
Naruto: Satoru Gojo

Gojo who finally dealt with Kenjaku suddenly finds himself in another world and hopes to find a worthy opponent in this world but in the end he had to say these words again. "Throughout Heaven and Earth; I Alone am Honored"

Shinigami_8468 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Chapter 2 History

Ninja Academy.

While whistling, Gojo walked through the corridor in a carefree manner and finally arrived outside his classroom.

"Class 4-C, this should be it"

After confirming the class through his memory, Gojo pushed open the door and found himself the whole class's attention.

"Where were you, Satoru? You are half an hour late"

Iruka looked at him with anger and helplessness on his face as he didn't know how to correct this kid.

He is always late, though his grades are good, but not being punctual, and his carefree attitude really ticked him off.

"Don't be mad, Sensei~ I was just taking a nap, no big deal"

Gojo recognized this teacher from his memory and knew he has been exceptionally good towards his former self.

Gojo knows he is just worried for his future, so that's why he gets angry at him.

So, he waved his hands like it was not a big deal and went to his seat in a carefree manner.

"This kid..."

The eyelids of Iruka twitched, but finally, he sighed and said nothing as he knew this kid was beyond words.

"Why are there so many troublesome students"

Thought Iruka as he was really bothered by the number of troublesome people increasing in the academy.

In this class was Gojo, and in the other class was that idiot trio Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji.

"Hmm~, never expected that once again I would be a student"

Sitting on the seat, Gojo put his hands on the back of his head and looked around, feeling a bit funny.

"Neji Hyuga... Lee... Tenten..."

Gojo, from his memory, quickly recognized all the kids around his age sitting in the class since he wanted to act normally, not much different from his former self.

Fortunately, his former self had a personality quite like his, a bit arrogant and carefree.

What made Gojo even happier was that the name of his former self was also Gojo Satoru and looked exactly like when he was 9 in his past life.

After all, he didn't want to end up in a completely different body from before and was happy with the familiar feeling.


"But this body is relatively weak"

Feeling his physical strength, Gojo sighed as he knew this body needed to be trained a lot.

All he needed was to make this body strong; the rest was all like before.

The presence of cursed energy shows that he can use all the abilities of his previous life, but his stamina was not enough to use them for a long time.

Domain Expansion, Rikugan, Limitless Techniques, he could feel that he can use them all, but his body won't be able to bear its toll for much longer. (A.N:- Rikugan= Six Eyes)

"But... it's better than nothing"

Gojo, after all, didn't want to lose his strength; though this body is somewhat weak in a few years, he would be able to make this body as strong as before.

"Now~, it's time to learn the history of this world"

Gojo straightened up as he took out the history book from his bag and began to read it carefully.

His former self was ranked second in class in Ninjutsu talent, but he never bothered to open the books, so they looked brand new.

"Five Great Nations... Hokage... Great Ninja World War... interesting..."

Without a care for the outside world, Gojo began to look through the book, not noticing the surprised eyes of Iruka.

"It seems my advice worked"

Seeing Gojo reading the book attentively, Iruka was happy and thought his words might have turned Gojo into a sensible kid.

With a wide grin on his face, Iruka began to teach other kids and did not persuade Gojo to listen to him since him studying was already a miracle.

"Well, that's it for today, practice more at home"

Finally, Iruka ended his lecture as he announced the end of the class and left the room, leaving the noisy kids.

"Satoru Kun, here I brought bento for you"

"I made dumplings for you myself, would you like to try, Satoru Kun"

As soon as the class ended, numerous little girls gathered around the desk of Gojo, who was reading the history book.

"It's troublesome to be handsome~"

Gojo lightly flicked his white hair like he was really bothered, and spotting the dumplings in the hands of one of the girls, he took it immediately.

"Thank You~"

"So cool!!!"

"You are so lucky, Yui."

Gojo winked at her as the little girls around screamed as to them he really looked cool, and they immediately expressed their envy to the girl.

Gojo has a sweet tooth, so he would hardly ever refrain from eating sweets, and it also helped him sharpen his mind.

"Girls of this world sure are innocent"

Looking at the happy girls, Gojo, while eating the dumplings, thought as it was pretty different from his previous world.

Gojo was already beginning to like this world; at least from the history book, the people of this world seemed a lot more trustworthy.

From what he learned in the history book, people did kill each other in this world also, but most people here had something that those back in his world lacked.

They won't be easily swayed and really value their friends and loved ones; of course, this is all according to what he just read; he needed to get along with these people and confirm it.

"Where there is light, there is darkness"

Gojo wanted to see whether this village and its people were really optimistic like described in the book, or was hidden darkness under it.

{"The update speed as told before will be slow for some time"}