and shining a bright gold as the ponytail stood out against the black cloth it was wrapped in, his still blue eyes were lighter and held a more icy appearance if he ever glared at you, and the muscles were noticeable even if most of his body was covered by his long sleeved black t-shirt with a tiger on the back, black cargo styled pants, and black civilian style running shoes modified with a chakra conducing metal plating in the bottom and tip. What they couldn't see were his two summon tattoos and the ten different seals he had placed on his body to both help his training and make him seem like an ordinary (as much as possible) gennin. Then there were the two storage seals where in one he kept his two special swords and in the other seal stuff he wanted kept on his person. He couldn't use the swords right now or any time soon so in the meantime he had a standard zanbato strapped to his back that he would practice with to get used to the weight. After looking him over a few times the Hokage gained a shocked look and then went back over his face. 'What the hell happened to the whisker marks?'

The Hokage was the first to stop staring a few minutes later as he sat back further in his chair took out his pipe and lit it as he smoked to calm his nerves before asking Naruto a question. "Should I take this as the work of the beast?" The room tensed up with this question except for Naruto who just smiled and answered. "Some of it, but most of it is due to the fact I finally gained a steady food source that was something other than ramen." The hokage winced a little, but nodded and asked his next question. "What happened to your whisker marks?" Naruto laughed a bit before answering. "Well they kinda stood out and made me an easily recognizable target so the fox changed them into a different form elsewhere on my body that I can't say right now." The hokage merely nodded agreeing now wasn't the time. Unfortunately the several kunoichi who fainted took this as a secret mission to discover the blond jinchuuriki's secret … and see him naked. "Okay Naruto I'll see you later." The Hokage said and Naruto nodded as he headed for the door, but this time with fewer obstacles though a few morons still decided to stick their legs out childishly as he tried to pass them. Naruto just smiled and gave each a swift kick ignoring their shouts of pain and anger as he walked out the door and headed for the academy.

The Hokage just glared at the two men making a mental note to have them sent to Anko who had become even more vicious when anyone who harmed the … formerly tiny blond was unfortunate enough to be sent her way over the last five years. It became such an issue that she was banned from interrogation for a year sent on dangerous mission after extremely dangerous mission by the council. She survived much to their disappointment, but they kept a closer eye on her actions. They had sorely crossed her limits when they bribed her with a promotion if she would befriend Naruto and then betray him by leaving him to the mobs on his 7th birthday. They didn't even do as they promised only promoting her to Tokubetso Jounin and not make her a full Jounin like they said they would. The council and many of it's members had made a life long enemy of her as she vowed to make them pay. Saratobi had to chuckle a little as he thought of what her reaction might be when she finds out what happened last night and who was responsible. 'I only hope Naruto can learn to forgive her along with the rest of us.' He sighed and then got back to business seeing Kakashi was finally present.

He turned slightly to glare at Kakashi who's face was firmly planted in his favorite little orange book. "So good of you to join us Kakashi now do us a favor and put away the porn." The last part was said with a large dose of KI directed towards the Jounin Elite and former Anbu Captain as Kakashi shakily secured the book in a pocket of his vest. Sarutobi smiled and continued. "As I am sure most of you are aware you are here to view the gennin that will make up the squad you will take ownership of later today. Everyone except Naruto will be placed on a team today." Before anyone could even think on what that meant Kakashi rushed up to the old man and slammed his hands on the desk. "What do you mean Hokage-samma? I asked for and I thought was granted permission to train Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto." He said hoping his plans to train Sasuke while keeping the fox as weak as possible without hindering Sasuke's training was not in jeopardy.

