
Naruto: Red Storm

This is my first time writing anything. So suggestions are accepted. English is my third language so I am trying to reduce grammatical errors as much as possible. Naruto grew up without a shade, protection over him but what if he has a protection a sword, shield more than that a family - an elder brother "Uzumaki Hiroto". Lets see how different that journey will be. Except my OC anything isn't mine. Cover image isn't mine if it's yours and want to remove it please let me know.

Daoist94fCn3 · Anime e quadrinhos
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53 Chs

Monkey and The Stick, birth of the Crow

The two couples made small talk and the Uchiha couple bid their byes. As they are making their way to the door opened to reveal a late middle-aged man with a white and red robe covering his head with a hat. Seeing him everyone in the room bowed (Mikoto bowed her head) to him and greeted him "Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi Hizuren the Sandaime Hokage greeted them back and told them to relax. As the four in the room raised their heads, they heard the sound of a walking stick and were greeted by a man with almost all the right side of his upper body and face bandaged. Seeing him both young couples' smiles vanished and Fugaku scowled.

The Golden haired and red-haired couple called out "Danzo-sama" and greeted them. Mikoto joined greeting him with her best friend and her boyfriend. Fugaku kept the scowl on his face and greeted "Danzo".

Hizuren ignored that and made his way towards the bid seeing the mother he sighed with sadness and turned towards the crib. "Don't pick him up Old man you reek of tobacco," says Kushina without bothering about formalities, knowing her antics everyone let it slide.

"So what's the name Kushina, Minato ?" inquired the monkey summoner. " Uzumaki Hiroto, sensei " answered Minato. "He will soar," says Hizuren under his breath. (google Hiroto it's related to that.)

"So you're taking him right, Minato Kushina ?", Hizuren made a probe. Before the couple could reply. "Root will be a good place if you don't want to bother with him." Danzo made a snide comment. After that he felt massive killing intent directed at him by every ninja in that room, he a battle veteran also found it hard to breathe.

A few minutes later Danzo found Kushina staring daggers at him with red-cloaked chakra. "If you made that comment without Hiroto present I'm gonna unleash the fox in your Root hideout." Kushina made the prediction.

"Danzo keep your opinions to yourself, situations don't always save your life," remarked Sarutobi. Danzo huffed and made his way out. "Don't worry I will talk to him. Minato you carry on with the proceedings. If you require any help come to me." with that Hizuren left to have a good old talk with his former teammate.

The next day in the Konoha graveyard few people dressed in black are paying their respects to a newly erected tombstone with "Namikaze Mizuko" etched on it next to another grave with "Uzumaki Hiroko" titled tombstone. A few feet away others are offering condolences to a golden-haired man and a red-haired woman holding a sleeping baby.

If a normal civilian or ninja sees this scenario they would be shell-shocked because the entourage present here can give anyone a run for his money, 'cause almost everyone present here is a clan head or a future clan head, and others' names are renowned throughout ninja world. Ino- Shika - Cho's future clan heads, Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga clan head, and his twin brother, Senju Tsunade among others.

Slowly everyone started to make their leave. After almost everyone left Tsunade arrived near the future parents of the child of prophecy. "Kushina, Minato I am leaving the village with Dan's niece, I don't know when or if I will be back here. So take care." said the slug sannin and left without waiting for a response. Seeing this the couple looked at each other and sighed in sadness.

A few days later in Konoha's hospital maternity ward, the future Hokage and to-be-his-wife made long strides with slight tension and happiness. They came to a halt seeing the happiness on the ever-serious face of Fugaku. "Fugaku-san", they called out.

"Fugaku-san, how is Mikoto ?", voice out Uchiha matriach's bestfriend. Fugaku knew he can't contain Kushina's anxiety so he directed her to just wake up Mikoto's room. Kushina rushed in. Minato stood outside with Fugaku. "So Fugaku-san is Hiroto having a bestfriend or a girlfriend ?" Minato took a jab at his friend.

Hearing this Fugaku winced at the prospect of imagining if he had a daughter and her having a boyfriend when grown up. "Best friend, if I had a daughter I would jail everyone chasing her." answered a Fugaku with an impassive look. Minato tried to stifle his laughter seeing a moment of fear on his ever-stoic friend's face. After that, they made their way in.

"Who is looking after Hiroto now Minato ?" asked a curious Uchiha patriarch. "Our shadow clones Fugaku-san, and Minato left a mark there just in case," answered Kushina playing with the baby. "So what are you naming him, Fugaku-san ?" inquired Minato. "Itachi. Uchiha Itachi." voiced out the Uchiha matriarch to which Fugaku nodded letting the unmarried couple know that both decided on it.

Hearing the name the young couple responded with smiles.


[Will this reality Itachi also suffer the same fate of losing everything and everyone??? Let's wait and see.]

Minato called Hizuren sensei because, at that point of time Hizuren is already grooming Minato as a Hokage candidate.

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