
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs


Chapter 59 Gods of Destruction Beerus has awakened (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

"Five days later is Bulma's birthday party. In order to thank Mr. Qin Yu for saving everyone this time, Bulma specially invited Mr. Qin Yu to the birthday party."

"I will invite Mr. Qin Yu to attend..."

When Vegeta said this, it was obviously very embarrassing.

Own dignified Prince Saiyan, when did he do this kind of errands?

But think about the loud voice of Bulma that bothers me all day long, and I won't let myself practice without being called Qin Yu.

And I wanted to see what Saiyan trained by Qin Yu was like, so I came.

"Birthday party?"

Qin Yu thought for a while.

"Well, we will participate when the time comes..."

Anyway, to eat and drink for free, and bring Broly with you. Not only can you save a lot of money, but you can also take a good day's rest.

After all, after practicing for so long, both myself and Broly need to rest.

Sometimes the combination of work and rest can be better.

"Okay, I hope that when that time comes, we can have a good fight."

Vegeta glanced at Broly and said.

Broly also has a fierce look, if it weren't for Qin Yu by his side, he would have gone up to beat Vegeta a long time ago.


Time flies, especially for cultivators like Qin Yu and Broly.

Five days passed almost in a flash.

"Are we really going to Bulma's birthday party?"

Early in the morning, the 18th said something incredible.

You know that in the past few years, Bulma and the others have invited Qin Yu many times, but Qin Yu never participated.

Even the No. 1 Budokai in the world has no interest at all.

It's really rare to attend Bulma's birthday party this time.

"Don't you like lively? Today we will go lively, besides, our family's recent expenses are a bit big!"

Qin Yu looked at Broly and said jokingly.


Broly, who was devouring breakfast at this time, suddenly stopped, and there was a touch of embarrassment on his face.

"The expense is indeed a bit big, so let's have a meal today."

The 18th is obviously more happy.

Although they are not short of money at all, the birthday party should be quite lively.

"Well, let's go!"

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he took No. 18 and Broly directly to the location of Bulma's birthday party.

Bulma's birthday party directly covered a tourist island.

I have to say that local tyrants are local tyrants...

When Qin Yu and the others arrived, most of them were already there.

Son Goku family, Klin, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Master Roshi, Tenjin Dende, etc...

"Yo Qin Yu, you are here."

"He is Broly, right?"

When Son Goku saw Qin Yu's arrival, he ran over, and immediately looked at Broly.

Qin Yu accepted a Saiyan apprentice named Broly. Basically everyone knew about it.

Originally, Son Goku was not interested in this kind of party at all. He would rather watch the dinosaurs hatch their eggs for a day.

But when I heard that Qin Yu and Broly were both here, he naturally ran over too...


Qin Yu nodded.

"Hey, Broly seems to be very strong too! I really want to do a couple of tricks with him."

Son Goku rubbed his fist and said with excitement.

"I advise you to dispel this idea!"

"You are afraid that you will be rubbed against the ground by Broly."

Qin Yu smiled and joked.


This is indeed the truth.

Even if Broly is in an angry form, he can rub the current Son Goku on the ground.

"Huh? Is Broly so strong?"

Hearing Qin Yu's words, Son Goku looked surprised.

If this is the case, then Broly is too strong!

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Qin Yu asked rhetorically.

"Ah! In this case, I really want to try if I get the chance..."

Son Goku said eagerly.

Just forget it with a Qin Yu, now there is another such powerful Broly.

At this time, Son Gohan, Klin and Piccolo all walked over to say hello to Qin Yu.

Most of them are thanks, after all, all of them know very well that Son Goku at the time has no way to defeat Majin Buu and protect the earth.

Had it not been for Qin Yu's force to kill Majin Buu, they would have died now and the earth would be gone.

So they are naturally grateful to Qin Yu.

"Okay Broly, today you will let go of eating belly, eat as much as you can."

Qin Yu turned his head and said to Broly.

Hearing this, Broly ran towards the food with bright eyes.

"Let's go! Let's go and see too."

Qin Yu took No. 18's hand and walked over.

The earth at this time seems to be completely peaceful, without any crisis.


And now in the seventh universe! Gods of Destruction world.


Gods of Destruction Beerus yawned and licked his paws with sleepy eyes.

"Master Beerus, are you finally awake?"

Whis's tone is calm, but there is obviously something unpleasant.

This guy couldn't wake up no matter how he called. He usually woken up his singing voice, and his throat became dumb, and he didn't wake up.

"Whis, how long did I sleep this time."

Beerus opened his eyes a little bit, and asked still weakly.

"Your lunch break is thirty-eight years, Lord Beerus."

Whis replied faintly.

In fact, Beerus slept for the shortest time this time compared to the past.

It's just that now there seems to be some things in the universe that need him to solve...

"It's only thirty-eight years? No wonder you are still so sleepy now!"

"By the way, I seem to have a dream this time, a very real dream."

Beerus sat up suddenly and said to Whis.

This dream instantly awoke Beerus.

"A dream?"

"What dream did Master Beerus have!"

Whis asked curiously.

But for Beerus's dream, he is less hopeful than you.

Because it is an impossible dream almost every time...

ps: Dear readers, the results of this book are really bad, especially the evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, which are simply horrible!

