
Naruto Sitri (A multiverse Journey)

A Naruto who in his reality lost the war, thought he died but lady fate, had plans prepared for him, from being born into a being that should not have existed, to becoming the guardian of something he was never prepared for. ... (multiversal travel)

Luu_Slost · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1 : wake up?

Looking at the ceiling of wherever I was at the moment, I said to myself in my thoughts, "How I hate my luckeeee." Well no...only sometimes, I guess, you know this talking to myself in my mind thing, it was only funny when I had a crazy fox inside me taunting my thoughts, wow now that's a distant thought.

Still, whistling a tune I used to hear from my teacher, I put an arm over my eyes, I falsely sobbed for a few seconds, torturous seconds thinking about what I would do now.

So what, ... I should just get up and drink sake until I let it all out, yes, good answer, but there were problems for that, many problems, starting with the simplest one, my body.

My body once full of muscles in the muscles of so much training, a body worthy of a damn Raikage, now ... well now, it was just a half pint ..., you wonder what happened to end up like this, yeah, me too ... the last thing I remembered was dying at the hands of a bitch with white hair.

And the next instant I was waking up ... but not waking up in a body like you normally would, rather I just woke up as a consciousness or something, it was strange because all I could do in that state was observe, zero interactions, just watch, I wondered several times if that's what it felt like to be the fox inside me.

Still, being just the observer was ... how to say, enlightening, or I don't know, I was just a renegade ninja after all... just another weapon, fuck the words of the stupid intellectuals, anyway, what I saw.... was good, I saw how this little guy was born into an amazing family, a real family, and for some strange reason this kid was also named Naruto was his mother also a stupid one naming her son like that, na, I was present when it happened after all, the reason for the name was his older sister, stupid, but so it happened, at least he didn't have the blasphemy of surname like Uzumaki, instead he had a cool one like Sitri.

Interesting detail of the surname, one of the families of the 72 pillars of the underworld ... yes, strange transition from being a renegade ninja to the conscience of the third son of a devilish family, contrary to tradition the devilish in this place was not the bad thing, on the contrary the being I saw grow up was loved by all the members of his family and his people around the territory they administered.

At one point I really envied everything this Naruto had, and I always thought this was my punishment for the sins of my past life, being put inside someone to see how happy they were, which I missed out on as a child by succumbing to the Kurama's temptation, the childhood I could have had if only my parents hadn't died when I was born.

But now I wasn't so sure of anything, after 10 years of such a peaceful life I got used to seeing the stoic and fun boy, spending his days playing or studying with his twin, a little girl named Sona Sitri, wow the girl was a sweetness, although that could only be said by this Naruto, since outside of him, she adopted the severe character.

This new world really was fascinating everything I learned despite being a brick-headed moron in my past life....it really was cool, the things outside the Sitri mansion, that vast world called Earth, the culture, people, things, there was a lot to explore and I was eager to continue watching the adventures of Naruto Sitri being just a spectator, as I said at that point I had already accepted my punishment/blessing.

But, as always the disgusting ended... "but", something bad had to happen that would ruin everything, 10 year old Naruto Sitri after so much peace... was kidnapped, as it happened... according to what I remember it was one day quiet like any other, except clear on the other side of the underworld... where a catastrophic event was happening for the devil race.

Hear the news from Serafall Sitri, my host's older sister, a true beauty, black hair, violet eyes, perfect body... yes, I apologized many times for perverting my host's sister, although she never listened to me , but honestly I never really felt it, I was a healthy 19 year old... now 29, wow I'm old.

Returning to the topic, Serafall reported the event, the complete genocide of a race of Youkais that lived in one of the territories of the underworld, and the older sister was actively trying to help prevent relations with the Youkai faction from being broken.

Oh, if you're wondering why the person in charge of it was the older sister, that, my friend, is because she was one of the 4 satans of the underworld, one of the most powerful demons in the entire damn underworld, being only surpassed by Ajuka. Beelzebub and Zirsechs Lucifer, the latter being the strongest of all.

