
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime e quadrinhos
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201 Chs

Chapter 200: Misunderstanding.

  Inside the Mizukage's office.

  "Mizukage-sama, the Thunderbird has disappeared. Although we don't know the reason, we haven't encountered the Thunderbird for more than a day now, and the thunderstorm environment has also improved." An Anbu reported with a look of joy that could not be concealed.

"I know."

Terumi Mei answered calmly.

  She and Obito had an agreement to let their Akatsuki organization help solve the Thunderbird. As long as they can do it, she will represent Kirigakure Village to support the Akatsuki organization. Now that the Thunderbird has really disappeared, it shows that the Akatsuki organization does have incredible power. This power is very important to Kirigakure Village.

In addition.....

  Since that masked man has already helped Kirigakure Village solve the Thunderbird crisis, it's about time to take the initiative to propose conditions, right? Now Kirigakure Village has been shrouded in thunderstorms for a period of time, and it has also been attacked by Thunderbirds. It is currently in a weak period and it is difficult to propose conditions to the Akatsuki organization, which is a bit difficult.

"Mizukage-sama, now that the Thunderbird has disappeared, can we resume normal fishing life? In the previous period of time, our Kirigakure Village has gradually fallen into panic, and many people have begun to hoard food maliciously." The Anbu ninja continued to ask.

"We can't be sure that the problem with the Thunderbird has been completely resolved, so it's best to be cautious. Exclude fishing boats from hunting in key ports, and each fishing boat must be protected by ninjas. After ensuring that there is no danger, then fully recover." Terumi Mei said after a little thought.

  Because the Thunderbird disappeared mysteriously, rather than being destroyed in a way she could witness, Terumi Mei still had doubts about whether the Thunderbird had really been destroyed. It's always good to handle things more stably.

"Yes, I understand!"

Inside Iwagakure Village.

  "For the Moon's Eye plan to continue, I must take a risk and try."

Obito finally made up his mind to venture into the Kamui space to find out what was going on. He had no choice but to go in. Without understanding the situation, he couldn't continue to use Kamui. Without Nagato and Konan's Akatsuki, he was nothing more than a toothless tiger. The subsequent trade with Kirigakure Village also...

  Not only Kirigakure Village, Obito now has no confidence to negotiate with Oonoki of Iwagakure Village, let alone unite all the major ninja villages to besiege Konohagakure.

Obito took another deep breath, adjusted his state, and prepared himself to deal with all situations.


He successfully entered the Kamui space, the process was without any surprises.

The reason is simple, Kakashi was inexplicably tricked by Orochimaru to be taken away as a guinea pig for observation, so he couldn't practice with Mangekyou Sharingan and Jugo like before, so there would be no surprises.

  At present, Kakashi is still in the hospital for observation and can't come out in a short time. But he has strong disciples like Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata, and the higher-ups of Konohagakure also had a big credit loss a while ago, they are unlikely to take action.

And even if they give orders, the people below may not necessarily listen.

The concept of ninja being tools has been instilled in them for a long time, but people are still people. After experiencing some things, their thoughts will eventually change.

So, if Utatane Koharu and others really dare to order the arrest of Kakashi for research, it is estimated that the ninjas below will rebel against them in less than a day.

Obito's body quickly became ethereal, and he entered the Kamui space at a very fast speed.

  The current Kamui space has undergone a huge change compared to before, a large number of Wood Release trees cover the entire space, and in the Wood Release, there is a hidden invisible crisis.

"You're finally here."

Nagato didn't launch an attack at the first time, he just stared deeply at Obito and said.

"Um, are you guys, okay?"   

  Obito looked at Nagato and Konan, who were ragged, and asked a little guiltily.

  These two guys are likely to have gone through a very fierce battle in the Kamui space. The reason is not difficult to guess. Besides Kakashi's other Mangekyou Sharingan, what other methods are there to enter the Kamui space? It must be that Kakashi did something again.

Among them, what Obito cares most about is that Konan's Akatsuki robe is split in two at the stomach area, the cut marks are extremely clear, it's almost like being directly cut at the waist by someone.

But there is no injury on Konan's stomach. From this angle, she definitely couldn't have been cut at the waist by someone, and a normal person couldn't cut their own clothes from the waist.

Could it be...

Are Konan and Nagato playing some strange play?

  This is not right!

Wait, Nagato has the Rinnegan, and Madara's plan is to resurrect with the Rinne Rebirth Technique of the Rinnegan. Is there a possibility that Konan has been cut at the waist and died once, but was resurrected by Nagato using the Rinne Rebirth Technique?

This explanation is more accurate and more reasonable, maybe the truth is like this.

"Let us out, and it will be fine."

Nagato said simply and directly.

  For them now, the biggest disadvantage is that they cannot freely enter and exit the Kamui space, while Obito can freely open the door of the Kamui space, casually throw various powerful Ninjutsu into it. As long as they are still in the Kamui space, they absolutely cannot win against Obito.

Although Nagato cannot determine whether Obito is a friend or an enemy, whether there is an ambush outside, he clearly knows that only when they go out of the Kamui space, he and Konan may have a chance of survival. Even if he risks being ambushed, he must go out.

"No problem, let's go quickly."

Obito quickly realized something, directly decisively opened the exit of the Kamui space, and left the space first, waiting for Nagato and Konan outside.

The remaining two looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes. Now, they might be bombarded by various Ninjutsu as soon as they go out, so they must be prepared. Nagato must be ready to release Shinra Tensei at any time, and it is the most powerful Super Shinra Tensei, otherwise who knows if a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki will suddenly come out and give him a second with a flame fist.

  "Let's go, I'll go first."

Nagato took the lead and walked towards the exit.


Konan nodded, naturally understanding what Nagato was thinking. Although he didn't want Nagato to take risks alone, this is the best choice now, otherwise it will only make things more complicated.

Nagato took a step out, and at the same time activated the Rinnegan pupil power at the fastest speed, raised one hand to look around whether there were enemies outside.

  It's a forest...

It seems there's no enemies here.

  No enemies, no strong chakra, it seems there is no problem on the surface, but in fact, who knows if there is any hidden danger? The crisis that can be seen on the surface is a small matter, and the crisis that cannot be seen is the key.

And the best choice to face this situation is.

"Shinra Tensei!"

  (End of this chapter)

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