
Naruto strong bone

you have never wondered what would happen if naruto had the kekei genkai of the kaguya clam bone well this is the answer. PS : it is not my story all rights to the author I just bring you this interesting story for you to enjoy

Dragon_forever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter : 12

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"More sake!" The man said angrily mentioning to his empty cup as he sat at the front of the table in the largest house of the village he ruled over. A woman came in carrying a jug and hastily poured more drink into his cup.

Bringing the cup to his mouth he downed the contents in one gulp and demanded more drink. The girl poured but in her nervousness accidentally spilled some on his shirt.

"Stupid wench!" He shouted at her standing up in anger. "Seize her!" He ordered and two of his men who wore hoods grabbed her.

"Please! It was an accident!" She pleaded to him.

"You know the law, punish her!" He ordered and they began to take her out to be dealt with.

"Let her go…" Another voice said and suddenly a pair of senbon hit the two in the side of the neck knocking them unconscious.

The green haired man narrowed his eyes and looked over at his new follower who had done it.

"If you kill everyone in your drunken rage, you'll have no followers left Raiga." The feminine boy said to him.

Raiga Kurosuki, The ruler of the village and former swordsmen of Mist sneered at the boy who recently came into his service. "Scram before I change my mind." He said to the woman who fled and turned to the ninja. "Remind me why I keep you around Haku?"

"Cause without me and Ranmaru, you'll eventually wind up killing yourself in one of your moods." The former servant of Zabuza said to him, now working with him.

Haku's path had taken a different turn since the incident at Wave. Heartbroken over the loss of his master and friend he had wandered meaninglessly across the land not caring where his footsteps took him. Trying to find his own purpose in life now that the man he looked up to was dead.

During his travels he was ambushed by a group of hooded men who attacked him. He fought them off but then met the leader of the group and despite a valiant effort was overwhelmed by the dual lightning blades he wielded. Intrigued by his bloodline, Raiga offered him a position in his small army of thieves and thugs who ruled the nearby village and forced the inhabitants to mine for gold.

Haku seeing little choice in the matter had joined him. Raiga was far different from Zabuza, whilst Zabuza only fought and killed a person as part of a job, Raiga took pleasure in killing and torturing his victims. The only thing that seemed to stop him at times was his other follower, a young boy he carried on his back named Ranmaru. The boy, like Haku had a bloodline like the famed Byakugan yet his was some sort of Mutation of sorts as it was unlike any other Kekkai Genkai and only he had it.

Haku had tried to curb Raiga's killing intent and mannerisms with a hope he could make things better and succeed and make up for his past failure yet had found it to be a daunting task.

"Lord Raiga!" A member came in, the youngest and newest member of the Kurosuki family came in and kneeled. "Someone wishes to see you." The young boy Karashi said to him.

"I'm not in the mood for visitors, if they stay bury them." He responded and Haku shook his head.

A small chest suddenly flew into the room and landed in front of Raiga. Drawing his blades out he looked around almost as if in a paranoid panic.

"Open it, it's not rigged." A voice said and he looked at the doorway and saw a group of ninjas standing there. "Orochimaru-sama is interested in an alliance with you." The leader of the group with blue hair said to him who had another body conjoined with him. Haku seeing them saw the large man, the six armed ninja who had an Hitai-ate and the female member with red hair as well.

Raiga glared at him and hesitantly reached down and opened the chest.

Several thousands dollars of Ryo stared back at him and a grin appeared on his face.

"This will be but a fraction of your riches if you join him." Sakon the Leader of The Sound Four said to him. Raiga looked up still grinning.

"Tell him I'm quite interested in agreeing to an alliance." He said with a dark smile.

At Konoha…

Naruto and the others where in the testing room that the first part of the exams was being taken at.

The blonde looked around at all the ninjas who where in the room. There was a lot and many where older than he was. He glanced around and saw in the room Gaara and with him was his siblings. The stoic boy had his arms folded across his chest showing no emotion but it looked as if to Naruto that he was struggling to contain something.