Dear readers who still have tickets and Huahua, please help me to vote for some flowers and evaluation tickets and monthly tickets. I don't want to give a reward. Thank you very much!

Chapter 60 Beerus's rival, the legendary Super Saiyan

"I dreamed of a human being."

"It seems to have become my rival in my dream and defeated me."

Beerus squeezed his fists and said with a displeased expression on his face.

This kind of dream is really absurd.

Apart from Whis in this universe, it is impossible for anyone to be his opponent.

And still a human? Are you kidding me?

Although he didn't believe it, this dream made him feel very upset.

This is why he has such a short lunch break this time!

"A strong human enemy, can still defeat Lord Beerus?"

Hearing this, a figure suddenly appeared in Whis's mind.

That was the guy who almost ruined the entire universe more than two months ago and mastered the destructive energy.

Saiyan suddenly appeared...

"Well, yes, that's it."

"The dream this time is extremely real. Although I don't believe that there are people who can compete with me in the Universe, I still have to confirm it!"

Beerus said with a serious face, and there was no sleepiness on his face.


"Then Lord Beerus, remember the name of the rival that defeated you in your dream?"

Whis asked again.

"It seems to be called..."

"What legend... what Saiyan?"

"Ah! I can't remember it a bit."

Beerus shook his head, and said anxiously.

He remembered the dream clearly, but he did forget the name.

"The legendary Super Saiyan?"

Whis spoke out lightly.

"Yes, that's the name."

"The legendary Super Saiyan."

"By the way, Whis, how did you know this name? Do you know this guy?"

Beerus asked urgently.

Whis this guy actually said the name directly, so he must know it.

In this way, I don't need to look for him again.

"I do know that there is such a guy who made a little noise in the Universe the other day."

Whis nodded and said to Beerus.

Of course, in fact, it was not a little movement. If it weren't for that guy to stop in time, it is estimated that the entire universe could be destroyed.

"what is the problem?"

Beerus asked quickly.

"Master Beerus, let's take a look for yourself!"

Whis finished speaking faintly, and gave a light wave of the staff in his hand.

A clear projection appeared in front of Beerus.

In the screen, it is the scene where Qin Yu and Broly fight.

The two constantly counted the collision, and the planets continued to explode, turning into universe dust.

"Cut, damn it! These two damn bastards dare to sabotage my Universe. Do you really think you have a long life?"

Beerus clenched his fists tightly, eyes filled with angry flames.

Of course, there is excitement and some desire to fight.

Because those two guys are very strong, they are both worthy of being their opponents and fighting them well.


At this moment, Qin Yu in the projection suddenly changed into a form of passing Saiyan II.

The moment the golden lightning fell from the sky, Beerus's body trembled and his eyes narrowed tightly.

"Yes, that's it, exactly the same as in my dream."

"The legendary... Super Saiyan."

Beerus gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Before he was still hesitating whether it was the same as in his dream, but after seeing the transformation just now, his dream was instantly clear.

Completely overlap!

Unexpectedly, there are such powerful humans in this universe.

Although his strength is not enough to defeat himself, he should be able to make himself a good fight.

A hearty battle, I have been waiting for thousands of years!

"Is Mr. Beerus sure that Qin Yu is the rival in Mr. Beerus's dream?"

Whis looked at Beerus's expression and asked.

"Qin Yu? Is his name Qin Yu?"

"Yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong, it's him."

Beerus said very confidently.

"In this case, I will tell Master Beerus one more thing!"

After Whis finished speaking, the staff in his hand waved again.

The projected picture changed instantly, this time the picture became Qin Yu and Majin Buu.

Qin Yu squeezed Majin Buu's fist and murmured softly:


After the sound fell, Majin Buu's body turned into a purple light spot, disappearing without a trace.

It is estimated that no one in the entire Universe is more familiar with this trick than Beerus.

"Wh...what? That bastard has the power to destroy?"

Beerus was dumbfounded for an instant, his eyes were shocked as if they were about to fall out.

If a human being reaches that level and shocks him, then he has the destructive energy, and he is not calm at all.

We must know that only Gods of Destruction is qualified to master the energy of destruction, use...

And that guy is just a Saiyan.

How is he worthy to master destruction?

And the seventh universe has no candidates for Gods of Destruction.

"I wanted to compete with him, but now it seems that this guy is a little unforgivable."

Beerus clenched his fists tightly, anger in his red eyes.

It's nothing more than destroying a few planets, anyway, I often leave this kind of thing to Frieza to do.

But I can't forgive myself for mastering the destructive energy...

Seventh, there can only be one person in the universe who masters the power of destruction.

That is myself, Gods of Destruction Beerus...

"Whis, where is that guy now?"

Beerus looked at Whis and asked with a serious face.

In any case, I have to find that guy and give him a good lesson.

Then ask him what the destruction was all about...

"Oh! There seems to be a planet called Earth in the northern galaxy!"

"And on that planet, there seem to be other Saiyans..."

Whis looked at the black gem on his staff and replied.

ps: Dear friends, I will post eight chapters directly today. For the sake of the sincerity of the author of the street, I will help you vote for some flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, etc. data!

Flowers and evaluation votes will be cleared the next day anyway! Thank you all! *