
Naruto: Shinobi SI

(WARNING: Naruto is a brutal world, and it is not for beginners.) ----- A captivating tale of a medical student's new life in Konoha, set in the same era as Kakashi and Might Guy. Immerse yourself in the world of Naruto, with intricate details that place you at the heart of the action but expect the action to be of a shinobi brand. ----- ------ Note: Naruto anime enthusiasts will easily connect with the story. The protagonist wields an AI.. . . Please review, comment and give stones in an encouraging way.

KK9494 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 5 : Progress

[Name: Kyudo Kirito

Age: 5 years 6 months


1) Postgraduate level in Anatomy, Pharmacology, Medicine, etc.2) History of the Shinobi world

3) Civilian subjects - graduate level in physics, chemistry, and biology.

4) Advanced knowledge of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu.

5) In-depth understanding of chakra control and manipulation.

Chakra: 250 units

Chakra Control: Leaf-control: 850/1000

Nature Transformations:

Fire Nature: 15/1000

Physical Capability: Elite-level Athlete

Combat Skills

Shurikenjutsu - basic use of stationary objects.

Basic Konoha Taijutsu-100/100- mastered.

Other skills

Chakra disruption: 150/1000


Theoretical mastery

Pratical application: 50/10000.

Sensor: 50 metres.]

As I look at my updated profile, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and growth. The past six months of intensive training under the guidance of Duy and Guy, along with those rejuvenating daily medicine baths, have truly transformed me.

My chakra control has reached an impressive level of 850 out of 1000, a testament to the countless hours of focused practice.

I stopped the Nature Transformation training, recognizing that mastering it would require an immense amount of chakra, which I currently lack.

Instead, I focused on honing my control over the Leaf exercise, to achieve a perfect 1000 out of 1000. This skill will serve as the foundation for my future growth in ninjitsu.

I saw a significant boost in my knowledge, particularly about the human body, as I prepared to delve into medical ninjutsu.

I've delved deeper into the history of the Shinobi world, allowing me to not blurt out the truths hidden from history. Trust me, it is fucking dangerous to say the wrong things.

Despite the unrelatedness of civilian subjects to shinobi life, I can creatively apply the unique perspective offered by these subjects in various situations.

Most importantly, I can follow the path of Orochimaru in finding the usage of senjutsu with research. Not that I will, but it is better to keep the option open.

I have not neglected my combat skills either.

My proficiency in Shurikenjutsu has grown, allowing me to hit stationary targets with precision.

And, of course, I have mastered my basic Konoha Taijutsu, reaching its maximum level of 100 out of 100. So, I can decently kick, punch, and defend.

While my mastery of Fuinjutsu is theoretical, it's an area I'm eager to explore further in the future. Because the possibilities of Fuinjutsu are vast, and I believe they hold great potential for both offence and defence. But it seems I am not talented at it. My AI helped me in theory, but practical application is a pain in the ass.

[Fuinjutsu, often referred to as the "Sealing Arts," is a complex and versatile branch of ninja techniques that involves the use of seals, symbols, and inscriptions to manipulate chakra and control various aspects of the physical and spiritual world.

Practitioners of Fuinjutsu can create seals that serve a wide range of purposes, from trapping objects or entities to storing chakra for later use, using chakra for communication, transportation, and even the creation of protective barriers.

Mastery of Fuinjutsu requires deep knowledge of chakra manipulation, precise mind, and a keen understanding of the seals .]

Chakra and fuinjutsu go hand in hand, much like the connection between electronics and electricity.

Now the seals themselves have no meaning to their effects. Rather, they are training tools to infuse the proper intent. It is theoretically possible to do away with seals, but even the Sage of six paths filed in the task, so I was a good boy and follow the established path.

I found that talent in seals need to be sure of themselves with no doubt anywhere-Naruto, Jiraiya, and Minato. Still, I used the crude way of being sure of myself, studying.

Even the 50 points are from me using the simulated memory from AI. Finding Fuinjutsu books till Advanced in the Library enabled me to craft the memory.

The availability of knowledge but lack of fuin users shows how rare it is to have talent in Fuinjutsu.

Then again, the other villages must have this information, or at least derived it. So, it is better to use the knowledge to act as a net for fish.

Because of AI's repetitive use of Chakra to extract information and feed it into my brain, I emerged as a sensor.

[Sensor: Sensing is simply dispersing the spiritual component by consuming the Physical component [ATP] of chakra.

That is why people highly value the sensors.]

[Hypothesis 32: The Yamanaka and Uzumaki had their sensing abilities trained to such limits for generations that they can send information and sense even the emotions of the others- Uzumaki]

My sensor abilities have a range of 50 meters, giving me awareness of the chakra signatures of people around me.

