

As a new author embarking on the journey of writing my first novel, I am excited to present my work and eager to receive any constructive feedback. This novel represents my initial step into the world of storytelling, and as a beginner, I am open to all comments, suggestions, and ideas that could help refine my craft. I welcome critique that will aid in developing my writing style, enhancing character depth, and improving the overall narrative. This fiction is based on third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. A boy named Takeshi Hiruzen transmigrate into third Hokage body at the time of his promotion to Hokage position. Read this fiction as how he will make Konoha the strongest village ever. Waging war and conquering the surrounding villages. Rivalling the Otsutsuki clan in might. # More about development and training in the start of the novel. please be patient. # No overpowering abilities and not making character overpowered at all until necessary. # Novel will not drop until I am satisfied like other fiction works. # A different perspective on konoha. # He will make very large amount of techniques and kekei genkai. # All rights reserved goes to Naruto and kishimoto senpai.

king_of_gods_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs



The sun cast a warm, golden hue over Uzushiogakure as Hiruzen and his disciples entered the village, admiring the vibrant architecture marked with spiraling Uzumaki patterns and the tall watchtowers lining the main streets.

Uzushiogakure was a village unlike any other, fortified not only by high walls and weaponry but by the very essence of sealing arts, each layer of protection painstakingly crafted by generations of Uzumaki.

The buildings stood tall and firm, surrounded by lush greenery, their surfaces embedded with seals to ward off invaders.

The disciples glanced around, captivated by the tranquil beauty, yet sensing the unmistakable strength in every detail.

At the heart of Uzushiogakure, Hiruzen and his students were greeted by two figures standing regally before a grand building adorned with intricate carvings and powerful seals.

Ashina Uzumaki, the current Uzukage, was a man of imposing presence, his long, red hair flowing down his back, his gaze both sharp and wise.

Beside him stood Kazuki Uzumaki, a young man with the same striking crimson hair and an aura of quiet confidence.

Kazuki's eyes sparkled with interest as he observed Hiruzen's arrival, understanding the importance of this visit to the ongoing alliance between Konoha and the Uzumaki clan.

Ashina greeted Hiruzen with a warm smile, his voice resonating with authority. "Hiruzen, it has been far too long. You honor us with your presence."

Hiruzen returned the smile, bowing slightly in respect. "Ashina-dono, it's an honor to stand in Uzushiogakure once again after the war. This village has always held a special place in my heart—and in the heart of Konoha."

Kazuki's gaze fell upon Tsunade, his smile widening as he sensed the family connection.

"So this is my grandniece, Tsunade Senju," he said, his tone filled with pride.

"It's truly an honor to meet you, Tsunade. You carry the strength of our bloodline well."

Tsunade's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, though she kept her expression steady. "Thank you, uncle Kazuki. It's an honor to meet both of you."

Kazuki chuckled softly. "Please, no need for formalities. We're family. I've heard much about you from sister Mito, and I'm glad to see that the Senju and Uzumaki bloodlines continue to intertwine."

As the group settled, exchanging pleasantries and catching up on family ties, the atmosphere grew comfortable, the camaraderie of old allies and kin taking precedence.

After a few minutes, Ashina gestured for them to join him inside a private hall adorned with tapestries detailing the Uzumaki clan's history and their bond with Konoha.

"Let's discuss matters of the village," Ashina suggested as they took their seats around a large, low table in the center of the room.

Servants brought tea, pouring it into delicate cups engraved with spiral designs.

As they began to sip, Ashina spoke. "The alliance between Uzushiogakure and Konoha has been strengthened over the years through trade and mutual support. The explosive tags and sealing scrolls we provide in exchange for Konoha's resources and weaponry have bolstered both villages."

"Yes," Hiruzen agreed, setting his teacup down. "Our cooperative efforts have allowed both villages to flourish. Uzushiogakure's expertise in seals has been invaluable to Konoha, and Konoha's resources, I hope, have been equally useful here."

Kazuki nodded. "Indeed. The trade has been essential for both of us. Our knowledge and resources are powerful together."

After a few more minutes of such discussions, Hiruzen's expression grew more serious, and he leaned forward slightly, his gaze settling on Ashina.

"There is… something further I wish to discuss," he said slowly, his tone taking on a new gravity.

With a subtle hand sign, he created an absolute concealment barrier, enveloping the room to prevent any outside interference or detection.

Ashina raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden secrecy and hiruzen seals, but nodded in agreement. Kazuki's expression turned solemn, sensing the importance of what Hiruzen was about to propose.

"Both of you know well that the times are changing," Hiruzen began, choosing his words carefully.

