
5-old man Yamamoto

Regaining consciousness Aizen found himself in the same spot and exact position he went to sleep in.

Getting up from the ground he could hear his stomach grumbling, he didn't know for how long he had been asleep but it must have been for a long time.

Getting back upstairs he closed the cellar's door behind him, but before heading to the kitchen he moved to his front door first, he didn't see the outside world since he came here and he wanted to check it out, opening the front door a cacophony of noises assaulted his ears.

His house was located right next to a street, this street had houses on both sides of the road and his was just one of them.

looking around he could see people of all ages wearing either armour, ninja clothing, or normal civilian clothing rushing around, some kids appeared to be 3 years old playing around in the distance.

After standing there as if to just get some fresh air and observing the people for a while, a thing he always did in his time as a soldier something caught his attention, except for the civilians who numbered the minority everyone else was carrying weapons on them, from big swords, scrolls, katanas, chokutos(small katanas like the one Sasuke use), kunais and shurikens strapped to their thighs or waists, to folded Fuma shurikens( large shurikens).

Which really surprised him as it is supposed to be the other way around, with civilians being the majority.

Nonetheless what all of them had in common whether they were civilians or soldiers was that they all had black hair with blue eyes and each one of them had a hard serious look on their faces even the kids his age and above.

Looking around him and specifically, at the emotionless look of the kids Aizen couldn't help but think, ' this is war for you, it can turn even kids into cold-blooded killers with no remorse whatsoever, but I know, even though they don't show it on their faces everyone here craves for peace, hell even I with how much I enjoy war crave peace sometimes.'

As he was looking around something caught his attention, looking down he caught the sight of three covered bowls of what he could only assume is food sitting there in a food tray in front of his door.

" This is..." he said but his exclamation was caught off shortly by an old male voice coming from the door of the house next to his on the right side.

" Aizen you're finally awake, one more day in there and I would have thought you're dead," said the voice in a cold tone, anyone else who heard it would have assumed he was just saying it out of courtesy and he didn't really care and so did the old Aizen from his memories. (before Michael took over his body)

But now facing Aizen whose very speciality in his past life was to know how to read people he could at one glance tell that this old man really cared about him no matter how he sounded.

Observing him more Aizen saw a very tall old man, he must have been at least 200cm(6.5ft), he had a bald head full of scars a tall white beard reaching his chest, and blue eyes like the rest of the clan.

He also had his upper body exposed which like his head was also full of scars.

Although he was old, but, looking at him one couldn't feel the vibe of a weak old man at all, from what Aizen could see his upper body was so full of muscles and defined that if he lived in his past life he would have been accused of taking steroids. (basically Yamamoto from bleach)

In his right hand, he was holding a gourd and from the smell coming from it, he could only assume it must be wine.

From Aizen's memories that he got of this life he recognised the man as old man Yamamoto who is a good friend of his parents and the closest person he had other than his dead family in this world, he is also the strongest person in the clan, and also most importantly the Sōsuke clan head.

Some might wonder why is the clan head living in the same kind of living conditions as normal clan members and there are two reasons for this, the first is that he refuses to have that luxury while his clansman suffers which is admirable.

And the second and most important reason is a bigger house means a more obvious and easier target either for spies or for a long-range jutsu.

" sorry for making you worry grandpa Yamamoto I just lost track of time training," said Aizen, from his memories he always called him grandpa since he was young, hearing him Yamamoto frowned.

'I also remember he's the only other outsider who knows about our family secret cellar so he must have deduced I was training there.' thought Aizen

" Whatever, I left you some food yesterday on your doorstep, hurry up and get better we need every capable soldier we get, also don't overdo it with training or else it'll have the opposite effect and worsen your injuries." saying this he drank another mouthful of wine before getting back into his house and closing the door behind him.

" thank you very much, grandpa " thanking him and giving him a little bow Aizen picked up the food and went back inside to heat it back up and finally get some nourishment.


Yamamoto pov

' something feels weird, just now Aizen felt different somehow.' thought Yamamoto for a second after returning to his home, before letting it go, he watched the kid since he was a toddler till now, and he doubted someone is good enough to fool him with a transformation jutsu.

' Maybe it's his close call with death, that kind of experience can change anyone, especially a 5-year-old kid, sigh, when will this war end'. He thought sighting as he looked out the window at the sky, and he started to remember his dead family, his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandson.

As their image and memories passed through his head one by one sadness couldn't help but cover his face.

His clan wasn't one of the strongest, nor was it the weakest either, it was a normal medium-sized clan, but even then to ensure their clan's survival young kids from the age of 4 have to start participating in the war, and even with him being the clan leader he couldn't give preferential treatment to his family, he had to look at the bigger picture.

some big clans like the Uchiha and Senju can afford to not send their young kids to war too early which gives them more time to train and be more prepared, but even they can only stall so far, maybe till they are 7 or 8 years old at the most.

