
Naruto: Red Storm

This is my first time writing anything. So suggestions are accepted. English is my third language so I am trying to reduce grammatical errors as much as possible. Naruto grew up without a shade, protection over him but what if he has a protection a sword, shield more than that a family - an elder brother "Uzumaki Hiroto". Lets see how different that journey will be. Except my OC anything isn't mine. Cover image isn't mine if it's yours and want to remove it please let me know.

Daoist94fCn3 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs


Hizuren is currently in a hard place so he knew if there isn't a proper explanation for this all the clans in the village may side with the Uchiha clan in the coup d'etat. He opened his mouth to answer.

But at the same time, a door knock was heard diverting everyone's attention to the door. Soon the Anbu who Hizuren sent for the Kumo envoys arrived announcing the other party's arrival. Hizuren signaled for them to be let inside and directed them to a seat.

"Lord Hokage, you can't intimidate us with this" a kumo ninja said angrily.

Another one motioned his hand for him to stay quiet, "Lord Hokage, we want to solve this peacefully. We want to listen to your request and we can negotiate the terms based on the peace treaty we agreed upon or Kumo will reply with force if Konoha takes our peaceful nature as incompetence".

Everyone belonging to Konoha rolled their eyes at these blatant lies but they kept quiet, "Your Kumo ninjas kidnapped the Hyūga clan princess so we retaliated" Tsume said.

"Even if what you said is true you cannot kill him, according to the peace treaty we have signed you need to surrender the culprit. So surrender the Hyūga clan head to Kumogakure or we can accept one of his daughters" the Kumo envoy said with a smirk.

Hiashi hearing this gritted his teeth and had to hold himself back with everything he has, "When did we say the one who killed belongs to the Hyūga clan, esteemed envoys?" Hiroto asked.

The Kumo envoys' smiles vanished and one of them said "Then please tell us who it is".

"It's me" Hiroto said without a hint of fear.

"Then Lord Hokage please hand him over to us or prepare for war with Kumogakure" the other party said not noticing in which clan seat he sat, if he did he wouldn't dare.

"Konoha will retaliate with war if it's what you need" Danzo said not backing down.

Hizuren turned to his friend he motioned for Hiroto to come near him and both talked in low voices, "We don't need to escalate the situation to war, how about this your Raikage will face two of my ninjas. Victor's terms are to be followed" Hizuren announced.

The Kumo envoys thought for a few moments and agreed, "We agree if one of them isn't you Lord Hokage". "You don't have to worry I won't leave Konoha during that time" Hizuren assured them.

"Then we will meet at the border of Land of Fire with Land of Rice and Land of Hot Water in two days" Kumo envoy agreed and took his leave.

"Good it seems they are well prepared for this case too. I have to say the fourth Raikage isn't all muscles like his predecessors" Hizuren muttered and announced the end of the meeting.

Hizuren is followed by his former teammates on his way out, "Hizuren you shouldn't have agreed to that, if the kid lost then Konoha will become a laughing stock in the ninja world" Homura said.

"Don't worry I know his capability" Hizuren said with a smile seeing the confused looks on the council members' faces he asked "Have you heard of Storm?" with a sly smile.

"Yeah, he appeared in the last year and got his prowess known to the ninja world. Everyone guessed he must be one of the remnants of the Uzumaki clan based on his mask, but there is no clear information" Koharu said but as the last words left her mouth realization stuck her "Hizuren don't tell me Storm is an alias of him?" she asked in wonder.

"Yes, during that time I have also given him a few A-rank and S-rank missions. He should be promoted to jōnin as soon as he got back because of his contributions but I will hold that till the matter with Kumo is settled" Hizuren said.

"Is it also your idea for that brat to meet your student and take over the Senju clan seat?" Danzo asked with a stoic face as he had the same plans to make Storm join him and use the Uzumaki clan massacre by the three villages to his advantage but as an old cunning player, he concealed his emotions well.