The Hokage looked at Kakashi impassively as he knew the real reason he wanted Naruto. 'You are a real idiot Hatake-teme. How you continue to disgrace your late sensei and his dying wish is disgusting.' "That was the plan Jounin until Naruto surprised me yesterday." Saratobi was interrupted by another late entry he recognized. "What did the little gaki do now Hokage-samma?" Anko asked from the back of the room. "Actually he helped this village tremendously yesterday. First, he informed me of Mizuki's intentions. Then he informed me of a meeting he had recently with the Damiyo. Which, is why no one in this room will be his team's jounin-sensei. The Daimyo has seen to it that Naruto will team up with a couple of his guardian's sons, because of how he has been treated up 'til now. That left me to find someone else to be the sensei for Team # 11 and I think she will do a great job." Kakashi could do nothing, but drop his head as his plan went up with a puff of smoke.

"So then who will be the third member of my team Hokage-samma?" Kakashi asked dejectedly. "I decided to move a kunoichi who happens to be an orphan with good potential in ninjutsu onto your squad. Her name is Ami, but she will also receive training from Jounin Mitarashi Anko who will join your squad on missions out of the village." Kakashi nodded not really caring since his brilliant plans were ruined now. The Hokage stood up and motioned Anko forward as he handed her a jounin vest. Anko was on the verge of crying, but held it in to ask a question. "H-h-how Hokage-samma? Those ikeikes and temes on the council would never allow this." "No need to worry about them for now Anko-chan. Naruto's visit to the Daimyo caused him to pass a few decrees that I agreed to. One of them being the disbanding of the council and execution of Shimura Danzo." All the shinobi except Anko and the Hokage visibly paled wondering if they were next. Anko however jumped over the desk unintentionally flashing the old man and few shinobi then hugged him breaking the mood. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Hokage-samma. You won't regret this." She said as she released the man. The Hokage leaking a little blood and with a slight blush on his face merely waved her off. "It isn't me you should thank, but Naruto-kun. His visit set the Daimyo into action and you deserved that promotion a long time ago." Anko nodded and held her vest out in front of her. 'I really should find a way to thank the little gaki.' However, her smile slipped as she remembered he wanted nothing to do with her, but regained it quickly as she slid on the vest under her jacket. 'I'll find a way to make you forgive me gaki and then I'll really make it up to you.' She thought.

The Hokage looked at the clock on his desk and noticed it was almost time for the roll to be called at the academy. "Okay I called you all here so that you could view your soon to be students and get a good gauge on them before your meetings this afternoon." The Hokage secretly activated a few crystal balls so that everyone could gather around and watch. All except for Kakashi did so. 'Maybe I can still make my plans come true. I'll just request joint training sessions and missions. Surely whoever they get to be his sensei won't mind if I take the boy off his/her hands so that Sasuke becomes stronger.' Thought Kakashi missing the dirty looks from Sarutobi. 'I'll make sure he never gets a chance to harm you or mess with your training Naruto-kun.' Breaking from his thoughts the Hokage turned to his crystal ball catching the banshee twins entering the classroom.

*Class 401 – Team Assignment Day*

Naruto made it to the classroom without any problems and less glaring then usual. Of course he didn't know that the Hokage had let a few … let's say talkative people know about what went on in the council room. His heritage was still an unconfirmed mystery to most, but hearing that something had finally been done about the council put a smile on everyone's faces. It did trouble Naruto when he recalled a few looks and winks thrown his way by a few women two or three times his age. Then he recognized one of them from his darker days, but chalked up the attention to the fact they didn't recognize him without the henge of his younger self up or his trademark whiskers.

