
Naruto: Red Storm

This is my first time writing anything. So suggestions are accepted. English is my third language so I am trying to reduce grammatical errors as much as possible. Naruto grew up without a shade, protection over him but what if he has a protection a sword, shield more than that a family - an elder brother "Uzumaki Hiroto". Lets see how different that journey will be. Except my OC anything isn't mine. Cover image isn't mine if it's yours and want to remove it please let me know.

Daoist94fCn3 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Uchiha Fugaku's counter

Uchiha Fugaku after leaving the house of his friend went straight to the Konoha Military Police force, as soon as he entered the building he said "Yashiro, Yakumi come to my office" and sat in his chair with a plaque informing others of his designation as 'Captain "Uchiha Fugaku"' at the door along with the symbol of the organization on the wall behind the Uchiha patriarch's seat.

A few moments later two men one having ash-grey hair and squinted eyes which he only opened when he activated his Sharingan wearing the standard Konoha shinobi outfit with the symbol of the police force on its shoulder the other one with dark hair which he wore in topknot and dark eyes with pronounced tear troughs adorning the standard attire of the Konoha shinobi which included a flak jacket and the shoulders of his shirt was emblazoned with the symbol of the Police Force made their way inside they are Uchiha Yashiro and Uchiha Yakumi respectively.

Fugaku seeing them signaled to close the door, noticing the tense expression of their Captain the other two guys in the room became alert. "Have you heard about the recent rumors about the Kyuubi kid?" Fugaku asked cutting the chase.

The guy having the 'Wicked eye' moniker got nods in response so he continued "We need to follow the trails and find the people who started this, take them into custody and you have to make sure 'Danzo' will be the answer that has to come out of their mouths."

Fugaku's orders got a crazy grin from Yashiro and a confused face from Yakumi as he is basically saying them to frame Danzo even if the guy is not the culprit. Fugaku observed them for a few minutes, looked straight at Yashiro, and said "Yashiro you will take care of this matter take Tekka and Inabi along. I need the results before the sun sets".

Fugaku approved Yashiro to leave and looked at the remaining clan member in the office "Yakumi..."



Kakashi worried for his little brothers so he wanted to support them in any way possible so he is trying his hand at the best clans he can ask for support. Kakashi knew the general history of all the clans in Konoha he knew Ina-Shiko-Cho clans are together since the time of warring states so as long he convinced the brain of the trio clans to his side he will get the other two.

Kakashi is hopeful it might turn in his favor and is on his way to the Nara clan compound. To Kakashi's luck, the Nara clan head is present and was allowed entry for a meeting. Kakashi entered the house of the Nara clan's patriarch to see a guy with two scars on the right side of his face which were probably his most noticeable feature, he had dark hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, dark eyes as well as a goatee. His ears were also pierced. Kakashi saw Shikaku playing shogi with a kid having the same pineapple hair and eyes, he guessed probably teaching shogi to the Nara heir.

Kakashi saw Shikaku signaling his wife to take their son away and motioned for the white-haired jonin to sit. Kakashi sat opposite the jonin commander of Konoha village "Shikaku-san you must have heard of the latest rumors" said the copy ninja as he thought the Nara clan head must've already guessed the reason for his visit.

Kakashi got a nod so he continued "Shikaku-san I need you to support us regarding Naruto, the kid was denied of his only family. Please Shikuaku-san I beg you" the teen stood up and bowed ninety degrees.

"What a drag! Kakashi I want to but I can't, Choza is clouded by his vengeance on the nine-tailed fox as he lost a sibling along with many family members on that day. I and Inoichi are trying our best to see past it. But alas we didn't succeed, Forgive me Kakashi but I can't choose one close friend of mine over the other" Shikaku said with helplessness.

"The best I can try is staying neutral" Shikaku added.

Kakashi can only agree and leave dejectedly but was stopped in his tracks when Shikaku said "Kakashi I hope you're very clear about the repercussions that will follow, the one you're planning to deal with is a player like none other. Even with all the evidence in your favor, he might walk away without even a slap on the wrist" refusing to meet Kakashi's eye.

Kakashi left the Nara clan compound whereas the patriarch of the clan can only sigh "What a drag" and continue the game with his son.



Itachi and Shisui arrived near Konoha's orphanage. "How many Anbu do you see Shisui ?" Itachi asked. "Two" replied Shisui pointing at their positions but was inwardly disappointed at the appointed Anbu's abilities.

"I will deal with the Anbu you are the one experience in pacifying a two-year-old, so get the kid," Shisui said to his fellow Uchiha. Itachi deadpanned and asked "Sasuke is different. So you want us to kidnap a kid", "Semantics" replied Uchiha Anbu ignoring the first half of the sentence.

"We need to be gentle with the kid the tailed beast might capitalize the situation in its favor" Itachi warned.

"Try to tell the kid about Hiroto. We have a five-minute window if everything goes in our favor, we keep it low or the Hokage will grace us with his Anbu entourage. Let's get moving" Shisui said trying to ease the tension.

Shisui never in his wildest dreams had thought to go against Hokage now he is doing it, he activated his sharingan and used body flicker to the Anbu with the rat mask's position. Shisui of the body flicker quickly put the Rat Anbu in genjutsu and knocked him out. The other Anbu with a Sparrow mask noticed this and sent a message with a bird to the Hokage.

Shisui as an Anbu also easily recognized the bird so he summoned his own crow summons to subdue the messenger bird. Shisui has to body flicker his way out to escape a fireball jutsu directed at him.

Shisui used his signature style and created afterimages, succeeded in distracting the Sparrow Anbu using that moment of distraction appeared behind Anbu and paralyzed him temporarily with the help of Lightning Release: Thunder followed by knocking the Anbu out.

Itachi saw a kid who is just leaving and used transformation jutsu to take the appearance of the kid who left. Itachi entered the orphanage and looked around the cafeteria to find any trace of Naruto but he didn't find the yellow-haired kid or any details like the cream colored t-shirt which Hiroto informed him of.

Itachi made his way to the dormitory observing the backyard, he checked one dorm after another. Itachi is feeling the pressure as he had to move quickly soon he was left with a dilapidated door and found the kid he is looking for curled up in the fetal position crying.

The Uchiha clan heir moved towards the kid and luckily found no visible injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief and saw the kid flinching at his transformed appearance. Itachi quickly undid the transformation to pacify the kid "Naruto come with me I will take you away from here to a good place". Itachi saw the Uzumaki move away and heard "Matron said not to trust the strangers", to make the kid quickly agree "Don't worry I am a very good friend of your brother" Itachi added.

Itachi's response made the kid's face light up so he picked up the kid and warned "Naruto hold me tight you may feel slightly dizzy" saying this Itachi used body flicker and approached Shisui who just tied the Anbu detail of Naruto. Shisui noticed Itachi approach holding a toddler with an Uzumaki clan symbolled dress and when he observed the features he subconsciously called out "Yondaime-sama" but luckily the toddler didn't hear it.

The three of them stealthily made their way toward Hiroto's house keeping their guard up along the way.