
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 31 Meeting

Hey guys I already changed some things in the beginning chapter still needs a bit of editing but ill let you all know what changed here.

First the Uzumaki invasion happened near the end of the Second War and was even considered one of the last major battle of the Second world war. Now for Age reference Akashi was 3 during the battle while Kushina will have been 7. It's never stated exactly what age she was but most people thing she was around this age group.

Minor change is Akashis mom mina will now be Ashinas granddaughter meaning Akashi his great grandson. Did this change because it didn't make sense having Mina as Mitos sister when they have such a huge age gap.

Also the natural affinities of the Uzumako will will be water and wind. While Akashi was born with wind and lightning


- Kage Building -

Upon entering his grandfather's office he was surprised to find it filled with many elders and even his parents.

"Welcome back Akashi I see your mission was a success," Gramps said as he looked toward Hiro confirming the presence of the Hagaromo clan.

"Yes Grandfather even if we had some mishaps along the way" Akashi said while rubbing his head

"Yes we heard and that's exactly why we called you here. Akashi is it true you fought against the Raikage's son and awakened a Dojutsu?"

Hearing this made Akashi have a surprised expression. How could they have known about what happened before he even arrived?

"Don't make that face Akashi. You know as well as I do that word travels fast in this Shinobi world of ours"

He couldn't help but agree with Ashina. Even without the internet or technology word still spreads very fast. Spies and traveling merchants made information widely available.

"Yes, it is true grandfather. In the midst of battle, I felt heat enter my eyes almost like my chakra was being focused, and that's when it happened."

With my confirmation, the room was filled with many discussions everyone having different opinions on the matter.

"This is great! With Akashi awakening a new Dojutsu our Uzumaki will now have another Kekkei Genkai all we need is for him to start having children." Elder Denki was ecstatic over this and had many elders agreeing with him. Imagine an entire clan with Dojutsu, Minds Eye, and Sealing chains!

While Denki was celebrating and discussing future marriage partners he failed to notice a certain red-haired woman who had her hair floating by this point.

"Hey, old man! Who are you to try and sell off my Akashi to women? I will only accept a good girl for him, not some hussies you want as breeders!" Shouted my mother as she glared at Elder Denki with my father behind her giving full support

Denki feeling my mother's anger seemed to rethink his plans for me recognizing he went a little far because of excitement

Grandfather who watched this all happen decided to intervene before my mother committed assault

"While Denki may have been a bit too eager he does make a good point Mina. Akashi is a Kekkei Genkei Progniter you know what that means, don't you?" Gramps said with a serious expression forcing my mother to calm down

"Gramps, what do you mean by Kekkei Genkei Progniter?" I kind of had a vague idea of what it was but I was sure Gramps would have more in-depth knowledge

"A Kekkei Genkei Progniter is the first of a bloodline and usually leads to the formation of new clans built around the ability gained. There are two kinds of Progniters those who were born with a new Kekkei Genkei and those who trained two elements to such a high degree it gave birth to a new ability but this one is much rarer with only a few ever achieving such a feet. Actually, both the second and third Hokages could have eventually become progenitors if they had focused on only two elements and pushed them to their limits. Instead, they both tried mastering all elements."

Interesting so pushing two elements to the limit can create Kekkei Genkei but if that's true why don't people use this option or is it just that difficult?

"Gramps, why don't people focus on creating Kekkei Genkei?"

"It's not that people don't try but because of how hard it is. Some even say it's easier to reach the strength of a Kage than Mastering two elements and combining them."

Incredible so pushing two elements to the extreme and combining them can lead to the creation of a Kekkei Genkei? I have wind and lightning natures Does that mean if I mastered them I'd have yet another ability in my arsenal? Well, that's a thought for the future I don't even have complete mastery over the abilities I have now."

"Has anyone accomplished that recently?"

"Well from what I know only the second and third Tsuchikages have been capable of training their elements to the limit creating the particle style. This is even more impressive because they combined three elements"

Ah, I did always wonder how they had the same Kekkei Genkei despite not being in the same clan. I guess Mu must have been able to create the particle style and probably taught it to Onoki when he mastered his elements.

"Now when it comes to those born with Kekkei Genkei they are the most common type and appear in the most random of places but this option is the best with it having the highest chances of passing down as a bloodline."

"I understand grandfather so that's why you all want me to have children. While I won't do that any time soon with being 12 and all I promise to have as many kids as I can for the clan." Even Akashi was curious Would his ability transfer to his kids when it was given to him by Kami? He did say it would be adapted to the Naruto world so it should.

"You are a good boy Akashi I am proud. Well, your new Kekkei Genkei deserves a name. Have you thought of anything?"

Well, I can't call it emperor's eye. It should match the naming style of the other Dojutsu. Ah I know what to call it


(Meaning: Sovereign Eye felt this matched the emperor eyes theme)

Automatical my eyes began to glow with a red ring that silently released pressure on everyone in the room. Forcing some of the Chinoike to activate their Ketsuryugan.

Seeing my eyes caused awe to spread among the elders. As they all knew this was another great step for not just the clan but the village as well.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. I know making Kekkei genkei may not be canon but wanted to try expanding on the world a bit and create a general idea of how clans are created.