
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 16

New day - Morning- Sawyer House - Guest room.

From this Kuroka came out yawning while she fixed her kimono, the previous day had been truly exhausting for her... returning from an extensive mission, being greeted by her different shirone, knowing that she has a boyfriend and he is not Issei-nya, knowing that the other girls are involved with this new boy, participating in some kind of creation to extend this boy's life and give him more power.

A lot, it's a lot for the young nekoshou.

Kuroka walked towards the bathroom on the second floor still in her thoughts, remembering that there were new toothbrushes behind the mirror according to Shirone's facilities and...


Kuroka opened the bathroom door and that's when her ears caught a moan and she came out of her thoughts blinking only to gasp at the sight that greeted her.

The... the... the Gremory girl is naked and leaning against the sink, m... while n... Naruto is behind her moving inside her, which she could hear in very detail and even more the lustful sound from each thrust and... and... v... Valerie-nya is in the tub covering her eyes... blushing.

"Ahh... sighed... ahre...

Rias seemed to notice Kuroka and looked in her direction gasping at each thrust of her boyfriend into her delicious spot.

A strong blush flashed on Kuroka's cheeks as she saw Rias' panting and exhausted face... her crimson hair disorganized, stuck to her skin, her eyes dull with ecstasy and she smells... she smells strongly of sex just like the vampire. virgin who smells of excitement and looks through small openings of her hand with which she covers her eyes at the exciting scene.

Naruto went all the way in as Rias gasped and stopped looking at Kuroka for a moment as she looked at them.

Naruto: is it coming... for... the bath?... - he asked, taking a breath but moving slowly inside Rias so as not to lose the rhythm or the heat.

Kuroka nodded slowly, now looking at the impressive naked body of these two who are still united and their presence does not seem to faze them.

Naruto contemplated.

Naruto: on the ground floor... and above... there are other bathrooms... - he said softly with sighs since they are in the bathroom on the second floor, so much so as not to alert those who are still sleeping and the that are in the kitchen.

Kuroka nodded dumbly without taking her eyes off the scene in front of her... yes she can be mocking and flirtatious but she is still a virgin, she is also a virgin visually so seeing this is a shock and even more so that her sister lost her virginity before her and more with that... that... that big thing he sees.

Naruto downplayed it, he is not an exhibitionist but he is close and Rias is still moving so he moved again inside her warm interior... also to the vampire's delight, she had also joined the bathroom after them when he proposed. , since it wasn't like they were going to finish yet and leave it... but this one has already been in that tub for about an hour.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...

Naruto rested his hands on Rias's soft, round butt... it's perfect and even more so how delicious it bounces with each of his thrusts as he squeezed it and kept moving.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...

Naruto: e... I'm close... - she said with laughter, still panting without being able to form a word other than moan, a strong deep blush covered her cheeks and she shook when she exploded just like Naruto in her who began to fill her with his warmth. essence

Naruto held her against him so she wouldn't fall from the ecstasy until minutes later the ecstasy passed for both of them with trembling laughter.

Rias smiled satisfied, morning sex always made her feel complete, satisfied, she had gotten used to having it and...

Rias blinked still in Naruto's arms looking at Kuroka there standing like a statue being that she moaned when Naruto came out of her it still lasted but she would calm down after a few minutes, she... she couldn't take it anymore or she would lose her mind...

Naruto sighed contentedly.

Naruto: if you want you can join us and take a bath with us... - he proposed to Kuroka who looked at him blushing, it wasn't that he wanted to pervert or offend her, but she hadn't left and was still looking at them.

Kuroka: what... what... what are you saying nya... we don't... we don't even know each other and...

Naruto: we can do it, plus you're Koneko's sister, I hope we get along... - he said softly to which Kuroka looked at him for a moment before taking a breath... he blushed because everything smells like sex, but he nodded, Somehow she had to seduce him in the future... laying the foundations wouldn't hurt.

Kuroka entered, closing the bathroom door behind her, as she moved to the sink to find a toothbrush and start brushing when Naruto and Rias moved.

Rías smiled, not at all upset, the more in love her boyfriend has... he has more power to help him and also, she is very satisfied with her day to day life, although there is no main one in their entire relationship, it is going very well and I would not leave her alone. nothing.

Rias pulled Naruto into a tongue kiss under the expectant gaze of Valerie and Kuroka, both blushing and even more so when Naruto's hands were returned to Rias' butt and squeezed it while a whitish substance very visible to both of them ran down Rias's legs. this.