He looked and saw at the back of the room was those three ninjas he had spotted yesterday, the three ninjas who had hitai-ates with Sound notes on them. He still couldn't help but get the feeling they would be trouble just by looking at them.

"Sasuke-kun you're the best!" A voice called out and he turned and saw a blonde haired girl in purple hugging Sasuke much to Sakura's anger.

Naruto looked over as his team was talking with a group of rookie Leaf ninjas. All who had graduated in the class he was in. There was Team 8 and Team 10 as well as an older team that Rock Lee was on with his two teammates.

"Ready to see that just because you graduated first it doesn't mean a thing?" Kiba Inuzuka carrying his dog on his head standing next to a shy girl and a quiet boy said to Sasuke having pried the girl away.

"Man, if Asuma sensei hadn't bribed me with that BBQ buffet I wouldn't be here." A large boy said rubbing his stomach.

"Can you not stop thinking about food for one minute Choji?" The blonde snapped at him. "You're going to cost us if you keep thinking about stuffing your fat face!"

"I'm not fat!" He shouted in response angrily as his other teammate lazily watched on.

"All of you are wasting your time." The male ninja who was Lee's teammate said to them. "Your fate is not to become Chunin." He said with a arrogant smirk.

Naruto's ears perked up at that and turned his attention to the long haired white eyed figure who was part of the Hyuga clan. "Fate?"

"Hmph, correct. Fate is what determines everything and your path is not meant to become Chunin, only I shall achieve the status of Chunin in these exams. Save yourself the humiliation of defeat and drop out now." Neji Hyuga said to him.

"Interesting theory you got yourself there." Naruto said and Neji smirked at him. "But you're wrong. Fate doesn't control my path in life, I believe in what I make with my own two hands which I trust a lot more than Fate like you chose to do. So thanks but no thanks I'm staying in."

Neji glared at him. "You'll soon find out that nothing can stop Fate, not even those hands of yours." He said to him.

"Sasuke-kun will win so why don't you both drop out and get out of his way?" Ino said to them but was ignored.

Naruto and Neji looked at one another seizing each other up as blue stared into white.

"Hmmm, you may be an interesting warm-up later." Neji said and walked back towards his team.

The group continued talking when a young teenager with a friendly smile on his face walked towards them.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked and he bowed politely.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kabuto Yakushi and I too will be taking part in the exams." He said with a polite smile as he worn a Leaf Hitai-ate.

"Aren't you a bit old to be a Genin?" Naruto asked him and he smiled again.

"This is my seventh time competing in the Chunin Exams. Luck hasn't been on my side on my past attempts but this time I wish to succeed where I have previously failed." Kabuto said to him. "My teammates are Yoroi Akado and Tsurugu Misumi. We form a Helmet-Armor-Sword trio. I can give you advice if you need it since this is your first time here."

"What kind of advice?" Sasuke asked and he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of cards.

"These are my data cards. For every ninja or foe I've faced or have heard about, I've obtained data on them. After all, being a ninja is ninety percent about knowing your enemy." He said as he showed them the cards. "Their strengths, their weaknesses, what type of Jutsus they will use and battle strategies to counter them. Here's your card." He said and revealed a card with Sasuke's face on it and his stats. "It says here you are regarded as a true prodigy and have mastered many of the Uchiha clan jutsus before you where ten years old. Having obtained your clan's Sharingan as well you are able to copy and use an opponent's jutsu against them after seeing it. As for Rock Lee, he is the Student of Might Gai and a Taijutsu specialist, however in Genjutsu and Ninjutsu he lacks greatly due to the fact that due to a stunt in his chakra he is unable to do them and relies on hand to hand combat." He said showing them to Naruto and the others.

"Do you have anything about a Sand Nin named Gaara?" Naruto asked him.

"Ah yes, here we are." Kabuto said and pulled out a card with him on it. "Gaara hails from Sunagakure The Hidden Village of Sand and is the Kazekage's son. His siblings Kankuro and Temari are his teammates and every mission he has done, even an A class one by himself he has succeeded."

"What Impossible!" Kiba shouted in disbelief.