Returning to the point again, I don't think even she, as brilliant as she was, would have anticipated a direct move by the old Satan faction, a group of terrorists from the old regime of the devil's politics, who had been trying to overthrow the current one. , for stupid things like the fact that the true heirs of the ancient names of the devil were not in power, a total ridiculousness... since compared to the current satans, the descendants of the originals were not even in the maximum class, and Zirsechs/Ajuka were at the Super-Demon rank.

This faction, from what I could deduce from the conversations of the kidnappers, wanted to have in their power not only my host, but also his twin, and the other little brothers of the Satans, being them, Rias Gremory, Diodora Astaroth , and Zelki Glasya-Labolas who was apparently murdered in the kidnapping process.

Rias from what I heard, the entourage that was sent for her, were massacred by the nobility of Zirsechs, the same for Diodora, unfortunately for my host and Sona, they did not have as much protection, mainly because the older sister had refused to have a nobility of powerful beings like the other two Satans.

There was an intense battle in the middle of Sitri territory, which culminated in the arrival of Serafall Leviathan herself, except for little Sona... of course, but I didn't get to recover my host.

And that brings us to the current situation, I thought it would take hours for one of the leaders of the underworld to find us,..., I thought she was being a little silly when I noticed that days had passed.

But when the seventh week arrived I accepted the situation, my little host lost hope... although I didn't know it for sure, since he had become a complete shell of what he was, every day this sadistic woman came and tortured the small with things that being myself I would have put up with, after all one didn't always win, but a 10 year old child, I really managed to break it in just a few weeks.

Well it's not that I didn't try to help him, but as I said I was just another spectator... in that sense I couldn't help the little host, and well what had to happen with the constant punishment that the little one received, happened today, the woman... better known as Katerea leviatan, crossed the line and murdered my little host.

A horrible death, poor child..., normally I'm a really sociopathic guy, I only worry about myself, but I had grown fond of the little guy, he didn't deserve such a death, but what was done... was done, I was resigned to get lost this time in nothingness.

Or so I thought, from one second to the next after a decade of not feeling anything, of not being able to do anything, I managed to feel... pain, yes shit, but that was something, then I started blinking, my muscles started to tense, I didn't know what had happened, but did it matter?

No, I didn't, I jumped up, my host's body was in a mess, he didn't have an eye and many parts of his body were totally damaged, a difficult start, but not impossible.

My awakening brought with it another blessing, my body slowly began to heal, after analyzing it a little my smile probably became predatory, it seemed to have completely united with the stinky and sleepy fox in the end it did have an effect, at the end of the battle it was The only thing we thought would defeat the white-haired bitch, unfortunately it didn't work, feeling my body once again, I felt how quickly the natural energy better known as chakra was beginning to gather inside me, from not having chakra at all, for a few minutes After recovery I had the chakra of a Hokage at my disposal, the magic was powerful I admit... but boy, nothing beats chakra.

When I passed the chakra cap, it began to take on the red hue I was more accustomed to, after all my power came from hatred, and boy... my host was full of hatred, oh friend... negative emotions , the power, they don't know what it felt like to feel it again.

And then it happened... my nails lengthened, fangs once again sprouted from me, my host's delicate rosy cheeks were plastered with my familiar wild whiskers.

The only violet eye I had left turned blood red with a thin pupil, I fell on all fours as a third tail emerged behind me, oh how I missed this shape, a small tingling in my hand told me how quickly my skin was peeling. leaving pure and malicious chakra inside, my smile became more evil, 3 minutes later, with my fifth tail out I was the monster I once was, the bone armor already covered me, I was ready, I was not complete but I recovered all my chakra it would take a little more time.

But now with power..., "Little host, for everything, thank you... even for this, thank you, in your name... I swear, I Naruto Uzumaki, I will take revenge on all those who dared to bother you, I swear I will kill and I will skin every being that hurt you, this is my promise." I declared before charging the fox's ultimate power, and throwing it at full range into my cell, "BIJUDAMA."