The kiss continued for a few minutes, increasing in intensity, until they broke it seconds later, looking into each other's eyes before going and entering the shower where they hugged, the door was still open.

Naruto: won't you join together? Or will you two do it... - he asked curiously with a laugh, remembering something similar at a party they went to, of course they didn't get naked but there were naked girls dancing together inside a pole. translucent in which water fell, amazing.

Valérie blushed profusely before an idea flashed in her mind.

Valerie: yes... if you would give me a little of your blood... - she said in a moment of cunning to Naruto who smiled.

Naruto: help yourself... - he said with a funny smile when Valerie got up from the tub showing her wonderful and impressive naked body in which the water was running down her perfect skin and she left the tub walking towards the shower carefully. and I go in.

Naruto hugged Rias with one arm while with the other he welcomed Valerie who hugged him pressing her naked body against his, her hunger won against his shame or sense of self-preservation.

Valerie bit Naruto's neck with delight while he lowered his hand to her firm and generous developing rear, she has to earn something for giving her blood.

Rias turned on the shower with the warm water falling.

Kuroka, who had already brushed her teeth and face, sighed before slowly removing her kimono. These shameless people are worse than her, but she is not afraid of them.

Getting rid of the knots of her kimono, she opened it showing her impressive naked body and the black thong she was wearing, which she also began to gently remove for Naruto's visual interest, to which she smiled when he saw her looking at her.

Doing so slowly, she withdrew it, revealing her neat and clean vagina while her tails danced behind her and she walked to the showers at a slow pace, a smile present on her face as she was appreciated but to her surprise there was no perversion in her. Well, there was no blood of any kind or nose, perhaps, lust flashed.

She entered the shower, closing the door behind her when the warm water wet her, the space was not that big so everyone was very close.

Kuroka: are you nervous nya... - she asked with a suspicious smile at Naruto who smiled back.

Naruto: not at all, just impressed that they are sexy and hot... - he responded with a smile, making those present blush and even more Valerie when he finished drinking her rich blood and now found himself with an arm around her waist and... and... that thing near his belly which he looked at with some fear and curiosity.

Kuroka blushed, moving her ears.

Rias smiled, she is going to make fun of them while they bathe together.

Minutes later - first floor.

Arriving there now fully dressed, you could see Naruto, Rias, Kuroka and Valerie, the latter two blushing to the curiosity of the others.

The group sat at the table waiting for the breakfast that Akeno and Tsubaki prepare.

Naruto: I'm not going to the academy today... won't you prepare to go?... - he told them and asked the others and specifically Sona who denied.

Sona: I already warned about our faults... I didn't see that you were getting ready to go so I made up an excuse for you too... - she said and explained to Naruto who nodded when Koneko approached him and sat on his lap. comfortably.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her belly much to her satisfaction as he was her normal boyfriend and not one worried about last night's revelations.

Kuroka looked at that silently.

Rossweisse: and... I... I told him that I was taking the day and... I was hoping to stay to plan our date if you don't mind... - she said nervously playing with her fingers to which Naruto smiled.

Naruto: no problem, let's take the day to spend it together... - he commented to which they all smiled before laughing to remember.

Rias: We will have a meeting at night but we will go back to sleep... - she gently warned her lover who nodded calmly and the group began to talk calmly, Naruto did not have much interest in the supernatural world, curiosity yes, interest no, so I don't ask about this

Valerie and Kuroka observed how lively everything is... nothing toxic like before with Issei-san... but more familiar, united and actually liked.

Valérie looked at Rias and the others smiling and joking, being them... they don't monopolize Naruto-san and he not only looks at one but gives his time and affection to all of them... I didn't want to judge but he does it better that Issei-san from what he notices... there are no perverted or unpleasant comments either, but rather gentle jokes, the news of the day and even a proposal from Naruto to Sona, that with her intelligence she could become the president of Japan .

Valérie smiled at that last part, eating her breakfast while informing Gasper that she is fine through her phone.

Kuroka smiled slightly, this seems more like a family than before with Issei-nya... they don't have to hog Naruto for attention or anything and he really makes his little sister smile which makes her happy too.

Akeno: Is it me or is your hair losing its brown highlights for darker ones, almost deep red... - she said, looking at her boyfriend's pretty unruly hair next to her and ran her hands through it.

Koneko: it's true... - she said, since she is closer to Naruto, literally on his lap as she lay on her side confirming it.

