
Naruto: Sands of Time

*[All the Character Concepts are not mine,This novel carries these concepts for REFERENCE ONLY, All Copyrights belong to the respective Authors and Creators of NARUTO,etc.]*[The Cover is an AI generated Image.]*[This Novel has AU of naruto so don't get irritated if the timeline is not sticking to the original] _________________________________________________ In Suna, The Unknown Legend of a mysterious inheritence which has been lost since the ancient times. An Orphan who has lost his way into an endless desert. How will it end ? Will he starve to death and drown into the dry sands ? or Would he survive the danger and experience a change in his destiny forever ? _________________________________________________ Nobody can escape the End. In History of humanity there was only one to escape and win against fate. Will Naruto find his Ancestoral Legacy before he succumbs to his miserable destiny ? _________________________________________________

DaoistiTzi1d · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Prologue - Wave mission, Abort !

In the middle of the day, Team 7 was carrying out the designated escort mission with the usual chattering among the peers.

"Teme~!! I will beat you now dattebayo~"


It had been quiet a while since they encountered the water puddle in the middle of the day.

Kakashi screams in panic all of a sudden.

"Alert !! "

An emo chuunin's hand grabs naruto's leg.....

Naruto is paralyzed !



"Tazuna-san, this is not what the missions criteria informed us about, you opted to post for a C-rank mission but with this kind uninformed encounter this mission should now be a B-rank classified mission."

"We clearly didn't sign up for this sh*t.", said Kakashi.

Tazuna hesitates a bit but panics after hearing kakashi, he asked somewhat desperately,

"Hey ! Please don't go, I know it is my fault but hear me out ? Heyhey!! Look here, I am willing to pay more money to you, won't that make you help a poor old merchant like me ?"

Kakashi nonchalantly refused to talk to him,

"As you can see that this mission is clearly more dangerous than we were informed about. We shall return to konoha and report about this mission abortion."

Kakashi furthur looked at his 3-genin team with squinted gaze,

"I hope this mission serves as a good reminder to you all."

He nodded his head and told,

"Never forget."

"Death lurks at every corner....."

"Sometimes it is just a matter of slight negligence from us that can lead your teammates to die."

"And those who don't care about teammates are worse than trash...."

Naruto felt depressed due to his lack of courage to react in time, he didn't have the mood to push forward any further.

Sasuke on otherhand had his sanity drop by the minute as he remembers his defeat against the enemy.

They decided they would walk back to konoha.

Fortunately, they hadn't even travelled quarter way into the land of wave, so they could reach back in a day's time.


Hokage Office Reception,

"We request to seek Hokage-sama"

Few moments later,

"Tell me what happened, Kakashi-san."

"Hokage-sama, the client hid some details about this mission, since during our journey we encountered and were assaulted by a few chuunin ninjas wearing mist headbands."

"Fortunately, we successfully evaded them without casualities."

"Cilent Tazuna, supposedly asked us to continue escorting him but looking at the current capability of my team I decided to abort the mission."

Hokage rubbed his temples after smoking his big pipe and puffing a long-ass smokecloud finally said,

"Very well, kakashi-san this mission is cancelled. But as a compensation your team will have another D-rank mission."

Kakashi gaped in disbelief, 

'How-? Wait, if it is like this then might as well accept it.'

Kakashi although pained that he wouldn't get his personal reading time, accepted this opportunity to train his team in his heart.

"Client will meet you tomorrow 9 A.M so be ready with your team to set out by 10 A.M."

"Yes , Hokage-sama."

Kakashi walks out of the room.

Hiruzen sighs with a breath of relief,

"Thank the will of fire, children are safe...."

At this moment, The Mighty Sandaime(Hiruzen) was sweating like a pig.

After all, he was the only one who knew about Naruto's truth.

If other nation would have gotten their hands on the kyuubi jinchuriki, the consequences would have been fatal for konoha.

The sarutobi blew out another heavy puff of cigar,

" Gotta keep on giving them easier missions until they grow stronger, can't risk it again."


Uchiha compound, night time.

Clan Head's training yard,

Spinning sounds of shuriken thrown was heard,

Sasuke was training his heart out.

Due to the trauma he faced during his clan massacre and due to experiencing helpless defeat before in his mission, he was unable get sleep due to the constant emerging negative memories.

"Why am I so weak even after awakening the sharingan ? WHY !?...."

His adrenaline hormone was pumping in his heart like crazy.

He was sick of loosing everything.....

He kept on remembering that day.

If not for that day maybe he would have lived like a joyful child.

That day he was coming back from the academy, while walking back home. He began to joyfully wonder that after some time he would soon surpass his brother and make his parents proud of him.

Finally he would be recognized by his parents.


Little did he know back then.....

That as soon as he would come back, what he would see would not only change his world view.

It would also shatter the fragile childhood he had until now.


Speaking of perspective, there can be two ways for you. If your brother has murdered your entire family and left you out of pity.

1) Get Revenge.

2) Try to escape reality

And my guy sasuke here has created another option called " 3) Both of the above ".

This guy, who had his childhood broken now turning into a man of commitment, has nothing left anymore, the only thing that is still preventing this man from turning into a blood thirsty monster is his weakness and pride.

Realistically, his only shackle is his weakness.

He diehardedly trains all night in order to forget this feeling of weakness that overwhelms him.

But that changed after he felt this feeling of weakness again today.

He was frozen like a duck on the battlefield.

This event was like a trainwreck for him.

The skills and bloodline he was so proud about was amounted to absolutely nothing in face of that assault.

He could do nothing but just stand there like a duck.

He started hating himself for everything at this point of time.

Who wasn't stronger than him ?

His brother was stronger than, his sensei was stronger than him, the chuunins from the mission were stronger than him, the hokage was stronger than him. In fact, the whole world was stronger than him.

This triggered him so much that he started to repeat his training routine to 100 times of the routine he repeated yesterday.

His sanity was dropping by the second as he continued with the routine of shurikenjutsu, clone jutsu, substitution jutsu etc.

Everytime he felt like his chakra was recovered enough for a single jutsu, he would immediately perform it.

He strained his sharingan eyes to the utmost limits.

He felt like he was going to die due to how angry he was at himself.

It didn't matter to him.....

F*ck, it better be the way I want now !

It is either I die right here training or live till tommorrow to see the sun.

I am not a f*cking duck.

I am Sasuke

Uchiha Sasuke.


11 A.M, Konohagakure.

Konoha Main Entrance,

"Why is kakashi-sensei always so late ? "

"For goodness sake naruto can you just stop pissing me off with your loud mouth."

"Bleh~, As if I would do that for a flat chopping board"


"f*ck, you didn't have beat me for it, I could have apologized dattebayo~."


"I am sorry to be late, you see I have to help this grandma cross the street."

"~Same old lame excuse, nahh man I am fine without that."

"Hey, now hope you guys are ready."

Sakura pointed out,

"By the way, Sensei do you know where sasuke is ? "

Kakashi tried his best to tell this lovesick fool about sasuke staying in the hospital due to severe injury sustained from his last night training.

Such a thing is considered to be highly irresponsible for ninjas. It is a blunder to overtrain till injuring and leave your life in the hands of your enemies stalking you from afar.

Kakashi, however didn't take it to heart. Since these teachings are yet to be instilled into his students.

He would reprimand him about this...

But mission is the priority, just because a single person is not well doesn't mean the other 2 people won't complete the mission on time.

Plus this was a D-rank treasure scouting mission in the land of wind.

This is going to be a long mission.