Serafall Leviathan POV

Trying to concentrate once again on her work, she held back a sob,...How was it possible that she couldn't find him? She was supposed to protect him, it was her duty as an older sister to ensure that nothing happened to them,...but she failed.

Failing as her sister, "Naru-tan" sobbed lightly, rubbing her eyes and continuing to try to find her little brother, Ajuka having lent her one of the total view devices that she had implemented years ago to observe some cities in case of incidents.

Still, she couldn't find any traces of Naruto at all, they had totally screwed her up this time...she was a genius in every aspect, mocked by stupid blood purists. How she wanted to go out and visit every idiot's mansion in search of her little brother, how she wanted to torture the bastards until they told her where they had Naru-tan.

But she couldn't, she really couldn't, if she did that she would unleash a civil war again that would probably at this point be the end of the devil race, but with each day that passed without hearing from Naruto, she was losing her temper more and more. , only her mother, Ajuka and Zirsechs had stopped her from murdering all those bastards a few days ago.

Deep in thought as she searched in detail for traces of Naruto, she was pulled out by one of her servants, "Lady Serafall, Lady Serafall."

She instinctively gave a silencing look to the devil who had interrupted his search for her, the devil in question froze in place of her... fear evident in her eyes.

Serafall, still growling, suppressed her aura, letting her employee sigh... "My lady, problems..." the little devil screeched, she nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"My lady, the Leviathan mansion has just been destroyed, the barriers around the territory have fallen, a mad Youkai is reportedly destroying everything in its path..."

Serafall stopped, she quickly analyzed everything that was said, in a second she had already formulated a plan, this was perhaps her chance to get information on her brother's whereabouts, so she quickly stood up and rushed towards said territory, wings spread in an instant.


Naruto POV

So... I'm supposed to be murdering everyone near me, but... well, I guess I horribly underestimated the scale of power in this world, and how did I find out? Well...

A little girl just basically slapped me and almost killed me, looking at the logical side... that doesn't make sense, but then again when has the world ever made sense? What Naruto didn't know is that basically when he started destroying the mansion destroying everything in his path, he accidentally woke up an Infinite Dragon that was taking a nap in said mansion.

Getting up with a lot of effort, I felt true terror, in front of me... a small hand is raised pointing something dark at me... really dark, the power in that small orb is literally Kaguya's full power, if it could be a tough killer, cold as hell, but like a good sociopath, I know when someone has surpassed me.

Yes, you can call me a coward, but let me tell you that in my society and well I believe that, everywhere, the strong rule, and the weak serve, Danzo was the first to put me in my place, then it was the Hokage himself, Then it was Nagato, followed by Madara, and finally... well Kaguya did not accept my services.

Let's hope this little girl is merciful, escaping I don't think is an option, so like a good coward I immediately repressed my power. She didn't kill me until I was almost naked in front of her again, then I fell on one knee and bowed my head submissively.

"I apologize my lady, I did not know that she had offended a being of her power, I..."

"Quiet, you are too loud, you must die." She said, her power increasing... filling me with more terror, wait, she said silence... an immense power, in search of silence, is this Ophis?, the damn Ophis,... what, how the hell is she? here? Wait, there's no time to think about this, I'm going to die if I don't do something right now.

"My lady, I can give you silence at least for a while." I said quickly, hoping in a cold sweat that she heard me before deleting me.

"Can?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, still with an expressionless face.

"Of course my lady, just tell me the area where you want to feel yourself in the void again, my power should be able to do it immediately." I stated quickly, she looked at me for a second… before she turned around and opened a portal.

Taking that as her answer I got up immediately following her, but when I was about to pass through the portal... I felt a familiar power nearby, when I turned to the side, the little one's older sister was there watching me, not knowing anything else to do, I just got up. hand, saying goodbye, who knows what lies ahead for me in the near future.




Hello and welcome to my story.


Luu_Slostcreators' thoughts