Rias: he still looks cute like this... - he stated, drinking the juice from his base, to which everyone nodded, even Valerie, Naruto-san finds it cute and it's the truth, power or not, it's cute.

Naruto: I see... - he didn't give it much importance, his mother is also redhead like her children and Naruko... he only took out part of his father's hair like his brothers.

And so the group continued talking calmly among themselves and joking, things simply returned to normal.

Kuoh Academy - Rest Time - Occult Club.

In this you could see Irina, Xenovia, Ravel, Issei, Kiba and Azazel present.

The group looked at each other strangely at the other girls who didn't show up to the academy and didn't tell them that they wouldn't show up in the first place.

Ravel: Valerie-san didn't show up either... - she informed the others with curiosity now about the vampire, she is not a fighter, she couldn't just walk alone.

Azazel sighed, he didn't know what was happening to the girls, much less Issei, since his return.

Azazel: don't worry, I already told Rias about the meeting tonight here at the academy with the other leaders about her proposal, in said meeting I will also bring up the topic about how strange they act or if they have any problems... - He told everyone who nodded, it was the best, they want everything to go back to the way it was before.

Azazel: Tell me, have you noticed anything strange about them, besides the fact that they don't sleep in the mansion and sometimes they miss classes?... - I specifically ask the girls.

Irina: no, well I don't know, I arrived some time after them and they already acted like that... Rias-san went out every day and sometimes she came back, it seemed like she was going to parties or something like that... I heard her talking to other girls Well, he kept his phone loud in his room... - he told them what he knows and witnessed.

Ravel contemplated, maybe she was wrong about Naruto-san... " he could be a friend from the academy and the girls just have new friends they hang out with and she hadn't heard of before ."

Xenovia nodded, seconded by Irina.

Xenovia: I once saw Rias-sama arrive home in a car at night... there was a group of human girls around her... I didn't think it was important... - she reported with everyone contemplating that.

Issei looked at that curiously before smiling somewhat perverted but happy.

Issei: does that mean that the girls have new friends... - he said with a happy smile, now he just needed a way to get you to laugh and the others to open up to him, he is happy because Asia looks happier, alive but also He wants to meet these girls' friends.

Azazel was surprised.

Azazel: but if you have a group of friends, why haven't you introduced them to us?, human or not... at least I hope that you... I point to Xenovia, Irina and Ravel... were part of this group... - he commented, not knowing how much he affected the girls with his words that imply that they were excluded.

Kiba did notice that.

Kiba: everything is a hypothesis, tonight we will know what happens and the girls will be able to talk to Rias-sama to find out if she is upset with them for something or not... - he said softly with the girls nodding.

Issei: heheh... I imagine that Buchou's friends will have breasts just as big as Buchou and Akeno-san... - he fantasized in his mind to which Irina denied for her friend.

Azazel: well... go eat something, classes start soon... - he said calmly to the group who nodded and said goodbye, leaving him alone.

Azazel: hmn... I hope this is worth it and what will happen to the girls?... - the fallen leader asked himself, hoping it's not anything bad and he can take advantage of this meeting to make his report worth it, since He recently returned to his team.

Azazel also looked at Ophis, she had been missing for days.

Time began to pass peacefully for everyone, some worried about certain girls while they enjoyed their day at "home" with their loved one.

And yes, the girls enjoyed detaching themselves from all work for a moment and just worrying about themselves, hugging with their boyfriend and watching some horror movies while eating some sweets, which was what they did while they made themselves comfortable nearby. from naruto who was lying on a couch with his head resting on sona's lap while watching the movie and the latter gently rubbed his hair.

Everyone was entertained in the movie as time passed and the sequel continued as the afternoon slowly passed darkening the room but that only gave the atmosphere of horror movies so neither the girls nor Naruto were alerted that it was already night .


A phone vibrated, this being none other than Rias's, who checked it, looking at the alarm.

Rias: and... it's time girls... - he warned to the moan of some, they are halfway through the movie and it's good.

Naruto just smiled at that.

Sona sighed as Naruto moved off her lap to which she stood up stretching.

Naruto: I'll order pizza... - he informed to which everyone nodded and came to kiss him except for Kuroka and Valerie before going upstairs to take a bath and each one to get ready for the meeting.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he looked at a certain vampire who didn't move from her seat and was the only one in the room next to him.

Valerie seemed to realize this and answered his question.

Valérie:n... I'm not that important in the meeting or part of the team, I only helped from time to time... my body is not good for fighting and I also like the movie, I want to finish watching it... - he told her He said and explained to Naruto who nodded.

