
Naruto: ROOT Symbiote Shinobi

I looked at the person in front of me while kneeling, realising that I am fucked. The person I was leaning to, is someone who most fanfic reincarnators are cautious, and their greatest danger in the growing years. Danzo Shimura. I just got recruited to the ROOT. Thankfully, I have a Symbiote.

SolaceViolet · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Naruto vs Shiori

In the training ground 7, Naruto and Shiori stood across each other.

Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, and Jiraiya stood as audience, while Kakashi stood as the refree.

"Alright, begin."

Kakashi began the match, but neither of the two moved.

As wind blew, Shiori's long hair waved along with it.

Then, she placed her hand on her large chest, and drew out a katana from between her boobs.

It looked like a very special katana, with very dense purple chakra flowing across it.

She ignored Jiraiya and other's reaction, and focused on Naruto.

He was blushing.

But he quickly recovered and formed a handsign.

'Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!'

Thousands of Naruto surrounded her, with all of them forming Rasengan. Though, not on their own.

"You still can't form Rasengan with one hand? Pathetic."

Suddenly, her katana extended, and in one sweep, she destroyed all clones.

But Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

Several kunais came her way from multiple directions, from various trees.

But she didn't move at all.

Her suit shifted, and several tentacles launched out of her and caught all the kunais, and then launched them in the directions from where they were shot.

Several clones puffed away.

"Tsunade-sama, what kind of kekkai genkai is that!?"

Sakura asked Tsunade, but even she, the Hokage, didn't know about it.

'Damn that Danzo!'

Jiraiya was also 'studying' the suit, while Kakashi revealed his Sharingan to see what is that suit.

All his Sharingan saw was an immense, powerful purple chakra, and the suit and her didn't have any separate chakras. So maybe the suit isn't some sort of weapon developed by ROOT. He internally sighed in relief. If multiple people with such suit appeared in ROOT, it will be dangerous.

Afterall, the katana looked like it was made of the same material, and it was conducting chakra better than any chakra metal.

"Why are you hiding? I can sense you inside the ground. Do you think you can bury me?"

She raised her leg, and the audience's eyes widened by seeing the familiarity of the move.

As she stomped on the ground, it broke apart into pieces, just like Tsunade's move.

Then, the purple chakra Shiori's katana was emitting turned into purple lightning, and she moved from her position for the first time.

With a speed similar, if not faster than Kakashi, she quickly reached Naruto who was trying to come out of rubble and slashed his head.

But, he puffed away, revealing himself to be a clone.

At the same time, the rubble around her transformed into several Naruto's and jumped at her with kunais.

Shiori smirked.

Tentacles shot from her suit, and instantly pierced all the Naruto clones, destroying them.

"I admit, Shadow Clone Jutsu is tricky. I can't sense who is the real Naruto."

"Heh. Isn't my jutsu amazing-"

"Second Hokage really created a very useful jutsu."

She turned around, and saw Naruto with a Rasengan spinning on his hand.

"This is my jutsu!"

He shouted, and ran towards her with the Rasengan.

She shot several tentacles at him, but he easily dodged them, and came close to her face, ready to shove the Rasengan on her.

She smirked.

"But sadly, you who can use this jutsu best in the world, don't utilise it to its full potential."

Her hair suddenly became alive, extended, and wrapped around Naruto's body, while she tanked the Rasengan.

Well, tanked will be the wrong word.

She absorbed it.

And then, something unexpected happened.

She grabbed his face, and kissed him.


Everyone shouted, and Shiori smirked as Naruto disappeared in a puff.


Naruto, who was hidden in a tree shouted at her, pointing finger at her.

She licked her lips, and looked at him.

"You experienced that, didn't you? That's the power of Shadow Clone. You can train a lot of jutsus in a very short amount of time.

Alright. I give up. I don't want to bully someone who can't even form a Rasengan with one hand, even after training under a Sanin.

You atleast learned Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God, right? It shouldn't take the chakra control of Rasengan."

"Huh!? What's 'Flying Thunder God'!?"

Suddenly, Shiori disappeared from her place, and hugged Naruto from behind, her chest pressing against his back.

"This is. If I want to, I can kill you anytime I want. Even when you are sleeping, in any place, or even in space.

I will appear anywhere you are. Afterall, I have permanently marked you."

A tendril came from her suit and touched his neck, drawing out his blood.

Naruto was completely frozen. His detection skills were really good, both because he was the son of Uzumaki Kushina and Minato, and the Jinchuriki of the Nine-tails.

But, he didn't even feel when she appeared behind him.

She whispered in his ear, "Do you accept me as your teammate now? I am your bodyguard. Na~ru~to~"

She then bit his ear, making him make weird noises.

"Y-yes! Fine!"

His body, which felt like it was frozen just moments ago, suddenly felt light again and he jumped down from the tree, afraid and creeped out by her.



She appeared behind him again, scaring him.

She then looked at Jiraiya. Smiling.

"Surely he atleast knows elemental jutsus, right?"

"Huh? What's that?"

As Naruto asked it, she still kept her smile, but it looked faker.

"His body and Chakra is great. Surely he must have already started his Sage Training?"

"Sage? What Sage!?"

Even Tsunade was baffled by Naruto's lack of knowledge, and glared at Jiraiya.

"As he is right now, he wouldn't win against even the weakest member of Akatsuki."

Shiori said, and continued, "Kakashi-sensei, please take over his training from Jiraiya-sama. Use thousands of clones to train him faster.

By the end of this month, he must master his chakra narure, and being able to create an S-rank release in that element. His chakra is enormous, so it shouldn't be hard.

And Jiraiya-sama, send him to the toads to begin his Sage Mode training.

No more ideological bullshit and world peace.

First Hokage wasn't able to form Konoha due to writing books. He was the strongest ninja after Sage of Six Paths, defeated Madara many times, and with him alive, there were no wars because his strength was just too massive.

Fun fact. When Madara controlled Kyuubi and attacked Konoha, First Hokage smiled, and smashed it like an ant with his massive jutsu, that can't be even considered an S-rank jutsu anymore.

Unless you are God of Shinobi, you can't have world peace.

Akatsuki is moving. They already know about the identities and basic abilities of all the jinchurikis.

And well, we know about their identities and identities too.

I am going to hunt down the Akatsuki and remove the threat to Konoha. But, if you remain so weak, it will be difficult."

She took out a notebook from her pocket and threw it at Kakashi.

"It's all the intelligence ROOT has on Akatsuki. Please make sure that Naruto understands the contents completely.

And you Naruto~"


"I will be guarding you from now on. Don't escape from my eyes.

Even if you use Shadow Clones, I will be able to find you.

If you try to escape me, I will-"

She licked her lips. And impassively looked at him.

"Do you understand?"


Suddenly, an ANBU arrived at gave Tsunade a scroll.

Her eyes widened in shock.

"New Team 7, your first mission is here."