
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


Chapter 43: Impress No. 18! (Seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

"It looks like you two should go together!"

Qin Yu smiled and said to No. 17 and No. 18.

Anyway, there is no difference between one of them and two of them.

"Don't be too smug, you bastard!"

"Do you really think I can't take care of you?"

No. 18 frowned tightly, obviously her self-esteem was very strong, very strong.

It's okay for Qin Yu not to say this. When he says this, it's like being stepped on his tail.


Turning around, No.18 launched a stormy attack on Qin Yu this time, using both fists and feet.

But every time, he can be easily blocked by Qin Yu.

And from beginning to end, he only used one finger to block.

"Damn it, although I really don't want to admit it, but the strength of this bastard is indeed very strong. With my strength alone, he is not his opponent at all."

No. 18 frowned, thinking secretly in her heart.

If the previous few times were all coincidences, then she is already very clear now that there is a huge power gap between her and Qin Yu.

"No. 17, come and help!"

"This guy is much stronger than we thought."

Countless attacks have no effect at all for Qin Yu.

No. 18 can only bite the bullet and say something to No. 17.

"You are really embarrassing No. 18, you can't even solve such a guy!"

"Look carefully, how did I hit him on the ground with a punch?"

The corner of No. 17's mouth raised, obviously quite excited.

He knows that Qin Yu does have some strength, and it is precisely because of this that he will feel excited.

If he was called Vegeta's opponent, he wouldn't feel that way at all.

"Don't underestimate him, he is very powerful."

No. 18 reminded again.

You must know that you are not much weaker than No. 17.


No.17 gave a cold snort, and then his body burst out instantly!

I have to say that the speed of the 17th is indeed faster than that of the 18th.

But it was only a little bit faster, and in Qin Yu's also, there was no gap at all.

"Get me down! Something arrogant."

No. 17 screamed. In his opinion, this punch can definitely knock Qin Yu away easily.


Only in the next second, Qin Yu squeezed his fist.

"I can't help myself..."

Qin Yu's voice fell, and he pulled No.17 to his side.

Then the right knee is directly on top.


There was a deep noise.


A mouthful of sour water came out directly from No.17's mouth, the pupils of the whole person shrank, and the number of people who wrote was suffering greatly.

After killing No. 17 in an instant, Qin Yu directly loosened No. 17's fist.

No. 17 lay softly on the ground.


Constantly vomiting acid water.

"No...impossible, how can there be someone stronger than me in this world? Absolutely impossible!"

On the 17th, it is still hard to believe that there are people in this world who are stronger than him.

If you say that, when you come to the 16th just now, what is said to be true?

"Number 17? You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing that No. 17 was easily defeated, No. 18 shouted and rushed to Qin Yu again.

"Okay! I heard that women can't just get used to it, sometimes it may be even more impressive to give a lesson."

Qin Yu looked at the number 18 who was rushing over, and directly hit the number 18 in the lower abdomen.

Although Qin Yu controlled the power and won't hurt the 18th, the short-term pain is still inevitable...


No. 18 gasped, holding her belly with pain on her face.

With anger in his eyes, it felt like he was going to cut Qin Yu a thousand times!

If the eyes can kill people, Qin Yu is definitely too late.

"Asshole, I will never let you go, absolutely not!"

No. 18 clenched his fists tightly and looked stubborn.

"My name is Qin Yu, please come to me for revenge anytime."

Qin Yu smiled faintly and said.

Although the impression I left on the 18th is not very good, but fortunately it is deep enough.

"You...you wait."

After No. 18 gritted his silver teeth and finished speaking, he held No. 17 directly, jumped up and flew away!

The 16th is also close behind.

After the three of them flew away, Piccolo and others recovered from the shock.

"No... I can't believe that there is such a powerful person in this world?"

"Too...too strong, two cyborgs can't do a single move in his hands."

"I used to think Goku was the strongest, but Goku was not worth mentioning in front of him."

"By the way, his name seems to be Qin Yu?"

After Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Klin and others recovered, they were all shocked.

This shock cannot be calmed for a long time.

And Vegeta, whose arm was interrupted by a pile of rocks on the side, had a face that looked like pig liver.

Very very ugly...

"Open...what's the joke? I just broke through Super Saiyan."

Vegeta grabbed the stone in his hand.

This blow was too heavy for him!

I thought he would be invincible after becoming Super Saiyan!

But when he met a cyborg who could easily defeat him, and he wanted to wait until he defeated the cyborg to become the strongest in the world.

There was a guy who defeated two cyborgs in an instant, and it seemed...maybe it was Saiyan.

This is absolutely for oneself! *

Chapter 44: Entering the Spiritual Time House to practice (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

Piccolo looked at Qin Yu, and then flew directly towards Qin Yu.

