
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Ação
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51 Chs

chapter 35

Tatsumi was standing alone in one of the konoha training ground.He could sense he was being watched but he didn't mind it.

He layed down on the ground as he opened the system panel to see his stats.

Host: Tatsumi

Race: unknown






Pika pika no mi(150)


Unknown dojutsu(10)


Current stat points owned (50)

"It seems I'm no longer human well its not like me not being human changes anything but I wonder what am i."thought Tatsumi.

"System do you have any idea what race I am?"asked tatsumi.Host will know when the time is right but host may not just be one race.replied the system.

Tatsumi got up as he didn't pursue any answers as to him it did not matter he knew whatever he was he definitely isn't an otusuki.

"System the creatures summoned by my dojutsu do they have sentience?"asked tatsumi.

Yes they do depends on how strong they are host can create new light guardians or resurrect the dead one's host can even use souls of the dead or capture some dead souls in the dungeons to turn into new light guardians.

"I see but if they have sentience why did they act mindless when i summoned them?"asked tatsumi.

Host was in a mindless state and gave orders to kill causing all the light guardians to enter a rampage state including one of your four generals.

"So that dragon was one of my generals but how is it possible that I already have four generals when I didn't create any?"asked tatsumi.

That is because you unconsciously created them giving them all different personalities from when you first awakened your dojutsu which is part of why you went berserk as host was unconsciously creating them while host body was under incredible strain.

"Huh so they are all sentient I guess I should try summoning them but i can't do it here."said Tatsumi to himself.

"I should try summoning them in a miniature version as not to startle anyone."said Tatsumi as he closed his eyes.

"What do you think he is doing?"asked thebird masked anbu."I don't know but he is very dangerous and is potentially the current strongest Uzumaki and the man who will likely be the one konoha will have to negotiate with in the future."replied the dog masked anbu.

"But he has zero chakra how could a Uzumaki have no chakra nor any chakra points?"asked the the bird masked anbu.

"None of us are entirely should why but that wasn't the case before the chunin exam but for some reason he doesn't have the Uzumaki bloodline.However he has gotten no weaker proven how he defeated captain sakumo and the others easily. If only he were a konoha ninja."said the dog masked anbu

Tatsumi opened his eyes which were in the state of the Karumigan.Tatsumi body then erupted with light as four gigantic figures immerged from his body.

The first figure was that of a dragon that was shining in golden armor as its stature stood up right similar to a human as it carried a giant sword in its hand.

The next figure was of a golden Phoenix with golden fire spreading all over it's body.

The next figure was of a giant tiger who had wings coming from it's back as it was made of pure white lights differentfrom the other two who were golden in colour.

The next figure was not of an animal but a paladin who was clad in golden armor as it carried a giant spear in its hand.

"You must be our leader and the one who created us."said the dragon."Tell me master what are our names?"asked the tiger.

"Yes tell us our names and your name si we can pledge allegiance to you."said the paladin.

Tatsumi thought about it for a second as he turned to the dragon and the pheonix."Your names are ragon and your name is kusu."said Tatsumi to both the dragon and the phoenix.

"And for you two your names are shogo and ritose."said Tatsumi to both the the paladin and the tiger.

"Great names indeed master and from now on we are your guardians."said ritose.

ritose is the tiger shogo is the paladin ragon is the dragon kusu is the pheonix for those who did not understand.

nexusstar21creators' thoughts