
Chapter 101 : Gamble And Duel 1

'This is the consequence of messing up with cannon…' Shika muttered to himself as he saw days, weeks even a month passed by but Tsunade didn't budge from her stand, she ain't coming back to the village.

There was no Orochimaru to push her this time, and there was no deal with Naruto this time either, in this case, making her come back was hard, almost impossible.

At least not until someone beat the shit out of her and drag her back to the village. Jiraiya might be able to do that if he uses the Sage Mode, though Shika doubts that will work and more than that, even if that is possible, she still won't become Hokage.


" Well at least like this I am staying away from the village, it's better than being in the village where that old bastard Danzo is gunning for me."

Right now Shika was training alone a little further from the town where Jiraiya was still trying to convince Tsunade to go back to the village and become Hokage.

Naruto was training and he was at it since Shika taught him how to use Shadow Clones for accelerated learning.

That was a mistake on his part, now the blond never stopped training seeing how good he was getting in a short time.

Shika understands that the feeling of getting stronger is addicting, but that doesn't mean that he spends all his time training.

'Well, I don't think I am much better in this regard…'

One thing was sure Naruto at this rate will soon leave behind Sasuke. Shika can't have that, the two sons of destiny were supposed to be equal, if they are not then things can really go bad.

They act like a landmine for each other, because their ceiling is too high, no one else can reach the level when they really become stronger, in that case, one person having this much power wasn't good.

Not to mention, he unlike Naruto had invested interest in Sasuke. His plans need Sasuke to be stronger than this.

'I have to go back and start training with him soon…I have less than 3 years before Akatsuki finally started their plan. I need to start my plan before that's a years time period.' Shika muttered and again went back to training.


Time like that kept on flying and pressure on Jiraiya was increasing. It has been 2 months since Hiruzen Sarutobi died, meaning 2 months since there have been no Hokage in the village. This situation was getting dangerous.

Tsunade was not budging from her position.

At first, Shika didn't care, maybe becuase he knew that Jiraiya too can become a good Hokage if he tried, but now he wanted Tsunade to come back.

Why suddenly?

Because earlier he was just looking at the surface problem, needing a new Hokage…

But it's important for Tsunade to come back for various reasons, political, military and future…

Without Tsunade, there won't be anyone to teach Sakura, meaning Konoha will lose an excellent medical-nin who could be on par with Tsunade and a very powerful Kage-level shinobi.

Jiraiya can be a good Hokage but he doesn't have that political pull to keep someone like Danzo in check. Tsunade's name is important in this case.

Lastly, not only in future but even right now, Konoha need all its power, in less than 3 years Akatsuki will be on its move, and even if Jiraiya become Hokage, then Konoha will lose its very well-developed spy network this Jiraiya handles and a Kage level Shinobi from the battlefield.

After all, Hokage hardly entered the battlefield until it was not absolutely necessary.

"I told you Jiraiya, I am not going back to that village again. You are just wasting your time." Tsunade said with much irritation on her face.

"But Tsunade, the village needs you. Right now there is no one beside you who is suitable for the position. If you don't come then even you know what will happen." Jiraiya said, now even though he was looking a little agitated.

Tsunade knew, how could she not, her last name was enough to bring political stability if she agreed to become Hokage. But there is no way that she is going back…

"You are wasting your time, I am not becoming HO…." Tsunade once again wanted to refuse while her anger was getting the better of her but then a soft voice interrupted her.

"Lady Tsunade, I heard that you like Gambling, yes…"

Jiraiya, Naruto, Shizune and Tsunade turn their head to see a 12-year-old boy with a slightly muscular physique entering the tavern. This was Shika of course.

"It's you, kid, I thought you went back to the village," Tsunade said.

After that first day, Shika never bother coming to convince Tsunade, he just focuses on his training and getting stronger.

This was the first time in 2 months that Shika had shown his face to the two women.

"Ah, well we can't do that until we complete the mission. It shows badly in my record." Shika shrugged.

"Well, you better get ready to kiss that perfect record goodbye becuase I ain't coming and that's final." Tsunade humph and snorted.

"Actually I am here for that exact reason," Shika said as he found a seat nearby and ordered something for himself.

Narrowing her eyes Tsuande asked, "Oh you also now want to join these two idiots to convince me to go back, and here I thought Nara men's have more brain…"

Jiraiya and Naruto too looked at Shika with curious glances, they had practically tried everything but failed to convince Tsunade.

"Well… no, men are stupid equally across all breeds, we at Nara are no different…"

Hearing this Tsuande raise her eyebrows.

"But hey, often these stupid men come out with a simple and stupid solution to most complex problems. And then stupid people start calling them genius…."

This confused everyone confuses.

Naruto especially looked confused and started to nod like he understood everything.

"Kid don't waste my time, what you want," Tsunade asked with irritation.

"I asked a question the moment I entered the place, you were the one asking pointless things from me…." Shika shrugged and saw Tsunade's eyebrows twitch.

"Yeah I like Gambling, so what…"

"Good, then let's gamble shall we? If I win you come to the Hokage."

"NO…" Before even Shika completed what he wanted, Tsunade cut him off.

Shika didn't care about that. He just continued.

"And if you won then I will give you this…" Shika said and nonchalantly tossed a small book at Tsunade which she easily caught even after being drunk.

She threateningly looked at Shika, like she doesn't like people throwing things at her but open the book to see what it was nonetheless.

But when her eyes opened, they never close, in fact they went wide as saucers.

"This…." Tsunade struggled to stay anything after that.

"You can have all of it. High stake risk and rewards. What you say… fancy a duel with me." Shika smirked…

Hearing the last words, made not only Tsunade but everyone to snap at Shika like he had suddenly grown another head.


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