Naruto: do you want some blood?... - he asked curiously to which Valerie looked at him with her slanted red eyes.

Valérie: e.. seriously... would you give it to me?... - she asked him with growing emotion to which Naruto sweated, as he understood she takes blood from bags and she doesn't like it very much... and from a living person and voluntarily assure her that it makes her very happy.

Naruto: well... I want to hug something... if you don't mind... - he said with a wink to which Valerie's hunger won him over and he approached, leaning on Naruto's side on the couch, while he He hugged her waist and pulled her to him.

Valerie settled down and went to his neck which she bit and moaned as she felt the rich taste of blood filling her mouth.

Naruto breathed in her rich scent before gently squeezing her developing ass, this vampire had to pay somehow.

After a few minutes Valerie left and went back to watching the movie, unconsciously snuggling against Naruto who hugged her belly over the long dress she was wearing.

The duo continued to calmly watch their movie, they needed 4 sequels to finish it.

Night - Kuoh Academy - Student Council Room.

In this you could see the leaders of the alliance appearing.

On the side of the demons, their leader Sirzechs, Serafall and Grayfia Lucifuge as escort.

On the side of the fallen, Azazel, Penemue, Shemhazai and Barakiel.

On the Los Angeles side, their leader Michael, Gabriel, Dulio and Griselda.

On the side of Asgard, Odin and his son Thor.

From the yokai faction, yasaka and her daughter kunou.

And finally on the side of the Greek pantheon, the god Poseidon.

The hosts are the Gremory and Sitri group as well as the Vali team who prepared everything with Vali only adding the barrare from outside as he is the strongest of the group.

The leaders greeted each other to further foster the friendship of the alliance.

Vali settled himself in a corner of the room, an eyebrow raised at this sudden meeting that Azazel told him about since he would also present his report here.

Bikou and le fay quickly went to greet the gremory and sitri group, curious about the girls not present.

Issei smiled picking up and carrying kunou in which everyone got comfortable with reya, momo and kiba acting as the main hosts waiting for their king and queen.

Sirzechs smiled as he went to his seat, curious not to see his sister next to his little brother who waved.

All the other leaders also took their seats after their greetings, the table is big enough for everyone and there are some free seats for the one who hosted the meeting.

The Gremory and Sitri group stood with their feet behind the seat that is supposed to be their respective king.

Azazel was going to speak when the door to the room was suddenly opened by the missing people.

"I apologize for the delay."

Rias and the other girls walked into the room, instantly drawing attention to them.

Sirzechs opened his eyes and needless to say Vali when he saw how dazzling Rias looked, a mature and soft air around her that actually managed to attract the fighting maniac even if she is his rival's beloved, she is hot.

Serafall was another surprise, her...so-tan looks...dazzling.

Saji thought the same.

Odin and Poseidon smiled pervertedly when they saw so many young girls.

Barakiel opened his eyes for a moment when he saw Shuri instead of his daughter.

Rias went to what she assumed was her seat, nodding to her peerage in greeting and ignoring Issei's blush, she sat in her seat followed by Sona and next to both of them, her queens and pieces were placed behind them.

The present members of both nobility when the girls approached could not help but smell their rich oatmeal aroma.

Sirzechs was still stunned by how impressive his sister looked, which took him by surprise when he didn't see her girlish air... Grayfia had to pull her suit a little to recover, which she did.

Sirzechs coughed, regaining his composure.

Sirzechs:b.. well, we can start this meeting... rias, azazel informed me of a request that you made to the alliance to continue providing us with your help along with your team and Sona's team, who if I look closely supports you... - he said seriously looking at his sister who looked at him the same way and nodded.

Sona also nodded in agreement supporting Rias.

Yasaka: What request did you make?... - the yokai leader asked, curious about what the leader of the Gremory nobility could have asked for.

Kunou looked all curious but silent at her mother's side, she has begun to accompany her to her meetings to learn for when she inherits the throne.

The other leaders were also curious about his request, since it is literally the first time he has asked for something.

Rias spoke up.

Rias: It's simple, this alliance has gained a very good influence on the people... also on the councils of each faction... what I wanted is for them to support me with their influence and voice to become the next maou Lucifer after that my brother resigns for some reason... yes, I could talk about this with my brother and the other maou, but it would be taken as favoritism on his part to a house... and getting into politics would be a longer path for me ... but if they spoke, whether with allies, the people... giving me their support would be something easier for me to achieve... - he explained his argument to which several leaders nodded in agreement with his points.