"And it also says that in every mission he's done, he's suffered no damage, no injury, or any illness of any sort. As if he's immune to damage." Kabuto said a grieve tone in his voice.

"So I guess it's true…" Naruto said to himself remembering what Kakashi said to him.

In the waiting room where the Jonin Sensei's would wait Kakashi was in the middle of a conversation with a group of other sensei's.

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" A voice shouted and Might Gai appeared right beside Kakashi who looked slightly annoyed at his entrance. "Ah, it is good to see you all again. Today shall be a most interesting day." He said with a smile.

"Asuma, your team has been put as early favorites to advance to the next round and one of them to become Chunin this year." Kurenai Yuuhi said to Asuma Sarutobi who was smoking a cigarette.

"Yes, but that's if they all don't decide to drop out immediately. If they could just work together and get motivated they'd be a fine team just like their fathers." He said referring to Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru.

"I wouldn't be pinning badges to their chest yet Asuma." Gai said with a smirk. "I kept my team from competing in past exams so they could gain more experience, this maybe their first time as well but they have a extra year's worth of experience underneath them. Still if you think they'll win, how about a bet? The sensei and the team who doesn't make it to the finals has to do five hundred laps from here to the Park."

"I think I'll pass on that wager." Asuma said good naturedly. "Kakashi I have to admit I am surprised. After the first reports I've heard of your team not getting along and being dysfunctional I wouldn't figure you would register your team after the early struggles they had."

"Hmmm, they may have struggled at first and still have some bugs to be ironed out but they have improved all of them. I'm counting on them to perform well in the exams." He said in reply.

The three Jonins looked at one another and then back at him. "Kakashi, there has been talk as of late about the Uzumaki boy's other teacher." Asuma said to him.

"Yes, him. I haven't forgotten that he knocked out TenTen and bested Lee without sustaining any type of blow to him." Gai said as well. "I'd like to see this Kimimaro person myself." He mentioned as part of him wanted to avenge his pupil's honor.

"He comes and goes as he pleases, he only stays for a couple hours and then leaves. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to him very much." Kakashi said with a shrug.

"Sarutobi-sama put him as an extra sensei for Naruto but no one has any idea what he has been training him in." Kurenai said as well. "No one knows anything about this Kimimaro boy yet he holds himself and he walks with that of a master warrior. I've seen them practicing water walking at times and sparring but other than that no one knows anything about him or why The Sandaime brought him in."

"It's out of my hands, Naruto has shown great improvement though ever since he started training with him and finally learned some discipline. Sasuke tried to get him to train him as well back in Wave but was refused. His only interest apparently is in Naruto."

"Why did Sarutobi bring him in though, surely if he needed help that badly he could've instructed one of us or another of the Jonins like Hayate to aid the boy." Asuma said shaking his head. "Why go for a person none of us know nothing about or isn't even from Konoha or Fire Country? All we know he could be from Kumo, Mist, Taki, or Iwa."

"Well if Naruto manages to make it past the first rounds he'll show up again. I'm also interested in his connection with him. Sarutobi hasn't said anything, nor has Naruto and I doubt hot pokers would get him talking either if he comes back." Kakashi mentioned.

"Hmmm, it appears that this is most interesting." Asuma said voicing their thoughts.

Back at the testing room The Three Sound Nins watched on from the back of the room at Naruto and the others continued speaking with Kabuto.

"Look at them, swaggering and talking as if they already won." Zaku Abumi said to his teammates. "I think it's time we bring these morons down a notch."

"I agree, let's show these prom queens they have no right to call themselves ninja." Kin Tsuchi agreed mentioning to Sakura and Ino.

Dosu Kinuta chuckled amused as he listened in.

"Also a new entry are in the Exams." Kabuto said to the others. "Three Sound Ninjas hailing from the new Hidden Village of Sound in the Land formerly known as Rice. However there shouldn't be much trouble from them."

"Hmph, how interesting." Dosu replied as he turned his one eye to them.

"Yeah, they are already counting us out." Zaku said as well and smirked.

"I think it's time we make our move." Kin said a cruel look in her eyes.