Taking his normal seat Naruto realized the graduating class had yet to show up aside from himself and the Aburame clan heir who always quietly sat in front of him. It seems everyone was taking it easy today not that he blamed them. Quickly activating his eyes with an orange flash he constructed a genjutsu around him and the row he was sitting in that made it look like a pile of junk was in all three seats. Deactivating his eyes he laid his head down on the desk top and closed his eyes listening as the graduates started to trickle in. There was a few minutes left and most of the group was seated and chatting with their friends. Iruka had come in and was seated at his desk staring at the area Naruto was sitting. 'Does he suspect something?' Naruto wondered as the man kept staring in his direction. 'When I find the person who left all that junk there I'll kill them. Now I have to spend the rest of the day cleaning again.' Iruka sighed as looked towards the clock. Iruka got up and was about to close the door, but just then two girls ran in side by side pushing and shoving each other arguing as usual. Iruka had enough of this over the past three years and would be damned if this is how he spent the last day so with a quick big head jutsu and threat the banshee twins sat on either side of Sasuke who cursed the fact his shield wasn't here to keep them at bay. 'I guess even the dobe had his uses.' Sasuke thought before quickly dismissing it.

Everyone was seated as Iruka looked at the clock and then the class and then the door. 'Naruto where are you?' Sighing he started with a speech hoping he would show up soon. "Okay everyone, since this will be the last I see most of you I just want to address you with a short speech." Looking around Iruka could see the excitement in the many smiling faces he saw. 'How I wish they could be like this forever.' Breaking from his thoughts he continued with his farewell welcome to the biz speech like he got when he graduated. "You should all be very proud of yourself and know that you each have the ability to become great ninja. I can tell you will bring great pride and honor to your village and family. Because the moment you accepted your hitai-ate you pledged not only your loyalty, but your life to protect every citizen of this village civilian and shinobi alike. Train with that thought in mind. Grow strong so you can protect those you love from all enemies and evil. Life isn't easy for us ninja. We move in the darkness that surrounds us and see many evils. We put ourselves in danger so that others will not have to. So that those we care for and protect can sleep safely and never have to see the things we do. Cherish the friends and family you have and remember to keep in touch and renew the bonds you made as often as possible. And don't forget your old teacher Iruka okay." He finished with a smile as he got applause for his speech.

After looking over his desk he picked up a scroll and turned to face everyone again. "Now I'll call out your team assignments. Please stay quiet so everyone can hear their name. Okay Team 1 is …" Iruka said. Naruto tuned this part out as he felt like someone was watching him. As he looked around the room he caught the eyes of Hyuuga Hinata as she continued to stare in his general direction. 'Can she see me? Kaen told me if I used my eyes even the Byakugan would be fooled by my genjutsu? Oh well, I'll wait and see what she does." Naruto was saved as her name was called and Kiba bounded down to her and distracting her with his excitement of being on the same team though she seemed to be ignoring him. Naruto was about to fall asleep when a piercing shriek tore through the classroom. Looking at the source he saw Ino with her head down in defeat and Sakura plastering herself all over a very disgusted looking a second shriek was let out as it seemed the Hokage replaced him with another fangirl of the teme's. 'Couldn't have happened to a better guy.' Naruto thought as he watched Sasuke struggle to get out of Sakura's grasp.

Then came an anguished cry from Ino that Naruto could only shake his head at. 'I bet they wish they could break the tradition their families have and team up with anyone else.' Naruto thought. He turned his attention to Iruka once he heard team 11 as he knew that was his teams' call number. "Team 11 will be Uzumaki Naruto and his gennin sensei will be Yugao Uzuki." Iruka says, but is interrupted before he could call out the remaining teams. "It's just Naruto now Iruka-san." Naruto called out as he dropped the genjutsu. Iruka and everyone else looked up to where the voice came from and were surprised that instead of junk now sat a tall blonde kid with blue eyes in a clean row. "N-n-na-naru-to?" Iruka asked shakily. "Hai Iruka-san" came Naruto's response that was loud enough to hear, but not to loud.