"Allied as we are, our strength is seen as a threat to many other villages. And the more strength Uzushiogakure shows, the more certain villages grow wary—especially those who might covet your mastery of sealing techniques."

Kazuki's expression darkened, understanding the implications. "You're speaking of Kiri, Kumo and Iwa, I take it."

"Among others," Hiruzen confirmed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Kumo has made several attempts to gather intelligence on your techniques, and Iwa's ambitions have always been troublesome. But my greatest concern lies with Kiri."

Ashina frowned, his eyes narrowing. "Kiri has been on our borders before, but we've always kept them at bay. Do you believe they pose a serious threat?"

"Yes," Hiruzen said, his tone firm. "Their interest in the Uzumaki's power has only grown, and with the potential of another Great Ninja War on the horizon, it's very possible that they might band together with other villages to try and eliminate any perceived threats."

A silence settled over the room, the weight of Hiruzen's words sinking in. He took a deep breath before continuing,

"What I'm proposing is an integration. Not as a mere alliance but as a way to unify our strengths more permanently. If Uzushiogakure were to merge with Konoha, we could offer you protection against any who would attempt to harm your people."

Ashina listened carefully, his face thoughtful but calm. "You're suggesting that Uzushiogakure becomes a part of Konoha?"

Hiruzen nodded, his gaze steady. "Together, we would be stronger than any force that might challenge us. And Konoha would offer its protection to your people along with various benefits, council elder position and ensure that your legacy is preserved."

Kazuki met his gaze evenly, a flicker of resolve in his eyes. "You're asking us to give up our autonomy, Hiruzen. To merge Uzushiogakure with Konoha would mean relinquishing our identity."

Hiruzen inclined his head slightly, acknowledging Kazuki's point. "I understand. But it's the only way I can see to safeguard the Uzumaki heritage from the ambitions of other villages. I wish it were otherwise."

Ashina considered the proposal carefully, his gaze shifting between Hiruzen and Kazuki.

"Our people have a strong sense of pride in Uzushiogakure, Hiruzen. The Uzumaki clan has endured for centuries, guarding our traditions, our knowledge."

His gaze softened, but there was a flicker of defiance in his eyes.

"While I understand your concern, Kiri, Kumo, and Iwa would face great difficulties in attempting to break our defenses. Uzushiogakure is more than prepared to handle any threats."

Hiruzen sighed, sensing Ashina's determination. "I don't doubt your strength, Ashina-sama. The Uzumaki are as formidable as they are wise. But these villages will stop at nothing to claim what they cannot understand."

He paused, then added softly, "And Lady Mito, too, would wish for your protection above all else."

Ashina nodded thoughtfully, a quiet understanding passing between them.

"Yes, Mito has always upheld our bond with Konoha, and her presence in your village is proof of our trust. However, Uzushiogakure's spirit lies in its independence. We have survived on our own for generations, and it is this resilience that defines us."

Kazuki spoke up, his tone respectful yet resolute. "We are grateful for your concern, Hiruzen, and for Konoha's continued support. But Uzushiogakure will stand as it always has. We are Uzumaki—our strength is our own."

Hiruzen studied their expressions, sensing the depth of their conviction.

Though his mission from the system urged him to press further, he knew there was no changing the heart of Uzushiogakure.

Instead, he inclined his head, accepting their decision. "I respect your choice, Ashina-dono, Kazuki-dono. Konoha will continue to honor our alliance and offer whatever aid is needed."

Ashina's face softened, a warm smile returning. "Thank you, Hiruzen. Our villages have been united by blood and bond for decade, and that will never change. Please, consider Uzushiogakure your second home."

With the weight of the discussion lifted, Hiruzen motioned for the concealment barrier to be released.

The calm air of the room returned, and Ashina stood, his demeanor returning to its usual warmth.

"Come, Hiruzen. Allow us to welcome you and your students as our guests tonight. You've traveled far, and it would be an honor to host you."

Hiruzen returned the smile. "We would be honored to stay, Ashina-sama. Uzushiogakure has always felt like home."

As they exited the hall, Uzushiogakure's lights illuminated the village pathways.

The evening air was cool, filled with the sound of the distant sea, and the soft hum of life within the village.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Sakumo looked around with awe, appreciating the beauty and strength embedded within every corner of Uzushiogakure.

They settled into their guest quarters, each of them reflecting on the legendary clan's strength, and Hiruzen sensed a renewed resolve within his students.

As they prepared for a night in the village, he felt a quiet satisfaction—though Uzushiogakure would remain independent, their bond was as strong as ever, bound by blood, strength, and the undying spirit of the ninja way.