"No I have no idea about that, I will ask him later" Hizuren said and silence enveloped them.



Meanwhile back in the Hokage's office

Fugaku, Hiashi, Shikaku, and Hiroto are making their exit together. After he made sure there are no people nearby other than them Hiroto said his reason for the statements he made as he needed his name popular among the villagers and with this he can make Naruto stay with him.

"How did you make Senju Tsunade give her clan head seat to you?" Shikaku asked.

"Well that's a story for another time" Hiroto said snickering.

Fugaku and Hiashi smiles at this while Shikaku shook his head at his antics, "Ok we will meet tomorrow morning at 10 at my house to discuss the details" Hiroto said.

"You can stay at my house today and take Naruto with you tomorrow" Hiashi said. Hiroto agreed to this and everyone left.



Hyūga clan

Hiroto followed Hiashi to his house, as soon as he entered Hiashi came face to face with his brother and a clan elder.

"Hiashi we heard what happened. Hizashi agreed to take your place and surrender to the Kumo ninjas" the Hyūga clan head said.

Hiroto stayed silent as it involves Hiashi's family and his clan. Hiashi is shocked by this, seeing the expression on his twin's Hizashi explained "Hiashi I am not doing this as my duty of branch clan to the main clan, I am doing this as your brother. Here give this to Neji after I leave".

"Yes, we removed the seal on him so that no one can identify him as a branch clan member" the elder said.

"You don't have to sacrifice anything brother" Hiashi said hugging his twin and filling him in on what happened.

"Not to be a party pooper but can I ask how did the clan elder come to the conclusion that Hiashi needs to die?" Hiroto asked.

The Hyūga twins directed their gaze at the elder, "Yes elder please enlighten us" Hiashi asked staring daggers at him.

"Thi..that" elder stuttered.

"Hizashi take him away and keep this matter under wraps. By the time you are done with him he has to sing everything about him" Hiashi said.

Hizashi nodded and attacked the elder paralyzing him temporarily, he gave a grateful nod to Hiroto and left.



Next day

Hiroto and Naruto completed their breakfast at the Hyūga clan head's house, next Hiroto took Naruto to his house Hiashi also followed them.

Hiroto opened the door which doesn't have a speck of dust because he sent a shadow clone the night before to clean the house. "Naruto from now on you can stay here. This is your house we will get your belongings later" Hiroto said.

Naruto hugged his brother with tears of joy, Hiroto took Naruto to show his room. Hiashi stayed in the living room awkwardly waiting. Soon relieving Hiashi, Fugaku arrived with his family, and Shisui, and Kakashi came with them. Shikaku soon followed with Anko by his side.

Mikoto took Sasuke and Naruto to watch over them, Hiroto directed everyone to the office, Kakashi closed the door and Hiroto activated the seal so that no one could eavesdrop.

Hiroto shared the summary of what happened during these few years and his becoming 'Storm' because of Brutus's suggestion. He also said he will share more after the Raikage is dealt with. Hearing his best friend's adventures Itachi is jealous while Anko didn't bother because she is fully content with her rapid rise in T&I.

"Kakashi-nii will you accompany me to fight Raikage?" Hiroto asked.

Kakashi nodded and another voice sounded "I will also fight the Raikage with you" Itachi said.

Seeing the firm look on Itachi's face Fugaku didn't dissuade his son. Hiroto agreed seeing no objection from the Uchiha patriarch.

"Even if you are there I will talk with Lord Hokage and send backup forces just in case" Shikaku said.

Fugaku and Hiashi shared the same feeling and agreed to provide a few of their clansmen as support.

"Kakashi-nii I made the seal better for your eye" Hiroto said and continued "Anko I have a way to deal with your problem, you can meet me after the fight with Raikage as it might take some time".

Kakashi accepted it while Anko hugged her former teammate in gratitude.

"Hiroto if you are interested I will go on a date with you" Anko said.

"I already have a girlfriend Anko" Hiroto said dropping a bomb on everyone.