Odin rubbed his beard, that's a smart idea on the girl's part.

Penemue agreed, with such influence on her side if her brother resigned for any reason it would move the council to rule in her favor.

Serafall, michael and shemhazai found rias' request smart, since the throne of the maous is not inherited, nor won in some way... not anymore, now it is simply politics and power.

Sirzechs looked at his little sister strangely.

Sirzechs: Why this request so suddenly? I say it's a good dream besides conquering the rating games... but it seems strange to me... - he said and asked his sister curiously.

Rias smiled.

Rias: the request... hmn... - she contemplated her response.

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow.

Penemue watched her with interest.

Rias moved her shoulders.

Rias: well... I'm risking my life and that of my nobility here by fighting terrorists, I don't get paid to do it... no one... we foster relationships with others after fighting almost to the death... let's say that I want something that I have certified that at least I am not putting my life and the lives of others at stake for nothing... yes, that thing about alliance and peace is fine... we fight for that but I lack some motivation... - He explained his painfully logical point for leaders who had not thought about it from that perspective, very involved in maintaining relationships with other leaders themselves who do not look well at the team that helps make those relationships happen with some of their actions.

Gabriel tilted his head cutely in curiosity.

Penemue smiled at the girl's move.

Sona smiled in support of her friend, this confidence of the new Rias pleases her.

Vali looked at her curiously.

Albion: don't think about it ... - the dragon told him seriously in his mind.

The leaders quickly accepted Rias' request without any problem, although they were surprised by her request that they sign a binding paper something like a contract that could not be broken.

Yasaka smiled nervously at that, right now the Gremory girl seems more devilish to her than her brother.

Each leader signed the contract and Rias made it disappear when they finished and things became calmer, Azazel asked for the Vali team's report about their mission.

What Vali recounted in his Grayfia report was for some sandwiches for everyone.

Kuroka sighed from her place on the wall next to her shirone, she looked for a moment at Issei-nya's somewhat silly face who doesn't take her eyes off Rias' back, if only the poor thing knew that he already lost her and that she saw this morning, she would die.

Kuroka blushed slightly remembering the daring bath she took, how Naruto's hands roamed over her body at her playful request and...

The nekoshou shook her head, putting those thoughts out of her mind and refocused, paying attention to the meeting.

The meeting was passing quietly with the leaders discussing some of the Khaos Brigade's attacks when Grayfia began placing various snacks on the table and next to each leader.

The maid was somewhat surprised by her sister-in-law's dazzling change, but she knew that when the meeting was over, her king would interrogate her and Issei-san had passed by for what she did not comment on.

Placing a plate of cookies and tea in front of Rias, she was going to thank him when he turned green.

Rias pushed her chair up abruptly and quickly went to the side window opening it and...


Rias vomited without any care, a sound that quickly colored several people.

Sona got up from her chair and ran quickly towards the hallway followed by Tsubaki, Akeno, Asia and Koneko.






Several shouted quickly reaching the girls' side, Sirzechs gently patted the back of his little sister who was still vomiting.

Grayfia seemed to snap out of her surprise as she quickly went to her sister-in-law's side, while the others seemed surprised.

Minutes later.

After recovering and rinsing their mouths several times and returning to the room, the girls could be seen in different seats, while their families and leaders surrounded them.

Kunou looked at them worried like the others.

Grayfia equally worried about these, was in the room already having called some maids to clean up the mess they made.

"Are you okay? So-tan."

Serafall looked worried at her sister who nodded shaking her head as the slight nausea disappeared.

Sona: I'm fine... - she responded, slightly ashamed of not making it to the bathrooms and making a mess on the way, but at least she didn't get her clothes dirty.

Momo: something must have gone wrong... - she said, worried about her president.

Kuroka looked worriedly at her sister holding her hand.

Issei still looked at them all worried, at the same time he didn't know which way to go.

Yasaka's eyes flashed at Yoki, searching for any trouble with the girls before she gasped and stepped back with wide eyes.


Yasaka gasped drawing the gaze of everyone who looked in her direction into her golden eyes brimming with power.

Sirzechs: what?! What's happening?... - he asked the yokai leader in alarm, still rubbing his sister's hand, who looked at her with an eyebrow raised in curiosity at his surprise.

Yasaka: e... she... they... pregnant!... - he said and the place was left in an abrupt silence.