"I agree…I think that ninja and the rest should quickly learn." Dosu said as his eye narrowed and the three got ready to make their move. "That if you insult the Shinobi of Otogakure, that consequences will soon follow!"

At that the three started darting around the room at a quick pace heading towards the front of the room.

Gaara sensing their movements stopped Kankuro noticing he was about to unravel the bundle on his back.

As the three made their way Kabuto and the other Leaf Nins was unaware of their approach. The three Sound Nins then got themselves ready to attack.

Kabuto was talking with Naruto when he sensed danger. "Take this!" A voice shouted and turning around he saw to his shock Zaku leap into the air out of the crowd and throw Kunai right at him. He dodged it when suddenly a long haired girl appeared and threw senbon at him. He dodged those as well narrowly missing one hitting his cheek.

Suddenly a bandaged hunched over figure appeared and threw a punch at him. Kabuto backed away out of range of his fist and smirked thinking he had avoided all the attacks.

To his surprise he suddenly heard him chuckling.

"He missed, why he is laughing?" Naruto said having seen the attack not understanding the true purpose.

Suddenly Kabuto's glasses cracked and he clutched at his mouth a look of pain on his face. He suddenly lurched over and threw up shocking the others.

"Hmph, how weak." Dosu taunted as Zaku and Kin appeared next to him. "Then again what can you expect from a person who's done the exams seven times and failed each time?" He said to him as Naruto rushed to check on him with Sakura.

"Add this data to your notes." Zaku said smugly. "The Sound Nins will be the ones to become Chunin."

Naruto glared at the three and was about to say something when a poof of smoke appeared in the room and a heavily scarred man appeared with others in front of him.

"What the hell is going on here?" He shouted. "There is to be no fighting before the exams while I'm here unless you want your asses disqualified!" He said glaring at the three.

"Hmph, sorry. You could say we got pre exam jitters." Dosu said to him and he and his teammates walked away.

The Jonin glared at them all. "Everyone shut up and take a seat!" He snapped as many where talking amongst themselves over what just happened. "I'm Ibiki Morino and I'm the proctor for this part of the exams. I'm only saying this once so listen up. You will be taking a ten question one hour test. During that time you may only answer the first nine. If you try and answer the tenth question before the hour is up you and your team will be automatically disqualified." He said as they took their seats and the tests where handed out. "Cheating is forbidden of course and those who do will be disqualified."

"Once the hour is up you shall then take the tenth and final question. Those who pass will go onto the next stage of the Exams. Those who fail will have to try again six months from now. Me and the others here will be patrolling the room to make sure no one is cheating or trying anything." He finished as all tests where handed out.

"Any questions? Then begin!"

The testing began and immediately the Genins found themselves in over their heads as the questions proved to be far more difficult than what they had imagined. As the minutes passed on which seemed to take hours many tried finding ways to cheat without being caught.

"Disqualified!" Ibiki's voice shouted as he threw a kunai which hit the chair a Taki ninja was seating in who narrowly ducked in time.

"You nearly killed me!" The ninja protested.

"Bah, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn't have missed. Get him out of here." Ibiki responded as the Genin and his teammates was removed from the room.

Naruto looking on doing his work watched as Kankuro who was being lead to the bathroom with his hands tied by one of the instructors sent him a nasty glare as he passed him by. He shooed a fly away which went over to where a boy named Shino was at and continued his work.

"Who was the founder and first Ruler of the Shu Han Dynasty four hundred years ago? I don't know that." He muttered shaking his head as they weren't what he was expecting as he had never been taught anything about things like that. Putting in a random guess he went on to the next question.

Choji Akimichi was munching on his bag of chips and his chewing was keeping Shikamaru Nara who hadn't even bothered to lift his pencil from going to sleep.

Sasuke had his Sharingan activated and looking on and copying the movements and hand signatures of another who seemed confident in his answers copied them onto his test.

Time passed and soon the hour was nearing its end. Some where using their bloodlines to figure out the answers such as Hinata and Neji using the Byakugan whilst others found more innovative and sneakier ways to get the answers without being caught.

"Ten minutes." Ibiki said as he patrolled the room.

