
Naruto: Road To Godhood

A Naruto fan finds himself in the body of Uchiha Clan's black sheep. It doesn’t matter how or why he found himself in there. All it matters is what’s he going to do next. Disclaimer: I own nothing.

NoobMastar69 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Academy Days [Part 5]


"Welcome everyone. I'm happy to see most of you again. This year we are going to start learning about mission conduct and shinobi rules. Let's start our class with 3 prohibitions for a shinobi. Now who can tell me what these 3 prohibitions are?" Ryuma-sensei said

Half the class raise their hands. Looking eager to answer a meaningless question. Izumo-kun could you tell us what they are?"

"Hai Sensei. 3 things any shinobi must avoid is Alcohol, Women and Money" he said looking too smug for a kid his age and background.

"That is correct, now take out your books and take notes about the following rules ..." he wrote down bunch of 'rules' that no proper shinobi really follows.

'These are more guidelines than rules anyway, there isn't a powerful shinobi that follows all these rules. Hell Jiraiya, the strongest Konoha shinobi alive doesn't even try to follow any of these rules except the two most basic ones: always watch your back and always be two steps ahead of the enemy.' I thought to myself as I took out a book about Kenjutsu.

One day I was cleaning the house and I found the book about Kenjutsu. I was not able to practice them yet as I wanted to focus on learning the Rasengan, but now I can. *sigh* 'I need to visit that a--hole again'


-6 Hours Later-

'The classes are dreadful but at least they ... I got nothing. They are pretty much worthless to me. I guess it is useful for non-clan children.' I thought to myself as I made my way to the shinobi supply store that I visited last year.

"Hello, sir. I wanted to ask if you sell any tanto?"

The man looks at me and starts laughing "You are the Uchiha kid who bought the chakra paper. Tell me what was your natural element."

I looked him in the eye and recited "Shinobi Rule #32: A shinobi must never reveal his hand" I said with a smirk.

His laughter got more intense "Hahahaha. You are a sharp kid for your age. All right if you tell me what your element is I'll give you 10% discount for that tanto."

"20" I told him. He started laughing even harder "Deal" he said, finding this too amusing for my taste.

"I have fire affinity..." I told him and he looked at me before bursting in a laughter

"Hahahahaha so you did waste your money. Hahaha"

I was getting annoyed and my right eye brow started twitching "Just tell me how much it is"

He finally stops and says "4,000 Ryo, with the discount" I nod as I passed him the money. Before I can leave "What was your name kid?" he asks

"Uchiha Daisuke"

He looks at me and smirks "I like your style kid. My name is Yokoi Kanjiro, you can come here anytime you want."

I nod and leave.


-Fast Training Sequence-

I started with basic kenjutsu kata's and continued for an hour. After my body got an idea of kenjutsu, I created a clone and we started sparing with our tanto's.

This continued for 2 hours then I dispelled the clone.

I went home and slept until next morning.

The next day, I created a clone and sent him to academy. I worked on my kenjutsu with a secondary clone.

This continued for a week. After that I started doing the same exercises while me and the clone were on top of a tree, working on the basic chakra control exercise.

After a month I started working on top of the lake. This was more challenging, as me and the clone had to channel continues chakra to maintain ourself on top of the water.

After 3 months I can say I was now proficient with Kenjutsu. I continued performing the same exercises and even created another clone that randomly throw blunt kunai at me to improve my battle sense.

Also my birthday come and go. I was visited by Mikoto and Sasuke. She brought a cake and I played with Sasuke a bit, what can I say he is still very cute.

In addition to that I learned from Mikoto that Itachi's teammate was recently killed. Tenma Izumo died during mission and his other teammate had quit. Not only that apparently Itachi's fame among the clan had grew greatly as one of the youngest Uchiha to awaken Sharingan.

Anyway... I started working on Shunshin for the rest of the school year. Using sharingan to predict what was going to happen and get rid off the tunel vision weakness. By the end of the year my proficiency with the technique had improved tremendously.

I was still much slower than likes of Raikage or Minato but I was faster than average Jounin. Despite that I still knew my chances of actually beating a proper Jounin who was not underestimating me was low. As a Jounin would at least had mastery of 2 elements and a chakra reserves greater than my own. Not only that, they had more experience than I do. Something I can't fix for a while.

Now that school year was coming to an end, it was revealed that Itachi has fully mastered Sharingan, he was now dubbed as the 'The Most Talented Uchiha' by Clan.

I on the other hand started working on some of the more subtle arts of shinobi, my stealth and survival. I read all the books in Uchiha library about survival in wilderness and spent the entire summer holiday in the forest of Uchiha compound.



After today's classes I was approached by Ryuma-sensei "Daisuke-kun do you have a minute?" he said

"Yes sensei. What did you want to talk about?" I asked him, not sure what this was about

"How would you liked to graduate alongside the next graduating class in 4 months." He asked me.

"Do you think I'm ready sensei?" I asked him while thinking 'Shit! Have I been showing off too much? I never beat the Hyuga in taijutsu and was barely at the top of the class in the rest of the subjects.'

He started rubbing his chin "You are the top of the class, only Hyuga-san is a match for you, even he is behind you in everything but taijutsu. Also you'll be 10 soon enough, You will be given a graduation test, but I don't think you will have that much of a problem. Many geniuses graduate early anyway."

"Thank you sensei, but I'm not that much of a genius. Itachi graduated 2 years ago and he had the highest grades since Yondaime-sama." I told him while faking a sad expression.

"You should not compare yourself to Itachi-san. He is a genius among geniuses, once in a decade type." he said trying to comfort me.

I nod and went home. 'Yes. This is great. I'll graduate early but will be overlooked thanks to Itachi and Shisui. Hell even Shisui might have been would be overlooked if it wasn't for his OP Mangekyou ability.' I thought as I tried to comfort myself.

*Sigh* 'I really hope 10 years old is enough, Izumi graduates next year anyway and no body cares.