This ability is a valuable tool in the world of shinobi where danger can be anywhere.

As I contemplate this profile, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of pride and happiness. Now I can spar for minutes with Kurenai. That is until she uses Genjutsu.

I immediately start seeing snakes strangling me. It will surprise you how being in the same village as Orochimaru can mess with your psyche. 

As for the spars with other students, the result is that they crushed me.


In the bustling heart of Konoha, our pizza stall had truly become a sensation. 

Our menu had expanded to offer regular, medium, large, and extra-large sizes, with a variety of toppings to choose from.

The children from the orphanage had become fine waiters who could serve every customer with smiles on their faces.

The Akimichi clan couldn't seem to get enough of our pizzas, each often placing orders for multiple pizzas every day. They are our most loyal patrons, who pay large bills.

Their food bills are only matched by the merchants, a few shinobi from the Hidden Leaf Village's police force drop by for a slice or two.

As our business expanded, so did our profits. In the first three months, we had earned 15,000 ryo, which was already a significant improvement from our initial 5,000 ryo. By the fourth and fifth months, our monthly profits had reached the 20,000-25,000 ryo range. However, it was during the sixth month that our profits reached an astonishing 50,000 ryo.

The success of our pizza stall surprised us. It wasn't just about the money; Our stall had become a neighbourhood hangout spot.

With our business booming, Duy believed it was time for him to stop doing missions. D-rank and C-rank missions were time-consuming, and not worth it, especially when he could earn much more by spending the time in the stall.

Duy argued it was better if he could focus on the pizza business and maximize our profits while still contributing to the village in our way.

I pondered his proposal. It made sense; our pizza venture was not only financially lucrative but also a source of pride for the village. It was true some tourists and merchants started recommending them.

The sole issue for me lies in Duy's selflessness; it is apparent that he is unwilling to stop missions, as doing so would signify putting down his aspiration of becoming a ninja. He already shed far too much to let it go down the drain.

We approached the mission office to discuss our situation. To our surprise, they had a unique idea for us.

There are D-rank missions available to deliver bulk pizza orders directly to the Uchiha clan's police headquarters.

So, Duy didn't need to stop taking missions.

Given there is no tension between the Uchiha clan and the village like in the canon after the Kyuubi attack, this assignment was sensible. As the police force works 24/7.

As a result, they established a patrol near our stall, providing extra protection for our business.

To flatter the Uchiha police, we offered them a daily complimentary treat to show our gratitude.

I can say with pride that my stall has the best security in the neighbourhood.

As months passed, our pizza business continued to flourish. The children from the orphanage were growing more skilled and confident in their roles. Guy, Duy, and I had become a well-oiled machine, managing the stall efficiently.


The news had been ten days old, but the village had kept it a secret, primarily because of the strategic implications of his death.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and regret. How had I not noticed any rumours or signs of this earlier? But then again, I had been in intense training or buried in the library most of the time. I had been so consumed by my life and goals that I hadn't paid attention to the world around me.

Sakumo's death crept into my mind occasionally now. It might seem dramatic, but he is the father of my classmate, a guy I saw multiple times and even talked with on his occasional visits to pizza.

I knew that there were circumstances behind Sakumo's death, the role of certain powerful individuals like Danzo. But I also knew that confronting those individuals was not within my capacity. I was not yet strong enough, and I was too selfish to put myself in harm's way. 

So, I continued to run our pizza stall, serving smiles and slices of happiness to the villagers. It was a bittersweet reminder that life went on, even if I died now.

I can already imagine a lonely white-haired genius breaking to the point he never healed, with silent icy rage at the world. 

But seeing him in the academy was like having to watch a gang rape victim. Trust me, I saw them in my previous life and it is fucking nasty. They have experienced such severe trauma that they are broken beyond words.


As Kakashi returned to the Academy, his demeanour was exactly as expected—cold and filled with anger. My guilt weighed heavily on me, realizing why it was affecting me. He reminds me of myself. Unlike me, he is a true 5-year-old and was the one to discover his father's hanged body.

My mind was not in the right state because of these thoughts. It showed when I began sparring with Kurenai.




I was just punching however I could, trying to vent my depressed thoughts. Unlike before, I didn't care about propriety, just kicking or punching towards her chest, pussy, even her face.

When she caught a fist heading for the head in anger, shouting out, "What's wrong with you?"

I snorted and said, "Nothing, just want to fight." With that using our proximity, I spit on her face.


Using the chance, Head butted her enough to make her nose bleed. 

