
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs


The Lookout

Since the battle of Raditz , it had been half a year. In the first half of the year, Tenshinhan , Yamcha and Krillin had been under the guidance of Kami and Popo, and their Battle power has advanced by leaps and bounds.

"Your martial arts have already surpassed me. I and Popo have nothing left to teach you. The battle is coming, I hope you go back and practice with each other!"

Kami said to the crowd, and at the end, sighed: "The future of the earth depends on you!"

"Understand!" The three men shouted in unison.

Yamcha talked to Krillin with confidence and said: "I don't know how Goku's doing now. If I see him, I would like to fight him. Then I'll surprise him! "

Krillin laughed and Tenshinhan ruthlessly spoke back saying: "We are making progress, and Son Goku is also making progress. I believe he will also become stronger!"

"At least, the gap between us will shrink a lot!" Yamcha said with conviction and confidence.

Just when everyone was talking about it, the air in the sky suddenly became distorted, and the momentum that seemed to crush the earth occurred, However, this Qi quickly converged back.

Sensing that the Qi disappeared from the horizon, everyone's heart trembled fiercely.

"What is that? Flipping hell... Terrible Qi!"

Krillin's legs went soft on the spot, and the faces of Tenshinhan and Yamcha were not good. Kami took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down his mood. He said, "Can it be... Son Goku's Qi?"

"The aura of Goku's Qi is so strong?"

The people down below were puzzled.

A black spot appeared in the distance, and it was zooming in at a speed visible to the naked eye. After seeing the appearance of the person, the people on the Lookout were relieved.

"It turned out to be Goku. The breath just now scared me." Krillin wiped his forehead and found that he had cold sweat dripping down his back. Although they didn't have a cold sweat like Krillin , they just had felt extremely nervous , which gave them a feeling of absolute threat.

"Hey, everyone's here!" Goku fell on the Lookout, watching Krillin and the others, saying hello.

"Goku, just now that Qi, was that you who exuded it out? It's really scary!" Krillin said with fear lingering in his heart.

Looking at the dignified expression of everyone, Goku instantly understood, and some embarrassedly said: "When I flew I was careless, I didn't lower my Qi, sorry for that."

Careless... didn't lower your Qi?

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In other words, the Qi that everyone just felt was also leaked out of Goku, lowering his Qi? !

"Hey, Yamcha , didn't you say you want to compare with Goku? Now the opportunity has arrived, come on then!"

After the shock, Krillin suddenly smirked and looked at Yamcha. The latter was named by Krillin , and suddenly it was like a cat that had it's tail stepped on..

"No...nothing! Krillin , you want to kill me!" Yamcha was crying, in front of Goku, don't talk about fighting power, even Goku's breathing is too powerful, even though the other side didn't release much pressure, but the leak of Qi on his body was enough to make people feel scared.

"Fight me now!" Tenshinhan stepped forward and walked to the front of Goku.

Chiaotzu was a little worried, but Tenshinhan turned back and smiled. "Don't worry, just taking notes from Goku. I just want to see my own achievements in the past six months!"

Goku originally wanted to find Kami to take him to the otherworld, and then to go to King Kai's planet through the snake way, as to whether the living can go to the otherworld, Goku remembers that the original Son Goku once teleported there, so the answer should be ok.

"Well, then hurry up, I am in a hurry!" Goku said of course.

Everyone gave a slight glimpse, Ten's face was not good-looking as Goku was looking down on him, he admits that Son Goku is very strong, but he has also become a lot stronger, even if he can't win, there is no reason to be crushed by him, he can't be his heart demon. "Son Goku, the last time in the Tenkaichi Budokai I lost to you, this time I will let you see once and for all, my strength!"

Tenshinhan set into a good offensive posture, and everyone scattered to make way for their fight, and Kami held his breath and watched the two silently.

"How do you still, stand still", saying, "Son Goku, is your weighted clothing not taken off?"