This got different responses the most vocal of which came from Kiba and the pink wonder. "WHAT'S THAT LOSER DOING HERE!?" They both stood and shouted. Naruto who had put in his earplugs for insurance just sat back like he heard nothing. The rest of the class wasn't so lucky. Iruka had recovered from the shock and saw Kiba stalking towards Naruto. Iruka sighed as he really hated to do this again, but it seemed he had no choice so doing his Big Head Jutsu he shouted. "KIBA, SAKURA SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" Once again the class was wincing and cursing the two loudmouths. Sakura immediately went to sit down, but forgot she was turned around facing Naruto and in her panic she fell to the floor hitting the back of her head against the desk and then her jaw as her head rocked forward hitting the chair. The entire class including Sasuke, Shino, Hinata, Naruto, and Iruka burst out laughing as she pitifully laid on the floor to embarrassed to rise her head. 'It's that demons fault. My mom was right about him. I'll get my revenge.' Sakura thought. Kiba after rolling around the floor laughing forgot what he was doing and returned to his original seat. 'Thank Kami he's gone. Does he even know what a bath is?' Hinata thought.

Iruka was finally able to finish up announcing the teams. "Okay everyone be back here in an hour to meet your sensei's. Until then you are dismissed." Iruka was about to leave since he no longer had a mess to deal with in the back row, but then decided against it and headed up to talk to Naruto. Most of the class had left except for Sasuke, Ino, Sakura, Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru, Shino, Ami, and Hinata. They stayed for different reasons. Ami, Ino, and Sakura stayed because Sasuke did. Sasuke stayed, because he wanted answers from the blond about what went on yesterday. Shino surprisingly also had something he wanted to ask of the blonde. Hinata was confused about something and had a few questions. Kiba stayed, because Hinata did and he wanted to fight Naruto. Shikamaru was also interested as he noticed the genjutsu, but feigned sleeping and Choji stayed because Shikamaru did.

Naruto sensed the eyes on him as well as Iruka coming towards him. "What can I do for you Iruka-san?" Naruto said as he sat back in his chair. "First I'd like to apologize again for how I've behaved towards you in the past."Iruka says humbly. "My response is the same as last night Umino-san forget about it I have." Naruto replies. Iruka nodded and went to what he wanted to know. "Why have you dropped your last name?" Naruto thought for a moment before answering. "I have recently found out who my parents were." That got looks of surprise and intrigue out of everyone. "Let's just say I wasn't happy with what I found out so I refuse to use that name. I know of other orphans that use only their first name so I chose to do the same." Naruto says. Iruka could only nod. The answer got four different reactions. 'He must really hate his family for some reason.' Thought the three fan girls. 'How can he dishonor his ancestors like that.' Came from Kiba and Sasuke. 'Interesting.' Thought Shikamaru and Shino. 'Poor Naruto-kun, I wonder what he found out.' Thought Hinata.

"Okay what's with the new look?" Iruka asked looking the black clad teen over. "It's new to you, because I've kept myself and my clones henged to look the way the villagers are comfortable with. As you can see though I am taller and prefer to wear darker clothes, while I do enjoy a little orange here and there." Naruto said as he stood up and showed he was in fact only an inch or two shorter than Iruka was. "Wow I guess you hit a major growth spurt or something." Iruka said. Naruto just shrugged, while the four girls had one thought 'Hot.' "Okay one more and then I'm going to go eat some where." Naruto said as a black cloth covered box suddenly appeared on the desk in front of him. "Okay … umm how did you manage to become so strong despite no one teaching you anything?" Iruka asked. "Simple. I found someone willing to train me and show me what I needed when no one else would." Naruto replied. 'I'd hate to think what my life would be like if you never agreed to teach me sensei.' Naruto thought to Kaen. 'I know boy now leave these fools before they try to get you to reveal more.' Kaen replied.

