
Naruto: Swordmaster Path

Kazetani Kenji was a 21-year-old Japanese who, unlike his acquaintances, could not adapt to the monotonous life of his world. Since he was a child, Kenji always had an enormous desire to fight against other people, but he had to get rid of that desire due to the fact that it did not contribute to his social life and made people think he was aggressive and dangerous. Nothing changed over the years until Kenji became 21 and, when he thought he would have to live a life without any enthusiasm like everyone he knew, something happened that changed everything ...

GodlySamurai · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: More training

--------Following day---------

Right after I woke up the first thing I did was to see my status again since yesterday I couldn't see it very carefully because I was almos dying of exhaustion.


Level: 1 (0/100 EXP)

HP (Health): 15 (Normal Genin: 25)

CP (Chakra): 19 (Normal Genin: 25)

STR (Strength): 6 (Normal Genin: 25)

VIT (Vitality): 12 (Normal Genin: 25)

END (Endurance): 11 (Normal Genin: 25)

INT (Intelligence): 20

LUCK: 100 (MAX)

Chakra Control: 23%

"Well, I'm quite OP, right? From what I've seen in my memories of the past 4 years, I haven't trained at all since I was born, but I am not far from the power of a genin. It makes sense since my natural talent is so high that even the system cannot measure it. "

After seeing my status and confirming my current power, I realized that I still had a lot of work to do and it bothered me a bit to know that in a few years a war would start. Even though I like to fight that doesn't mean that I like to be sent to my death, I know that I need to be much stronger if I don't want to be one of the many corpses you can find on the battlefield.

For a few moments I even wondered if I shouldn't have asked to be born another time, but then I realized that this time was undoubtedly the best of all, after all, even though I have to participate in wars from an early age, with my talent some years should be enough to guarantee my life on the battlefield and furthermore at this point Danzo doesn't have Root yet which means I won't have him chasing me because of mey eyes which will give me the opportunity to eliminate him before he really becomes dangerous.Finally, at this point Obito hasn't even been born yet which will give enough time to get rid of Madara and Black Zetsu before their plan even starts.

'Uuh .. let it be, I will not stay here thinking about the future, I will face the problems when they decide to appear in front of me'

Now I need to start training my skills, if I'm not mistaken breath of the sun has a lot and different moves.

-1st form-Flash Dance

-2nd form-Clear Blue Sky

-3rd form-Raging Sun

-4th form-Fake Rainbow

-5th form-Fire Wheel

-6th form-Burning Bones

-7th form-Sunflower Thrust

-8th form-Solar Heat Haze

-9th form-Setting Sun Transformation

-10th form-Beneficent Radiance

-11th form-Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance

-12th form-Flame Dance

And besides that I still have to practice haki although haki can only be trained from fights. I am also thinking about trying to find a way to merge the Hatake clan sword style with the Breath of the sun.

Well it looks like I have a lot of work to do.

-------------- 2 years later ----------------------

I was finally able to learn everything I could about the skills I got 2 years ago. I have to admit it took longer than I expected. Over these 2 years I barely left home and spent all the time I could training.

More than that I also managed to reach several conclusions about the future.

Despite never having talked much about this era in the anime I know that when the first Hokage died tsunade was around 8 to 9 years old and that the first great war ninja started around that time too. Which means the second hokage should die when the tsunade is around 10 to 11 years old. So I still have some time to train, at least 3 more years.

The ninja academy will also start soon and because of that I will finally be able to interact more with other characters that appear in the anime which will help me know about everything that is going on in the ninja world.

I became much stronger in these 2 years and due to this great increase in power I also had to learn Fūinjutsu to be able to seal my power because otherwise people would notice that I had an abnormal power for my age and would end up calling unwanted attention.

This is how my status is currently.

Name: Kenji Uchiha

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Bloodline: Uchiha (2 tomoe)

Talent: Immeasurable


Level: 8 (550/1500 EXP)

HP (Health): 50 (Elite Chunin / Low Jonin)

CP (Chakra): 78 (Low Jonin)

STR (Strength): 35 (Chunin)

VIT (Vitality): 43 (Elite Chunin)

END (Endurance): 38 (Chunin)

INT (Intelligence): 20

LUCK: 100 (MAX)

Chakra Control: 40%

Sword God Points: 2500 (used to buy things in the shop)


-> Haki:

-Observation Haki (not awakened)

-Armament Haki (not awakened)

-Conqueror's Haki (not awakened)

Breath of the sun --- Level 41 (57/100%)

Hatake clan sword style --- Level 44 (79/100%)

Coiling sun sword style --- Level 56 (20/100%)


-> Shinigami sword (growth item)

Over these 2 years I got some experience due to constant training but until today a system mission never appeared before me, apparently this system does not communicate with me if I do not call him first but I prefer this to a system that never shuts up.

In these 2 years I also managed to merge the two sword styles and created the Coiling sun sword style, it is quite stong but it still has some flaws.

I also activated my sharingan 1 year ago because of a nightmare and the first thing I noticed was that my sharingan is much more powerful than that of the other Uchihas. It must be because of my 100% pure bloodline.

One thing I sill don't understand to this day Is how am I suppose to evolve my Shinigami sword.I tried everything I could but It still didn't work.

But then i decided to ignore it for now, I'll find out one day.Right now I am just waiting for the ninja academy to start and finally start my ninja life.

'This will star to get interesting now heheheh'

SKILL LEVEL: 0-20--->Apprentice






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