After listening to Tenshinhan , Goku sighed and politely put out his signature fighting style. He said: "It's very annoying to take it off, let's just get started now!"

Tenshinhan snorted, and disappeared instantly in his place, appearing around Wukong, and everyone was dazzled.

"Tenshinhan , my eyes can't even keep up with his movements!" Krillin sighed.

However, Goku was still standing in the same place, looking at his front, as if he did not notice anything in front of him.

The next second, Tenshinhan suddenly appeared behind Goku, his body leaped high, he raised his wrist and pointed at the neck of Goku.

"Got it!"

Just in the moment when Tenshinhan's hand chop fell, Goku suddenly raised his hand and firmly caught the wrist of Tenshinhan. Then he used some small force to directly hit Ten's shoulder!

"Damn!" Tenshinhan rolled a few times on the ground, stabilised his body shape again, and once again exerted a force on the ground, attacking the front of Goku.

The fist swayed wildly, and Goku just gently extended a finger and randomly flicked it in the air. Snap! Whoosh! Clang!

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In just a few moments, Tenshinhan and Goku had already taken dozens of rounds of their hands. The more they fight, the more shocked Ten is. Goku seems to not be serious. Is the gap between each other really so great?!

"You don't have to fight!" Kami suddenly opened his mouth. "Tenshinhan , stop, you are not Goku's opponent!"

It is said that the opponent is already very polite, and everyone can see it. Tenshinhan has gone all out, and Goku is just playing around.

Tenshinhan naturally understands this truth. He grit his teeth and finally sighed heavily.

Seeing the power of Son Goku, Krillin is sincerely happy: "Yo Goku you've improved so much in so little time , we don't have to practice now since your here..."

"I still have to train!" Goku said with a smile: "If you encounter a strong opponent, and I am not on your side, you can wish for me to come but if I don't you will die." !"

Krillin was shot down by Goku's words, and the eyes of Kami fell on Goku's body and asked: "Son Goku, you coming over today, is there anything you need?"

Goku hesitated and said: "Kami, can you take me to King Kai's Planet?"

"Northern Kai, how do you know him?" Kami is very shocked. He stared at Goku: "Where did you hear the name?"

Goku just smiled and didn't answer.

Krillin and others have not heard of the name of the king, so they didn't understand: "Who is the Northern Kai ?"

"The Northern Kai is my boss who manages our Northern Galaxy!" Kami said: "If you can get his advice you'll become much much stronger, Son Goku's martial arts will definitely advance by leaps and bounds there!"

Kami knows nothing about the King of the North's personality, after all, he is just a little earth god.

Despite doubts about how Son Goku knew the existence of King Kai, Kami did not ask much. In his view, the current enemy is really strong , naturally, making Son Goku stronger and better is good for the earth.

In fact, what everyone does not know is that the current Goku has long surpassed the two Saiyan's who are about to come to Earth.

"Goku, I can only take you to the entrance of otherworld. As for whether you can see King Kai depends on your own skills. Do you understand?" asked Kami.

Don't you pass through snake way? Goku gently nodded and said that he knew.

Tenshinhan, Krillin and Yamcha saw something in Goku, and decided to train even harder, "goodbye!"

"After going back, continue to practice, don't be lazy like Yajirobe, the fat a**!"Kami snorted, the three answered yes, and then flew away.

After a few people left, Kami grabbed onto the shoulders of Goku, and the two disappeared instantly.

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When Goku returned to His senses, he found that he had already arrived at the entrance of otherworld . This move of Kami is somewhat similar to the momentary movement, but only Gods can use it. Sure enough, the fact that Kami brought a living person to the land of the dead, Yan Wang(King Yemma) was P***ed off. Kami then quickly sorted everything out with Yemma.

Before snake way, Kami and an Oni looked at Goku. "Before the clouds, is the snake way. As far as I know, there are a total of one million kilometers of the snake way. For nearly 100 million years, only King Yemma, has reached the end of the snake way, and there is a Note, you must not fall off the clouds, hell is below the clouds, if you fall down..... Hey, yo, don't leave, I haven't finished yet!"

