

As a new author embarking on the journey of writing my first novel, I am excited to present my work and eager to receive any constructive feedback. This novel represents my initial step into the world of storytelling, and as a beginner, I am open to all comments, suggestions, and ideas that could help refine my craft. I welcome critique that will aid in developing my writing style, enhancing character depth, and improving the overall narrative. This fiction is based on third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. A boy named Takeshi Hiruzen transmigrate into third Hokage body at the time of his promotion to Hokage position. Read this fiction as how he will make Konoha the strongest village ever. Waging war and conquering the surrounding villages. Rivalling the Otsutsuki clan in might. # More about development and training in the start of the novel. please be patient. # No overpowering abilities and not making character overpowered at all until necessary. # Novel will not drop until I am satisfied like other fiction works. # A different perspective on konoha. # He will make very large amount of techniques and kekei genkai. # All rights reserved goes to Naruto and kishimoto senpai.

king_of_gods_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs


(A/N: Dear gentle readers, This little old me cannot make the good use of system in this fan-fic. So I am trying to ponder on it while you dear readers can also provide your valuable suggestions to me, who knows I might consider it.)


As the four students stood up and turned to face Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, they were greeted with the sight of him sitting casually behind them.

His posture was relaxed, but his aura was commanding. He was wearing his formal white Hokage robes, which extended all the way to his feet, the symbol of taichi emblazoned on the back.

His long black hair, streaked with age, contrasted with the warm, kind smile on his face. The students were momentarily shocked. How long had he been sitting there unnoticed?

Realizing who was before them, they quickly bowed their heads in unison, showing their respect. "Greetings, Hokage-sama," they said almost in sync, their voices a mix of reverence and nervousness.

Hiruzen chuckled softly and waved a hand, signaling for them to relax. "At ease, all of you. No need for formality, now that I am your sensei."

His tone was warm, almost fatherly, putting the students at ease. "Let's not waste time. Come, follow me. It's time for us to get to know each other."

With a flicker, he vanished from sight, leaving behind only a trace of his presence—a fleeting swirl of wind and chakra.

The four students blinked in surprise before scrambling to follow his trail, their eyes wide with admiration at how effortlessly he moved.

They weren't quite on his level yet, but they did their best to keep up, leaping from the academy windows and racing across the rooftops of Konoha.

The village was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The orange and red hues illuminated the buildings, casting long shadows across the streets.

Konoha's iconic stone faces watched over them from the mountain above, reminding them of the legacy they were now a part of.

The distant hum of the village filled the air—a combination of vendors packing up, children playing, and shinobi returning from missions.

For these four young students, it felt as if the world was opening up in front of them.

After a few minutes of intense chasing, they arrived at one of Konoha's many training grounds.

It was a spacious clearing, surrounded by tall trees with thick trunks that could easily hide a dozen shinobi.

Hiruzen was already there, standing with his hands behind his back, waiting for them patiently. He smiled as they landed in front of him, panting slightly from the chase.

"You did well to keep up," Hiruzen said, nodding in approval. His voice was encouraging, but his gaze was sharp, already assessing their potential.

"Now that you're here, let's get to know each other better. We'll start with introductions. I'll go first, and you'll follow my example."

Hiruzen stepped forward and clasped his hands behind his back. His voice took on a more formal tone, though it still held the warmth that he was known for.

"My name is Sarutobi Hiruzen. I am the Hokage of Konoha. I enjoy creating jutsu, mastering every form of shinobi art, and most of all, teaching students. My goal is to ensure that Konoha becomes the strongest and most prosperous of all the villages, surpassing the combined might of every nation."

His words carried a weight that was unmistakable. His eyes shone with determination, and for a moment, the four students could sense the sheer ambition that drove the man before them.

This was no idle boast. This was the Hokage's vision for the future.

Jiraiya, always the curious one, couldn't hold back his question.

"Sensei, aren't you already the strongest, though? You're the Hokage! Doesn't that make you stronger than even the First and Second Hokage? And isn't Konoha already the strongest village?"

He tilted his head, genuinely curious and a bit naive in his understanding of power and leadership.

Hiruzen chuckled, his eyes softening at the question.

"Ah, Jiraiya. Being Hokage is merely a title. It represents the leader of the village, not necessarily the strongest shinobi. While I might be the strongest of the current five Kage, there are shinobi in the world who can defeat me. Some might even destroy Konoha if they attacked us."

He paused for a moment, letting the gravity of his words sink in before continuing.