Grabbing his lunch Naruto stood up and made his way out of his row and down the ailse, but just as he reached half way down a hand grabbed his left shoulder. Not even turning to look Naruto says. "I am asking nicely Uchiha-san. Please remove your hand so I can leave and enjoy my lunch." Sasuke just ignores him and says. "Tell me how to do that jutsu you used last night against that man with all the sharingans and bandages on him. I also want to know what you know about that man." Naruto just looked at the offending hand. 'That's what he did before my hand was set on fire.' Kiba thought as he had flashbacks to what happened over 4 years ago. This time though Naruto just jerked his shoulder forward out of Sasuke's graps and continue to walk down the ailse. "Hey come back here and tell Sasuke-kun what he wants to know loser!" Shouted his 3 fan girls in surprising and defeaning unity. He didn't even act like he heard them, mostly because he had quickly put the plugs in his ear, and kept walking. Sasuke wasn't used to not getting his way. Since most of his clan had been wiped out leaving him as the only known possible holder of the sharingan in the village, everyone including the few remaining Uchiha had catered to his every whim. 'Who is that dobe to deny me?' Was his only thought as he followed the blonde and in turn was followed by his fan club. Everyone else soon left to go do there own thing except for Kiba who turned to ask Hinata out only find she was gone.

*Outside the Academy*

Naruto had found a nice spot away from most of his class under a tree. Looking at his bento he uncovered it and lifted the top finding some of his favorites. There was some deer meat, chicken fried rice, shrimp ramen with a few shrimp, and taiyaki. He tapped on the side of the box where a seal was and instantly a cup of green tea was in his hand. Naruto took a sip of the tea and then resealed it and placed the top back on covering the bento up again. "What can I do for all of you?" He called out to the group watching him from their hiding places. Slowly Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Ami, and a bit further away from them Hinata came into the clearing and made their way to stand in front of Naruto.

Sasuke was doing his best to stare a whole through Naruto's head, but he got nothing in return so in frustration he tries to hit Naruto. Naruto just slides his torso slightly to the right and pulls his leg up as Sasuke off balance trips over it and falls to the ground. Before he could even hit the ground though, Naruto was up off the ground and stepping on the back of his head driving him even further into the ground. "Leave Sasuke-kun alone!" His three cheerleaders called out as he kept pressing his foot on a flailing Sasuke's head. Only the pink one went to charge him and without moving Naruto landed a solid punch to her stomach as she bent over and dropped to her knees throwing up whatever small meal she had for breakfast. Still stepping on Sasuke's head he addressed her as he looked down on the flailing pre-teen. "You are unfortunately now a kunoichi and a poor excuse for one. If you go to attack you will not be treated like a girl any more, but a ninja who is trained to kill or worse they do treat you like a girl and rape you. The life of being a shinobi is not a game Sakura and if you continue to act like it is you will meet a grim fate. I suggest you all stop your ridiculous dieting and train more than you shop, because an Iwa nin wouldn't stop at one punch they'd kill you or worse." Naruto said as he lifted his eyes to stare at the three girls. Of course this only had an effect on two girls. 'He's right I've heard my father talk about how they used to torture kunoichi's during the war. We don't do that now, but mom's had to counsel kunoichi who have been through that recently at the hands of other villages who do.' Ino thought. 'Sakura's weak, but I'm not much better and I never want to look like she looks now.' Thought Ami. Both girls thought to take his advice and ask their mom or more experienced kunoichi for advice. Sakura had passed out from the pain shortly after the speech started so she hadn't heard a word.

Receiving a nod from two of the worst fan girls Naruto noticed the worst had passed out so not caring what happened to her merely focused on who had taken to clawing at the ground and his pants covered leg to get out from under him. "What I said to the girls goes double for you Uchiha. Your mere name may wet the panties of that corrupt council and all your little fans, but all it will do in the real world is make people want to kill you or steal your eyes before killing you. You don't run up demanding things of anyone when you haven't done shit to deserve it. This is your first warning Uchiha. I will never train you or give you anything. So the next time you see me either keep walking or exchange some meaningless pleasantries. If we happen to get stuck on a mission together we will complete the mission to the best of our abilities and then go our separate ways. Is that clear?" Naruto said as he pressed down harder on the squirming boy. "Hai" said Sasuke weakly. Naruto took his foot off his head slowly and then stood aside as Sasuke stood up and walked off as the two awake fan girls did the same only Ino stopped to pick up Sakura and drag her back into the school to receive some help.

