

Meanwhile, Mizuko is heading to the Hyuga Clan where she meet Hiashi Hyuga.

" Lord Hiashi." Mizuko said. " Is the 9 year old Hinoko Hyuga here?"

Then, Hinoko showed up.

" What do you want?" Hinoko asked.

" What do you want with her?" Hiashi asked.

" We are looking for the potential recruit for the Foundation or also known as Root since Danzo's execution and Orochimaru's killing Danzo's entire subordinates. As you can see, we already have representatives from Yamanaka and Aburame, formerly we used to have a representative of the Uchiha Clan however he went rogue after he killed his entire Uchiha Clan. It seems you didn't sent her to the Academy."

" She isn't ready for the Academy. We Hyugas already sent Neji and Hinata in the academy. Neji is now s Team Nine member under Guy while Hinata is a member of Team Ten under Kurenai. But you are the only respresentive of the Senju Clan to joined the Foundation. Your personality is similar to both the First Hokage and the Second Hokage. Anyway, why not let her joined the Foundation, she wanted to grow stronger in the right time, she can joined the Academy."

" Lord Hiashi. Will you approved it?" Hinoko asked.

" I approved." Hiashi said.

Later, Hiashi agreed and Hinoko finally joined the Foundation under Mizuko's leadership.

Later, Mizuko headed to the Inuzuka Compound as Tsume and Hana were greeting at Mizuko.

" I'm looking for a 10-year old Tsuchimi Inuzuka." Mizuko said. " I was about to recruit any potential kids who were not enrolled in the Academy and already trained their skills within their compound."

Tsuchimi showed up.

" What is your offer?" Tsuchimi asked.

" I have an offer for you." Mizuko said. " Joining the Foundation will help you becoming stronger."

Tsume and Hana were deadpamned.

" Mom." Hana said. " Are you gonna approved about this?"

" Short version. I don't know." Tsume said. " However, Mizuko is now taking over as a new leader of the Foundation after Danzo is executed. She is a member of the Senju Clan, which thought they were extinct following after the First Hokage defeat Madara Uchiha."

" I already made some changes regarding in the rules and regulations in the Foundation." Mizuko said. " I believe that Tsuchimi might become as talented as Hinoko."

" You recruited Hinoko from the Hyuga Clan?" Tsume asked.

" Yup." Mizuko said.

Tsume and Hana were sighed.

" Fine." Tsume said. " I'll let Tsuchimi joined the Foundatiom."

" Don't worry Auntie." Tsuchimi said. " I won't let you down."

Tsume deadpanned.

" Stop calling me auntie." Tsume said.