
Chapter 27


After two days from the meeting with Hawks and the others, Sinbad sits on the pavement waiting for Midoriya and Boom Boom Kid to come with food.


At Bakugo and Midoriya's location:

Bakugo: "Come on, you piece of trash, we'll be late for school."

Midoriya: "I'm going to give Sinbad-san food; he must be hungry."

Bakugo: "Damn you, Deku, why are you giving your food to a freeloader like him?"

Midoriya: "Because this way, I can be a hero to just one person. I'm not like you, Kacchan. I have a very strong advantage."


Bakugo, angrily: "I'll kill you, then I'll kill him, Deku."

The two reach the pavement where Sinbad is lying.

As soon as Sinbad sees Midoriya, he shamelessly calls out, "My hero, Midoriya-kun!"

Bakugo: "Damn you, Deku, he's using you!"

Sinbad, defending himself: "Don't say that, Boom Boom Kid, Midoriya-kun is very kind."


Midoriya extends his lunchbox to Sinbad, but Bakugo throws the food, causing it to fall to the ground.

Sinbad, in panic: "Noooooo, my food!" then looks at Bakugo with teary eyes, "Why did you do that, Boom Boom Kid?"

Bakugo, extremely angry: "Damn you, stop calling me Boom Boom Kid!"

Sinbad bends down and starts eating the food from the ground with his hands.

Sinbad, gratefully: "Thank you, Midoriya-kun, it's as delicious as always."

Midoriya, trying to stop Sinbad: "Please stop, Sinbad-san, it's harmful to your health to eat food that touched the ground."


Sinbad, with teary eyes: "You are very kind, Midoriya-kun."

Sinbad extends his hand, trying to ruffle Midoriya's hair, but a man's voice interrupts.

The man: "Both of you, step away from him, kids," and Hawks suddenly appears, holding the two kids.

Both of them look towards the source of the voice and simultaneously say, "Endeavor."

Police and pro heroes start surrounding the area.

Sinbad looks at Endeavor and quickly stuffs all the food into his mouth, then stands to face Endeavor.

Endeavor: "Surrender quietly, kid, and you won't get hurt."

Sinbad, smiling: "Yo! Endeavor."

Midoriya, shouting: "Sinbad-san, what's going on here?"

Hawks: "This man is a dangerous villain."

Midoriya: "A villain?"

Hawks: "Yes."


Sinbad releases his Conqueror's Haki, causing the sky to fill with black clouds, then the sky starts crying and a red lightning bolt strikes, centered on Sinbad. He starts attacking everything around him, creating craters in the road.

Endeavor steps back a few steps, and the police officers start collapsing one after the other, along with the heroes, except for the strongest-willed among them. Yet, they all stand frozen in fear.

Endeavor: "That damn monster," he starts releasing a battle cry to encourage himself, accompanied by his flames flaring up intensely.

Sinbad then raises his hands and retracts his Haki: "I surrender."

Hawks, holding the unconscious Midoriya and Bakugo: "---------"

Endeavor: "Are you kidding me, villain?"

Sinbad, with a questioning look: "Villain? I'm not a villain."

The day ends this way.


Inside a white room with a table and two chairs, where Sinbad sits with his hands cuffed, and across from him sits Nezu, with Endeavor and Detective Tsukauchi standing behind him.

Nezu: "Hello, Sinbad-san, it's good to see you well."

Sinbad, smiling: "Hello, uh..."

Nezu: "Nezu, call me Nezu. I'm the principal of UA."

Sinbad: "Nice to meet you, Nezu-san."

Nezu: "So, who are you?"

Sinbad, puzzled: "I'm Sinbad, don't you know that?"

Endeavor, angrily: "Tell us everything about you, boy."

Sinbad: "Ahhh, why didn't you tell me that?" Sinbad starts rambling a story he completely made up with some truth mixed in.


After a few hours.

Nezu looks at the detective.

Detective Tsukauchi: "Some of what he says is a lie, and some is true."

Endeavor looks at Sinbad with anger spreading, veins bulging in his face from rage.

Nezu, cheerfully before Endeavor can speak: "Aren't you too young to be married?"

Sinbad, proudly: "I'm not. I'm strong enough to do what I want. Besides, I had to marry Anko-chan, or she'd kill me if I told her I was leaving for a long time."

Nezu: "Alright, Sinbad-san, you have two choices: go to Tartarus or go to UA and work there as a teacher and get a pro hero license."

Both Detective Tsukauchi and Endeavor look surprised.

Sinbad, smiling: "Of course, I'll choose to go with you to UA."

To be continued in the next chapters...