Once again Naruto found himself alone … well not quite. "So are you going to stand there and stare at me for the next thirty minutes or are you going to say what you want to say?" Naruto says as he turns to face the blue haired girl who slowly walks up to him until she's face to face with him. "I want to know how you fooled my byakugan with those clones?" Hinata asks. "I guess I can answer that. The answer is in the clone technique I used Hyuuga-san. It's a solid clone that contains half of my chakra. To you or any Hyuuga who has never seen my full capacity you would assume the clone was me as the only way to tell it's a clone is when you kill it and it puffs into smoke." Naruto replies and receives a nod from Hinata. Settling back down against the tree the bento reappears on his lap as he uncovers it, but notices he is still not alone. Looking up at her he asks. "Anything else I can help you with Hyuuga-san?"Shaking her head she goes around and sits on the opposite side of the tree he is and pulls out her bento as she begins to eat. Shrugging he also digs in finishing just before the hour is up and makes his way back to the classroom with Hinata following close behind. 'Weird girl.' Naruto thinks as they head inside.

*Acadamey Room 401 – After Lunch*

Naruto returned to his normal seat, but instead of joining her two teammates Hinata sat beside him earning a few dirty and confused looks. Naruto wasn't sitting long thou as a few minutes later in walked the sensei's for team 11, team 10, team 8, and surprisingly both team 7 sensei's were there. Of course Kakashi was only on time, because he wanted to set something up with whoever was Naruto's sensei. Yugua went first. "I'm Uzuki Yugao here for Naruto" she says as he gets up and walks towards her. "I'm Sarutobi Asuma here for team 10." He states as Ino, Choji, and a reluctant Shikimaru stand up and walk towards him. "I'm Yuuhi Kurenai here for team 8." Kurenai states as Hinata, Shino, and Kiba stand up and walk towards her. "I'm Mitarashi Anko and that's Hatake Kakashi" Anko says pointing at the silver haired mask wearing scarecrow as Sasuke, Ami, and Sakura stand up and walk towards her. When they all reached their sensei's each gave orders. "Naruto follow me" Yugao says as she walks out of the room and he follows. "Team 10 follow me outside." Asuma says as he walks out the classroom towards the back of the academy follow by his team. "Team 8 follow me." Kurenai says as she leads her team towards the front of the academy. "Team 7 meet me on the roof." Kakashi says as he shushines to where Yugao and Naruto are. Anko meanwhile goes up to the roof with their gennin.

*With Naruto and Yugao*

Naruto and Yugao had made it to the side of the academy and were sitting under two trees that faced each other and were fairly close together. They had barely gotten situated when Kakashi intruded. "Yugao sorry for interrupting, but could I speak to you for a moment?" Kakashi asked. She looked over at Naruto who shrugged and stood back up walking a few feet away. "What can I help you with Sempai?" She asked. "I would like to request joint training session, between your team and mine. You see with Naruto now apart of team 11 and the Hokage adding another fan girl type on my team I'm afraid Sasuke won't be able to get enough from the training I want to put him through." He replies. "So what are you suggesting Hatake-sempai?" She asks. "I'm suggesting that you focus on training the other two while I take Naruto off your hands and he helps me make Sasuke stronger. Plus, if he gets out of control I can better handle him than you." Kakashi says sure she would agree.

"That's a generous offer sempai, but I think we'll be fine." She says in soft yet dangerous tone before continuing in a normal tone. "Naruto requested a kenjutsu teacher and aside from Hayate-kun I'm the best there is. Plus, I don't think Naruto likes Sasuke very much. When I got here I saw him attack Naruto and Naruto pretty much stepped on him like an ant. Maybe down the road we'll get a mission together and we can see about it then." Yugao walks back to where her student is done with the conversation. 'Damn him I can't believe he thought I'd go for that bullshit. I was one of Naruto's original guardians and can tell he has nothing, but bad intentions for Naruto.' She thought. 'Damn her, how dare she not help me make Sasuke stronger and help that demon. However, maybe I went about this the wrong way and I should go straight to the demon himself instead of his trainer.' Shunshining away he went to meet his team.