"As for surpassing the First and Second Hokage… I might have surpassed Tobirama-sensei in some areas, but the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was the strongest shinobi to ever live. He was known as the 'God of Shinobi,' and no one, not even I, have matched his strength."

At the mention of her grandfather, Tsunade smirked, pride swelling in her chest. "Of course no one could surpass Grandfather," she thought to herself.

Even the Third Hokage couldn't claim to be stronger than Hashirama Senju, and Tsunade felt a surge of familial pride.

Jiraiya and Sakumo, meanwhile, were practically starstruck. The Hokage had just admitted there were shinobi stronger than him. The revelation both amazed and terrified them.

Orochimaru's reaction, however, was more subdued. His eyes narrowed as he pondered Hiruzen's words.

"So, even the Hokage isn't invincible," he mused, recalling the deaths of his own parents. A part of him felt a deep hunger awaken inside—he would not accept such limitations.

Hiruzen noticed their varied reactions but continued with a reassuring smile.

"Even if I am not yet as strong as the First Hokage, I will surpass him one day. And when I do, you will be able to say that your sensei is the strongest in the world."

He then gestured to Sakumo. "Now, it's your turn. Start with your name and tell us what you like, and your goals."

Sakumo took a deep breath and stepped forward. "My name is Hatake Sakumo," he began confidently.

"I enjoy learning kenjutsu, and my goal is to become a great shinobi, just like you, Hokage-sama." His voice was filled with enthusiasm, and it was clear that his admiration for Hiruzen ran deep.

Jiraiya was next. He grinned mischievously, his white hair swaying in the breeze.

"I'm Jiraiya. I like kunoichi very much, and my goal is to become a strong enough shinobi that they'll all notice me and go on dates with me!"

His tone was lighthearted, but his determination to be recognized, even in his own unique way, was clear.

Hiruzen chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Jiraiya will always be Jiraiya," he thought. His mind briefly wandered, wondering if this peculiar fixation was inherited from Jiraiya's parents.

Tsunade stepped forward next, her voice steady and filled with resolve.

"I am Tsunade Senju. I admire my mother and grandmother the most, and my goal is to become as strong and respected as they were."

Her eyes gleamed with admiration, and there was no doubt that her familial legacy was a driving force in her aspirations.

Finally, Orochimaru's turn came. He spoke quietly, his voice filled with a strange intensity.

"My name is Orochimaru. I enjoy learning jutsu and discovering ancient knowledge. My goal… is to live a long, long life."

His words hung in the air for a moment, his expression reflecting a deep, unquenchable thirst for something more than mere power.

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed slightly at Orochimaru's statement. "I see," he thought. "I can help you with that dream, Orochimaru… but at what cost?"

Clearing his throat, Hiruzen pulled two small silver bells from his pocket. "Now, let's see how well you work together," he said, his voice suddenly taking on a more serious tone.

"This will be your true genin test." He held up the bells, their soft jingling filling the quiet air. "You have two hours to take these bells from me. Those who fail will be sent back to the academy."

The students' faces grew serious. Jiraiya, furrowing his brow, asked, "But didn't we already become genin, Sensei? Why do we need to take another test?"

Hiruzen smiled warmly but shook his head. "Yes, you've passed the academy's test. But this is my test, and as Hokage, I have the authority to send you back if you fail. Only two of you can pass," he added, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "So, make the most of your time."

Sakumo was the first to notice. "But there are four of us and only two bells…"

Hiruzen's grin widened. "Exactly. Only two of you will become genin. The other two will return to the academy. Now, begin."

Without another word, the four students leaped into action, disappearing into the surrounding trees and bushes. Hidden from sight, they began to discuss their strategy in hushed voices.

Tsunade was the first to speak. "Only two people can pass this test. What should we do?" she asked, her tone edged with concern.

Jiraiya, always eager to impress, smiled at her. "You can take my bell, Tsunade. I'll let you pass." He spoke with the same cocky grin he always wore.

Tsunade shot him a sharp look, irritated. "It's not your bell to give, idiot. Do you seriously think you're strong enough to take one from the Hokage?"

Sakumo stepped in quickly to diffuse the tension. "Calm down, both of you. We'll figure it out after we get the bells. First, we need to work together. Only then will we have a chance."

Orochimaru nodded in agreement. "Sakumo's right. Let's take the bells first. Then we'll worry about what happens after."

Reluctantly, the others nodded, and the four young shinobi began forming a plan to face their formidable sensei.

They knew it wouldn't be easy, but this was their first step toward becoming true shinobi of Konoha.
