
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
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36 Chs

Chapter 30 News heard around the world

While Akashi returned home, news of his battle against A the son of the Raikage, and B the Jinchuriki had already spread all over the shinobi world. Most people didn't believe the news saying it was just propaganda being spread by the Land of Whirlpools.

How was it possible for a 12-year-old child to beat such a strong Shinobi? Only a fool would believe that. They would much rather believe in Aliens attacking their world than a boy somehow beating Kage-level opponents. This was the general opinion of the civilians who didn't really know much about the ongoings of the shinobi world.

However, things were different when it came to the shinobi villages. Thanks to the immense spy networks each village had access to. They were left with no choice but to believe this news. No matter how many times they had their spies double-check and even triple-check the credibility of the information it always came back the same.

That the grandson of the Uzukage, awakened a strange never-before-seen Dojutsu in the midst of battle and forced the Kumo shinobi onto their knees.

While trying to get any info they could on the eyes description. All they were able to learn was how it had a glowing red ring and seemed to cast a strange Genjutsu that messed with a person's equilibrium.

Naturally, this information reached the Dojutsu clans of Konoha. The Hyuga and the Uchiha. When they heard of the feats performed by Akashi some hot-headed members of the Uchiha wanted to storm all the way to Uzushiogakure and show the true might of the Sharingan but were all stopped by the clan's elders. The Hyuga on the other hand were interested but chose to remain silent on the matter ignoring it as it didn't concern them.

Most people were focused on his skills in combat or his eyes. While a certain Senju girl was more interested in his medical techniques.

That's right Tsunade!

She had also heard about how Akashi saved his master on the battlefield healing his damaged organs and closing his wounds. Tsunade was also capable of similar feats but she required proper preparation and concentration to do what he did.

Using the village's Spy network she was able to get some information on Akashi though it wasn't much due to how easily spies are caught in Uzushio. Instead, they had to rely on getting their information from traders that went through the village but what she learned was enough.

According to the merchants Akashi wasn't a medical nin and had only learned medical jutsu for about a month before continuing his studies in other subjects.

Most would just assume Akashi was a genius in medical Jutsu but Tsunade wasn't most people. She knew how much dedication medical Jutsu required and if it was true that he had only learned for one month then it should be impossible for him to do such a feat.

While trying to figure out how he accomplished saving his teacher she recalled something.

His eyes

He had awakened his Dojutsu during the fight and saved his teacher right after. His eyes abilities may be unknown to the world but that doesn't mean she can't make some assumptions.

In the end, she assumed his eyes had some sort of special ability that helped in medical Jutsu. Immediately she was going to tell the Hokage of her findings but stopped mid-way.

The Uzumakis and Konoha were no longer allies so any information the village gained could be used against Uzushio in the future. However, this wasn't the case with the Senju clan. With Mito still alive most Senjus still saw the Uzumaki as allies even if she was on her deathbed.

So as a last good will to the Uzumaki, she decided to keep this information to herself.

Meanwhile in a certain cave system underground...

"Madara Madara did you hear? Apparently, a kid from the Uzumaki awakened a strange Dojutsu beating the Raikage son and he was only 12! shouted white zetsu as he paced around Madara

"Uzumaki Huh too think they would awaken a Dojutsu. I thought Ashina would be the only one of any worth from that clan but now his grandson has a Dojutsu." Madara said while reminiscing on one of the battles he had against Hashirama when he had the aid of the Uzumaki

'Hmm Ashina was a bit difficult to face but in the end, he was no match for me while his Fuinjutsu was interesting ill admit that.'

"Madara, do you think the boy will hinder our plans?" Black Zetsu said with a bit of nervousness which was different from his usual self.

'I don't understand, none of Asura's descendants have ever awakened Dojutsu before it should be impossible. This is not good I can't have variables I need to free Mother!'

"You worry too much Zetsu he may have a Dojutsu but at the end of the day, those eyes are nothing before my Rinnegan! The eyes used by the Sage himself... Speaking of those eyes how is Nagato"

"After Jiraiya left the rain village they seemed to have started their own organization called Akatsuki. It's not big right now only having Nagato and his two friends in the group but that may change in the future. They seem set on establishing peace in the ninja world."

"Hmph useless goal! Only through the Infinite Tsukiyomi can peace be achieved."

"Yes, Madara only you are right and only you can save this cursed world!"

Madara seemed happy with the praise before he began to get tired again needing to nap for a while longer " Zetsu while I sleep keep a watch on those Uzumaki. While my eyes may be better than the boys we still need to make sure they don't hinder our plan and quickly find me an uchiha who can carry on my will."

"Hmm it will be done Madara war is not far most likely a couple of years away"

"Hn" Madara did the classic Uchiha Hn before drifting off to sleep.

Black Zetsu on the other hand was focused on stirring trouble with Akashi but knew he couldn't do anything now.

"I'll have to wait for the war only then will a chance to kill him present itself"