Sitting down and forgetting about Kakashi's ambitions for now Yugao looked her soon to be student over and began their introductions. "Hello Naruto-kun. My name is Uzuki Yugao. My specialty is kenjutsu although I can help you in any area you may need help in except for fuinjutsu. Okay now if you could tell me a little about yourself?" She finishes and motions for him to start. "Okay as I guess you no my name is no longer Uzumaki Naruto it's just Naruto due to certain things I've found out recently. I have no real specialty, but due to my chakra capacity I guess most people would say I specialize in ninjutsu. I have learned over 20 and have learned how to use more than two different elements. I have intermediary sealing knowledge, can perform low level genjutsu without my dojutsu and high level ones with…" Naruto was cut off before he could finish. "You have a dojutsu?" Yugao asked. "Yes, it has abilities of both the byakugan and sharingan is all I can tell you." Naruto replies. "Does it have a name?" She asks. "Not yet. I really haven't thought about it." Naruto answers honestly.

"Okay. Well, the Hokage informed me your teammates will be arriving some time this week so until then you and I will work on your taijutsu and kenjutsu. Although from what I saw of how you handled the Uchiha gaki your physical abilities are pretty good for your age." Naruto blushed a little at the praise, but then composed himself. "Uzuki-sensei I think before we go any further you need to know something." Naruto says gaining her attention. "I do not care about advancing in the ranks much. My goal is to be able to defend myself and from what I've been told my future enemies are some of the strongest shinobi in the ninja world. I only know for sure of one person, because they told me themselves. Uchiha Itatchi told me one night that some time in the future after I graduate, I don't know when, he and I will fight. He also, warned me of a group of nin as strong and in some cases stronger than him that's after my constant companion." Naruto says as he points to his belly gaining a gasp from Yugao. "So you see I need intense training. I've managed to get myself to jounin level in ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, chakra control, and I've been told my chakra is at level 4.25 and growing. However, I know it's not good enough to face that type of enemy Itachi-san was talking about. I just want to focus on kenjutsu right now and improve everything else along the way while gaining some experience." Naruto says.

"Thank you for trusting me Naruto-kun with that information. I promise to help you in anyway possible." Yugao says with a smile. "It was some time ago, but I still remember how you used to help and protect me. I am really glad the Hokage saw fit to allow me to be your oshiego." Naruto replies also with a smile. "I was just doing my job." Yugao says with a slight blush. "Well too someone like me where most people take pleasure in not doing their job … that meant a lot." Naruto says as Yugao nods. "Normally this is where we'd part ways after I tried to psyche you out and tell you where to meet me tomorrow with your team for the real test, but your team and the Uchiha's are being pushed through." Yugao says. "Even with the council out of commission?" Naruto asks. "Even without them the public is still in love with the Uchiha name and the Hokage made it clear your team would be gennins and take missions as soon as possible. So instead of giving you the standard gennin cell test I will be sparring against each of you individually to see where you need help and gauge your abilities. If you want we can do yours now." She replies. "I would rather my teammates see what I can do so we can get to know each other better. I would like to spar a little with you though before I go see the Hokage." Naruto says. Yugao agrees and gets into a stance while Naruto deactivates all of his restrictive seals and grabs the zanbato on his back and positions it in front of him holding it with his right hand.