When the Oni spoke, Goku had already set off and flew forward.

"that person is actually flying, he cheated!!" The Oni pointed to the air shape of Goku that had turned into a black dot, angrily.

With the current strength of Goku, flying at full speed over the snake way will take only half a day.

Kami shook his head, and he vaguely felt that Son Goku in front of him seemed to be different from before. From his battle with Raditz , he seemed to be more callous and indifferent than ever. "Maybe it's because of his brother!" Kami said to himself.

After a long flight, Goku smoothly came to the end of the snake way. At the end of the snake way was an endless yellow cloud, and the clouds were directly connected to the pink sky.

Looking up, Goku could see the mini planet in the sky, where King Kai was

After a jump, Goku jumped to a certain height, and was automatically pulled by the gravity of the North Kai Planet. He turned over a little bit in the air and landed on the planet.

Sure enough, the gravity of this planet is 10 times that of the Earth, but this gravity is not worth mentioning for the current Goku.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on my planet?"

On the only road of King Kai's planet, a red retro classic car was driving up and down. A chunky man came down with light blue skin, a black Chinese Tang hat on his head, and two long Tentacles,

Also appearing with this person is a Monkey and a Grasshopper.

"Hey, hello, King Kai." Goku very familiarly greeted King Kai.

King Kai was very proud and then snorted: "Quickly say, who are you, and what your doing here?"

"My name is Ad... "cough", my name is Son Goku, I came to train under King Kai and learn martial arts!" Goku said politely.

"Since you know me, then do you understand the rules here?" King Kai put his hands behind his back and said with a deep and majestic attitude.

Rules? Goku did not respond for a while, and then King Kai suddenly burst into a grin and said, "I can give you a chance. If you say a joke and amuse me, I will teach you martial arts!"

Oh yeah he has a low sense of humor of, Goku felt that this was no difficulty!

"Just tell you a joke to make you laugh, and you will teach me your moves?" Goku asked again.

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After that, King Kai's face had a smug and moved his head about. After thinking about it, Goku asked: "What do you do to vegetables once you kill them?"

King Kai, thought and then said, "you put them In the Frieza"

"I have to admit, kid, your joke is very novel, I almost couldn't help it!"

King Kai calmed his emotions for a long time, and put on an inscrutable expression, asking: "You, what is your name?"

"My name is Son Goku!" Goku replied.

King Kai nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, Son Goku, I have already decided, I want you to be the best Comedian in the Universe!". Goku then said"I am telling you to teach me martial arts moves, not jokes!"

After listening to Goku, King Kai was inexplicably sentimental and looked at Goku with a little pity. He said, "Hey, you are obviously good at telling jokes, not learning jokes with me, is truly unfortunate!"

"I feel that you don't seem to be affected by gravity here. From your breath, I feel that your strength is far more than me!" said King Kai.

"Not long left before my planet will be attacked by two powerful Saiyan's , and their master, Frieza, is the galactic emperor!" The expression of Goku suddenly became very serious, he then said: "The position of the earth has been exposed. I am a Saiyan and Frieza will find ways to get rid of all the Saiyan's! And the earth will suffer in Frieza's hands!"

From the moment Raditz came to Earth, Frieza's monitor installed in the Battle force detector already knew everything that happened on Earth, whether it was the presence of the Dragon Ball or the presence of two new Saiyan's.

Maybe the Dragon Balls on Earth will not become the target of Frieza . After all, the Dragon Ball of Namek has a stronger effect, but he will definitely not let himself go. Frieza will kill him as he's that paranoid.

After listening to Goku, King Kai's eyes stared at Goku's soul, as if to see through his inner thoughts, for a long time he was quiet before finally, he sighed helplessly, saying: "You are also a Saiyan, but I don't feel any evil from you, maybe I will pass those two tricks to you, it is a good choice, but I hope you don't mess with Frieza anyway, you don't know Frieza at all. And his absolute Horror!" Goku just smiled faintly and did not answer.