Naruto wrote down an answer for a question as time continued to run down.

"One minute…"

The group finished writing down their last minute answers and corrections when he called for time.

"Hmph, I can see some of you are sweating." Ibiki said with a smirk. "Perhaps if you spent more time studying instead of goofing off you would have done better. Now then, it's time to take the tenth and final question."

(Well I can't do any worse than I have, so might as well get it over with) Naruto thought to himself.

"Before it I have to tell you, the tenth is the most difficult question and there is a special stipulation. If you miss this question you and your teammates even if they get it right will automatically fail the test. Also you will be barred from competing in any future exams as well and never be allowed to go pass the rank of Genin." He said and many shocked looks appeared on their faces at what he said.

"If any of you wish to drop out now and risk failure then do so now. This is your only chance. So who doesn't have the guts?" He said with a smirk as if daring them to stay.

Slowly, groups of people started to stand up and leave the room. Afraid they would fail the test and be stuck as a Genin forever. Naruto watched on as he saw them leave and noticed that Gaara was still there. And so was Lee and Neji. Sasuke himself showed no signs of leaving, nor did Kabuto.

Kimimaro wouldn't leave either he thought about it. So he might as well stay and take it as well.

"Is that everyone?" Ibiki asked a minute later as the room had emptied of all those who had dropped out and wouldn't continue.

"Heh, you got guts I'll give you all that. So for that I say…congratulations you've passed."

"What…" Naruto said in disbelief at what he just said. Many where also stunned at well he just said

"The test is just a fraud. These are Chunin and Jonin level questions, you weren't expected to pass without trying to cheat." Ibiki said to them. "The real test was to weed out those who wouldn't take a risk. You have all moved onto the second part of the exams which should begin in-"


The windows shattered suddenly surprising those in the room as a female Jonin leapt through the windows and landed in the front of the room.

She had purple hair and weared a long sleeved coat that covered her body which she wore fishnets around her chest and legs and a pair of shorts. She brought her head up and showed her purple eyes and slowly a grin formed on her face as she looked at them all.

"Heh, so these are my next victims?" She said and snickered. "I oughta start by cutting half of you this instant." She said with a smirk.

"Great, more crazy women." Shikamaru muttered under his breath when she appeared in front of him with a kunai against his throat.

"You were saying?" She asked smiling and headed back to the front of the room.

"I'm Anko Mitarashi and I shall be your second proctor for this part of the exams. I'm going to have fun with you." She said with a grin that sent shivers down many an older male ninja's spine.

"All of you follow me outside at once. Those who don't keep up will be cut." She said and exited the room and was followed by the Genins.

They headed outside the building and following her soon came to an ominous forest which was sealed off by gates. Stopping she turned and faced them all.

"This is Area 44 AKA The Forest of Death." She said to them. "In this forest is your destination, there is a tower where the next part of the exams will be held out. You have five days to find and get to it in order to pass."

"Ha!" Rock Lee said and grinned. "I bet I can make it in under ten hours!" He boasted.

"That's the spirit!" Anko smirked. "But it ain't that easy. You need something in order to pass." She said and produced two scrolls. "These are the Earth Scroll and Heaven Scroll. Alone they are incomplete, together they will allow you entry into the tower." She said as other instructors began passing them around to the teams. Naruto watched as Sasuke was given a scroll that was the Earth one. "If you're paying attention you'll notice that you're only getting one scroll. You need to steal the other scroll from a team in order to pass."

Naruto looked around as he saw the others get their scrolls and saw Kabuto not far from him with his team give him a thumbs up. Naruto gave him one in return and smiled.

"This place isn't called Death for a reason, if you aren't careful you'll wind up dead." Anko continued. "If you do die, don't leave too much of a mess so we can at least recognize your corpse." She said with a smile. The gates opened and each team braced themselves ready to begin the second part of the Exams.

The Sound Nins prepared themselves to run, Gai's team was getting ready and others where devising strategies over how to get the scroll they needed. Naruto looked into the forest standing next to Sasuke and Sakura ready for it.

"GO!" Anko shouted as the next part of the Exams went underway.