Before they could start though Yugao stopped and walked towards Naruto. "First lesson Naruto-kun. Your stance is too flat footed. You need to find a stance that you are comfortable with and can move smoothly in that has your push off foot in front so you can move quicker to your attack or defense position." Yugao shows him what she means by getting him to try to move with his lead foot in the back, then parallel, and finally in front of the other foot. Seeing she was right and the instant improvement he smiled. "Thanks sensei." Yugao nodded and then got back in position. She noticed Naruto now put his right foot slightly out in front with the heel slightly elevated. He held his blade forward and waited as she took out what looked to be a wooden sword and then nodded at him. Naruto gave Yugao a small smile and then charged reaching her within seconds as he slashed at her with his sword. 'His speed is easily jounin level, but it's clear that while he has some experience with a sword he needs a lot of guidance.' Yugao thought. Tapping the side of the large sword was enough to put Naruto off balance as she finished by hitting him in the stomach. Naruto bent over for a moment, but then stood back up to her shock.

"Umm sensei do you have another one of those wooden swords for me?" Naruto asks. "Sure. I probably should have given this to you in the first place." Yugao says. She reaches into a pocket fishing out a scroll then unsealing another wooden sword and tossing it to Naruto. Placing the scroll back in the pocket she asks. "Ready?" Naruto nods and they get back into their stances. This time Yugao attacks she runs until she is a few feet in front of him and the vanishes in a burst of speed suddenly appearing behind him. She turned her head to see Naruto on the ground again coughing up a little blood with a broken sword in his right hand. She quickly ran to his side. "Are you okay Naruto-kun?" She asks. "*cough* I'll *cough* be fine" Naruto manages to squeeze out. "What *cough* was that * sensei?" Naruto asks. "That my oshiego is the result of chakra flow a kenjutsu technique that I will teach you." Yugao answers. Naruto slowly stands and bows to Yugao. "I think that's enough for today Naruto. Meet me tomorrow at training ground 27 at 8 a.m. and bring everything you think you might need for a six hour training session. If your still standing maybe we'll try to do a mission." Yugao says. "Sensei I've been training 10 hours a day for the last three years so do your worst." Naruto replies with a smirk. Unfortunately when he saw Yugao's reaction he knew that was a mistake. "I'm sure you'll enjoy every second Naruto-kun." Yugao says with a grin on her face as she leaf shushines away.

Naruto shook his head and admittedly happy at how things went and walked towards the Hokage Tower.

*Hokage's Office 20 minutes later*

Naruto knocked on the office door and heard the customary "enter" from inside the room. Entering and taking a seat in front of the old man Naruto waited for him to start. "Okay Naruto I'd like to know about those eyes of yours." Sarutobi started. "I kind figured. It's a combination of the byakugan and the sharingan. It doesn't have the range the byakugan does nor the copying ability of the sharingan. Oh and I can change the color when I want to, plus block the Sharingan's copying ability and cast genjutsu that can fool the Byakugan." Naruto says. "That's an amazing dojutsu is it a bloodline ability?" Hiruzen asked. "It wasn't, but it will be whenever I have kids." Sarutobi nodded. "You know Naruto-kun if you decide to stay and live in the village past the 3 years you will have the ability to marry as many women as wish to marry you." The Hokage says. "Tempting offer, but no. I wouldn't care if everyone got on their hands and knees and kissed my butt … in two years 355 ½ days I will leave this place and never look back." Naruto says earning a sigh from the old man.

"I really wish you would reconsider. I sent one of my best information people to find out about your mother and relay a message about what's happening. I'm sure now that Danzo is gone she'll be anxious to come back and meet her son." Sarutobi says. "Not interested. I don't hate her, but she did what she did. There is no going back and nothing will keep me here." Naruto replies. "Fine that's all I wanted. The Fire Daimyo sent me a message and said that your two teammates would arrive within the next three days." The Hokage says and Naruto nods then gets up. "Well, if that's all I have training to do. I do want to thank you thought for setting me up with Uzuki-sempai. I think we'll make a good team." Naruto says then walks out the door and shushines to Area 44 hoping he can train in peace. 'I think it's time I read my fathers letter.' Naruto thought.


Ikeikes - Bitches