King Kai thought that Goku was listening to him, and he continued: "I have two tricks here, and one trick is called Kaio-Ken, which can double your strength, but it has a big flaw, that is, it Causes great damage to the body!

Another trick is called the Spirit bomb. It is a move that can bring together all the energy in the universe. Whether it is a plant, human or an animal, you can get a little energy from it and then form a powerful bomb! "

"And the energy of the Spirit bomb is far beyond your imagination. If you use it badly, you may even destroy the earth you want to protect! So don't use the Spirit bomb, do you understand ? "

After listening to the words of King Kai Goku nodded heavily and said: "I understand, now Can I start practicing?"

The eyes of King Kai looked into the distance. After a while, he said: "There are more than two months before the Saiyan's arrive on Earth. You have to hurry and learn these two tricks in two months."

In fact, Goku wants to say that even if he doesn't learn, there is nothing wrong with him. At this moment, he has far surpassed the current Vegeta. He learnt these two tricks as he simply wanted to prepare for the future.

In the next two months, Goku stayed on King Kai's planet , and worked hard to master the moves.

With the Z-Fighters on earth. One day after two months, 11:43 am, two Saiyan's finally arrived on the earth.

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Two meteors crossed the sky, followed by a rolling flame, and finally hit a city.

The Saiyan Vegeta and Nappa's spacepods took out two large holes on the ground of the city, and the crowds around them suddenly started, screaming and fleeing away.

"It's terrible, wait... what is that?"

"There seems to be something falling in the sky. Is it a meteor?"

"What you on man it's clearly a white ball that fell, look inside... there seems to be something coming out!"

The hatch of the single-cabin spacecraft was opened. The first one came out, a person who was not that tall, wearing a strange piece of armor, and his hair was standing on his head with a McDonald's hairline.

"It's actually a Humanoid, hey, kid, you broke the road and now you have to go pay for it!" A pedestrian saw the other person as a human being, and he thinks it was all just a prank.

"And my car, you flipping broke it, I hope your ready to pay for it or you'll get a whooping from me boy!!"

Listening to the crowds, Nappa stood by Vegeta and said, "Vegeta, do you want to say hello to these people?"

"This is the earth!" Vegeta looked around and smiled. "Get started killing the humans, Don't break the earth, otherwise we can't sell it at a good price!"

"I Know, I will pay attention!"

The body of Nappa gradually floated, the energy of his body was running wildly, and then he raised his hand and the momentum of his whole body broke out!


Like a nuclear bomb explosion times by 6,000, the city was bombarded by the Energy of Nappa, and was instantly shattered by his Energy blasts. The earthy ground rose up to make up a thick mushroom cloud.

Piccolo , Tenshinhan, and the others who were thousands of miles away were also looking at each other. Even if they are so far apart, they can still feel the monstrous Energy of that place over here. "The Saiyan's are coming? They have been ahead of the estimation for more than a month!" The hearts of the people could not help but quicken.

In the air, Nappa and Vegeta were suspended in the air. They looked at the city that had been evaporated by them, and they could not help but smile: "Haha, how about it Vegeta,Lets destroy the humans even faster!".

"Idiot, if the thing called the Dragon Balls is destroyed by accident, our desire to obtain eternal life will be lost!" Vegeta said with anger.

Nappa quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Vegeta, I forgot about that!"

"Forget it, first find the guy with the highest Battle power on the planet. He may be the one who killed Raditz. Ask him for the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls. It must be true there must be Dragon Balls or else I will destroy this planet!" Vegeta pressed the Battle force detector and started scanning the whole earth.

Nappa was also scanning, and he incredulously said: "Vegeta, something's not quite right, there are several thousand Battle Powers on this planet!"

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"What don't panic, even if it is more than a thousand, it is just a weakling for us! I've Found it , the two most highest Battle Powers on this planet, let's go!"

After that, the two flew out.