Let's not even talk about the small-scale clans, it's just a matter of time before they are annihilated.

' my grandson would have been the same age as aizen this year if only he didn't...Sigh' he remembered his grandson, but mid-thought he could only force himself to stop and sigh, he didn't want to fall into a depressing mood.

' humph speaking of that little rascal he has become more observant lately.' he remembered how aizen has been able to figure out how he was worried about him by just looking at him, and how he was carefully observing the passersby, and even though he seemed irritated a small smile crept on the corner of his mouth as he thought,' that's good son, the stronger you are the longer you can survive in this cruel world, you're the only thing resampling a family I have left, I only wish this world doesn't take you before your time and to see the day you finally grow up.' smiling he closed the window and went back inside.


Back inside Aizen's house he heated his food which consisted of rice, soup with vegetable meat and some bread and gulped it all down to the last bite.

Finishing his meal he watched the dishes before making a mental note to give them back to the old man sometime later.

After that he immediately went back to the training ground, he still wasn't done training.

Walking to the shurikenjutsu training section he picked up the kunais and shuriken he left there before from the ground and put some distance between himself and the training dummies.

" one of the most important skills to learn for a shinobi is how to handle kunais and shurikens, and although I already trained with them in my past life, when comparing the techniques used my past worlds techniques are like kindergarten math problems compared to university ones, so it won't do me much good, And sadly I can't cheat my way through this, the old Aizen was still only 5 years old, and although he had some basic practice with them it wasn't that much so he didn't get any benefits from the old aizen experience, 'sigh I guess it's time to grind."

Picking up his first kunai he mimicked the throwing motion his parents thought him from his memories down to the tiniest details and when he was sure that it was mostly correct he threw it at the bullseye 20m away....and...it completely missed.

Aizen though wasn't discouraged by this as he already expected such a result, and so he just kept at it for the next half an hour, switching between both Kunais and shurikens until both of them ran out, after which he spent some time collecting them back and did it all over again.

He kept doing this until his hands were aching and he was panting and even pushed himself past that, before finally stopping.

"That's enough shurikenjutsu training for today time to check the jutsus," said Aizen excitedly.

Even though he was a grown man in his past life, which human being didn't dream of having magical powers, or controlling the elements, and he was no different.

Moving to the rivers excitedly he looked into the water before weaving some hand signs and right after a cloud of smoke engulfed him before dispersing and revealing an adult guy with almost the same features as his young body, with bright blue eyes and black hair.

Aizen has just transformed into his old body back on earth, " I don't understand why people need to shout the name of the jutsu while performing it, seems to work just fine to me." he said with a weird look on his face, as checked his reflection in the water he looked like an exact copy of his past self.

Transforming into other people to make sure that it wasn't because it was his old body and that was why he performed it perfectly he eliminated his suspicions, making sure that everything was fine with his transformation jutsu he undid it.

But he suddenly noticed something different with his body like he just became a little bit weaker not by much but it was still there, closing his eyes and focusing a little he noticed that the energy that's been circling inside of his body since he woke up in it has decreased by a small margin.

He also noticed something else, ' i have a little bit more chakra than in my memories, does it have something to do with my transmigration?.' he speculated.

He remembered that chakra is created when his physical and spiritual energies are moulded together.

Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and is increased through physical exercise.

Spiritual energy is a little more tricky and it is increased through studying, meditation and experience.

(An: this is Canon)

And that's where his transmigration comes into play, ' if chakra increases through experience and studying then the only thing holding its growth right now is my physical body being so weak, with my experiences in my past life plus this one I can't wait to see the size it can reach.' he thought wishfully.

' but it doesn't matter does it? , what's important is my chakra control, even naruto with 4x more chakra than Kakashi was still weaker than him in every single department, of course, that is before he decided to go god mod, and all that is due to chakra control, anyhow, its too soon to be thinking about that now .' putting this stuff to the back of his head, for now, he proceeded to test the rest of the jutsu he had currently.

Starting with the basic stuff like The clone jutsu, substitution jutsu, and cloak of invisibility.

And moving on to a little more advanced stuff like water style: water bullet jutsu, wind style: air bullet jutsu, And Finally hiding like a mole jutsu which was one of the aces of his clan which insured their survival until now.

It was a C rank jutsu, and it could increase the survival rate exponentially as the user could just hide and move underground, they could attack and retreat as and when they want while being able to observe the people on the surface, and also after going underground the earth returns to its previous shape leaving no evidence of anything happening, 'honestly the show didn't do it justice.' he thought.

But, Using it for a little more than a minute he could feel it drain almost all his chakra reserves so he immediately stopped.

"I won't be able to spam it, but using it together with a smoke bomb to mask me going underground for just a little bit can be the deciding factor in a battle." he thought before tidying the place up and going out of the training ground heading to the library he still had one other thing to check before calling it a day.


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