
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
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36 Chs

Chapter 12 New Teacher and Goal

- Uzushiogakure -

"Haha, alright!"

I've been practicing control for over a month and it wasn't till 2 weeks ago when Gramps gave me a hint did I finally start getting the hang of it. Now I'm able to hold up to 5 leaves on my body before my control starts slipping.

I wonder if this is enough for me to start tree walking. Well, no point in thinking about it let's just do it.

Looking around I found a decently large tree that had a pretty smooth surface.

"This tree looks good." After analyzing the tree some more I started getting ready to walk

"Okay let's start with one foot at a time no need to rush this. I can't be outdone by Sakura after all." feeling confident I took my first step and slowly imagined a faucet letting out chakra while I guided it to the soles of my feet to grip the tree

" Looking good so far it stuck now let's get one more foot." pumping myself up some more I tried placing my second foot only to fail miserably as I fell back onto the ground

"Ah! What the hell happened both feet stuck so what did I do wrong?" What could it be? Both my feet stuck but I couldn't stay on the tree am I missing something?

"Haha, Kid why are you lying down covered in dirt? Is that a new technique you made? Doesn't look very useful"

Turning to the voice I saw a tall man with long red hair and a scar in his left cheek laughing at me. Tch, how dare this guy laugh at me doesn't he know who I am? No, gotta stop myself from becoming a young master, breathe in and out.

Seeing I was agitated the man decided that maybe giving me some pointers would help me out "Kid do you know why you fell?"

"I got no clue, I felt myself stick to the tree but while I was stuck I still fell old man" When I called him old man his eyebrows twitched haha that's right keep calling me kid even if that's what I am

"That's because you don't have the necessary core strength to stand horizontally. Your chakra control was actually good and you held on the whole time but your core couldn't keep itself upright. That's why Lord Kage hasn't taught you tree walking yet because he knew you lack physical training."

Ah, I get it. So basically I'm just weak. Well, it is about time that I started some physical training.

"Are there any exercises you know of that I can do without harming my growth?"

"I may know a couple, you are a little too young to start using weights but that doesn't mean we can't start working on your flexibility and stamina. So I recommend you start running laps throughout the courtyard once that's done I'll begin testing your flexibility."

Running huh it's always running whether it was Rock Lee or Midoriya the path to strength always seems to start with running.

"By the way who are you?" He looked familiar but at the same time I feel this is my first time seeing his face

"I am Kuroko Uzumaki and I have been assigned by Lord Ashina to be your instructor for the foreseeable future"

"Wait Kuroko you said? Aren't you the guy Gramps sent to get the Chinoike? Does that mean you completed your mission? Did they agree and if so how many came?" I may have gotten a little excited when I started asking him about the Chinoike but what can you expect some of my plans rely on them joining the village.

Having them join would make our forces diverse in abilities and techniques. They also have Occular Kekkai Genkai making them descendants of Hagoromo like our Uzumaki clan.

"Interested in my mission are you? Usually, I wouldn't give out details, especially ones concerning secrets of the village but since you are technically the one who issued the order I'll tell you..." Before he could say more a paused while trying to look dramatic

"Don't leave me on suspense come on finish your sentences!" I can already tell this guy's gonna be annoying is he really my teacher?

"Haha, sorry your face was just so funny. Well, they have agreed and actually moved in earlier today. This will be announced to the village tomorrow instead of today so they can have time to rest and get comfortable. Now about their numbers, sadly they are only numbering around 300 but with time they should recuperate"

So they are already here that's good. Hopefully, they recover and multiply we need more potential shinobi after all.

"You know you are quite a strange young master most children run around poking their noses saying that they will be the greatest ninja in the world but here you are fully invested in the state of the clan and village. Now your even training earlier than most why is that?"

Pausing I took a moment to think about my response until I felt I had the right answer that fit me perfectly.

Seeing me look up at him he was surprised to see my entire demeanor changed and he swore for a moment he saw heterochromic eyes with a red glowing ring within before it vanished as quickly as it came. At that moment he had unconsciously clenched his fist and took a step back.

"Victory is everything in this Shinibi world. Victory is acknowledged while the vanquished are forgotten. So that leaves me with only one path as the clan heir I must always be victorious and reach the top of this world so that we are never forgotten"

While I was speaking I felt I got closer to something for a moment and even felt heat in my eyes but it slipped away

He was stunned and couldn't even find the words in which he wanted to say before he seemed to relax. "So it appears the young master also strives for the top like most children, Hahahaha!"

Tch this guy just ruined the edgy vibe I was giving off

"Well I would usually keep laughing but if it's the young master... I think it's possible. How about it my new student do you mind if I come along for the ride and watch you reach the peak?"

"Of course, you can what's the point of putting in so much work if I don't have friends to come along for the ride"