My recklessness in the fight had results. 

Snakes climbed all over my body, one particular one rose from my pants biting everywhere. Before I realized the need, Kurenai landed a sharp punch to my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Am I clear enough?"

Spitting the blood that built up in mouth, I grumbled," Yeah."

I shook off my self-doubt and engaged in the spar with renewed focus. My punches and kicks came faster and more precisely. Aiming for gaps in her guard, like her favouring the protection of her face. 

What? Just because I am focused doesn't mean I don't exploit a weakness. I am an asshole like that.

It was during this intense exchange that I noticed Kurenai deftly dodging my attacks and forming the hand signs for the D-Genjutsu snake strangulation. This time, I noticed the usage.

I couldn't help but click my tongue in annoyance as I observed her comfortably casting a jutsu that hinted at her approaching Genin-level chakra control.

It was impressive, but I was determined not to be surprised.

Without hesitation, I disrupted my chakra flow using an advanced skill I had honed under the guidance of the AI.

Chakra disruption technique is usually restricted to Jonin-level shinobi because of the potential bodily harm it can cause.



I heard Kurenai's surprise clearly as my chakra disruption technique prevented her genjutsu. Her eyes widened, and she instinctively tried to regain control of the situation, but it was too late. I had turned the tide of our spar in my favour.

I tackled her to the ground and with my kunai held firmly against her neck; I kept my excitement controlled. Because the spar had taken an unexpected turn, and Kurenai was now the one who lost.

"Looks like I've finally shaken off that snake," I remarked, a hint of satisfaction in my tone.

Kurenai's response was a strained nod to my joke. "Impressive control over your chakra, and the genjutsu dispel was good," she admitted, her eyes locked onto mine.

I withdrew the kunai from our parry and took a step back, giving her some breathing room.

While we continued our sparring, I explained to her while dodging the kunai stab, "I emphasized the importance of discerning between genjutsu dispelling, which involves dismantling mental illusions, and chakra disruption, which forcibly expels infiltrated chakra."

Unlike dispelling, which relies on knowledge of the illusions, disruption focuses solely on purging infiltrated chakra.

However, without a solid understanding of anatomy, disruption can be a dangerous jutsu to attempt."

Kurenai nodded again, absorbing the information, "Impressive, you have come a long way from the glass kunai at the start."

I couldn't deny the truth in her words. The past months of intense training with Duy and Guy, along with my daily sessions in the library, had pushed my pain tolerance to new heights, and it was showing.

Kurenai must have noticed the change in today's spar, for she approached me with a hint of concern. "Kyudo, is something bothering you?"

I hesitated for a moment before deciding to confide in her. "It's Sakumo Hatake," I admitted, my voice tinged with regret. "He passed away, and I didn't even know until recently. Maybe I could have helped Kakashi, I lost my parents, so I know the feeling. But, now,"

I shook my head, seeing the bones breaking under Kakashi's attack on his sparring partner. 

Kurenai's expression softened, and she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know it's sad, but we can't do anything about it now." Besides, we are not close enough to help him. We can't predict things like Sakumo-san's death.

Her words gave me some relief even though she didn't know about my knowledge of the future. I nodded in acknowledgement, wondering if I was a hypocrite.

"You're right. I just... I wish I could have done something."

Kurenai smiled reassuringly.

"We all have our limitations, Kyudo. Cheer up, you won against me now. Think about that."

"Yes, I did. Just be ready. It will be a frequent thing in the future."

With my newfound confidence from my win, I decided it was the perfect moment to seek help in genjutsu.

Kurenai, with her expertise in genjutsu, was the ideal candidate to assist me. I also wanted to propose a spar with no holds barred, where she could use her more dangerous jutsu.

"Kurenai," I began, "I've been working on my chakra control and disruptions, but I'm still lacking in genjutsu. I was hoping you could help me improve in that area and in return, I will help you with the Taijutsu forms. From what I can see, you are not good with them."

Kurenai's eyes sparkled with interest at my idea and said, "I'd be happy to help Kyudo."

I nodded gratefully, knowing that her guidance would be invaluable in mastering this complex skill.

"But," I continued, "I'd also like to propose regular spars. It'll be an opportunity for both of us to test our abilities to the limit."

Kurenai thought about my idea for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Frequent spars can be an excellent training exercise. It will push us to adapt and think on our feet. Especially with a dedicated sparring partner. So, let's do it."

With our plans set, we made our way back to our friends.

One more member to become my friend. I thought about which classmate of mine I should approach next. After all, this class will be all Jonin by Naruto's time.

Hence, my class can be called a silver generation of talents.