
Naruto: Red Lightning (Canceled)

Reincarnated into a alternate world of Naruto, Kain Kaito strives to overcome the differences from what he knows. Kain, sets off to the library to be fully prepared for the future.

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Letter To My Daughter

Hello, if you are reading this it means I have died. My daughter, there were some things that you don't know about me as I have kept them secret. I'm sorry to tell you this but now that you have read this you have activated a seal, this seal will be impossible to remove as it was a masterpiece I made. The seal is designed to do three things, first it will only be opened by my child, second it will keep anyone else from reading this diary/letter, and to make it impossible to be spoken about or read from your mind.

Now that you have been told my precautions, let's move onto the real reason I wrote this. I wrote this because I wanted at least you to know my truth. Don't get me wrong I hated lying to my family, but this information could bring trouble to you or me. I have done many things that I am not proud of but, one thing I know for sure is I love you.

Moving on, I was reincarnated into the world you are living in. That's right it was my second life, I lived in a world where technology was more advanced and without chakra. I won't go much into the matter of my first life, just know that it had some knowledge of this world in the form of fiction story. The story was way different from what I had thought the world would be.

Now that you know the reasons for my secrecy, let's move on, from this point on the story of my life will be told. My life will be told in the form of a book, using my perfect memory to help recall the events in my life with pinpoint accuracy. By the time you have open this letter you should be at least 21 years of age. Goodbye, my daughter Minami Kaito.

[A/N: Sorry it's so short but this fits the layout of what I'm writing.]