"Mr. Qin Yu, thank you for defeating the cyborgs and saving us."

Piccolo is responsible for the intelligence of the Z Warriors, and at this time he also realized that this guy who appeared suddenly is powerful and unimaginable.

You must not offend!

"Don't thank me, I didn't mean to save you, and even if I didn't do it, they wouldn't kill."

Qin Yu glanced at Piccolo, and said lightly.

The cyborg in this time and space is completely different from the future time and space in Trunks.

Although they are all artificial humans, the bloodthirsty nature of the future time and space can be said to be completely free of conscience as a human being.

Only endless destruction and killing...

The artificial humans in this time and space are obviously different. They don't kill people casually.

It can be said that since they came out on the 17th and 18th, they have never killed a single person.

Especially on the 17th, he loves nature very much. In the Dragon Ball Super, he has become a forest ranger who guards endangered animals.

I just fought the cyborgs and had my own ideas, not to save Piccolo and them.

Anyway, even if they are not saved, they will not be killed.

"Anyway, thank you for your shot!"

Piccolo didn't refute Qin Yu's words, but thanked again.

At this time, the injured Trunks also walked in front of Qin Yu.

Said: "But in the future time and space, they killed a lot of people, half of the earth's human beings were killed by them, even the big brother Gohan..."

"Even Brother Gohan was killed."

After speaking, Trunks clenched his fists tightly.

This was the pain in his heart. If it wasn't for saving himself, Brother Gohan gave himself the last fairy bean.

He won't lose an arm and was killed by an artificial man in the end...

It was precisely because of this that he came to this time and space that did not belong to him.

"The cyborg in this time and space is different from that in your time and space."

"You will know later."

Qin Yu still has a good impression of Trunks, the future lone warrior.

With one's own strength, guard the earth in the future time and space.

It can be said to be very great...

So between words, it can be regarded as gentle.

Hearing Qin Yu's words, Trunks stopped talking, although he still didn't believe that the artificial humans in this time and space would be good people.

It's just that Qin Yu's strength is too strong, he can beat Android 17 and No. 18 in an instant.

That means he can easily kill himself, even all of them!

After Qin Yu finished speaking, his body disappeared into the sight of everyone in a flash.


call out...

When he reappeared, Qin Yu had already arrived at the heavenly temple of the earth.

"Qin... Mr. Qin Yu."

God looked at Qin Yu nervously.

As the god of the earth, he naturally saw clearly what happened on the earth just now.

Although he doesn't know the origin of Qin Yu, the only thing he can be sure of is that he is very strong, especially strong...

Naturally, Qin Yu was not surprised by this.

After all, he is the god of the earth, this little thing naturally can't escape his eyes.

"Well, I have seen the gods..."

Qin Yu respectfully bowed his hand to the god of self.

Although Qin Yu is colder sometimes, it's just relative to the guy he doesn't like much.

Like the gods in front of them, Qin Yu didn't want to put on airs, because it seemed too low-profile.

The god is obviously a little surprised Qin Yu's attitude, after all, such a strong guy can completely ignore him as a god.

"I don't know... What advice does Mr. Qin Yu have when he comes to the Temple of Heaven?"

Surprised, God hurriedly asked.

Although the other party's attitude is very humble, but I don't dare to be sloppy, after all, the strength of the other person is there.

"I can't talk about suggesting, I just want to borrow the Spiritual Time House for a few days. I wonder if it is inconvenient?"

Qin Yu smiled, and continued to speak mildly.

"Of course it is convenient, Mr. Popo, please take Mr. Qin Yu to the Spiritual Time House!"

The god hurriedly said to Bobo.

"Number one, God."

"Mr. Qin Yu, please come with me!"

Bobo nodded, and then walked directly to the Spiritual Time House.

Along the way, Mr. Popo also told Qin Yu some rules of the Spiritual Time House.

For example, the gravity inside, the environment is more severe than that of the earth.

And if a person can only go in for two days in his life.

This kind of restriction is only relative to ordinary people, with Qin Yu's strength, it can completely break the dimensional wall of the spiritual time house.

Although he is fine no matter how long he stays in it.


After walking into the Spiritual Time House, Qin Yu looked at the surrounding environment.

Except for the small house just entered, there is almost a vast expanse of white space.

It's not much different from what appears in Dragon Ball.

"Okay, start practicing now."

"Three days should be enough for me to fully adapt to the form of passing Saiyan II."

Walking to the center of the Spiritual Time House, Qin Yu said to himself.

The purpose of his coming to the Spiritual Time House this time is to consolidate his form of passing Super II.

Although there are no strong characters in the original Dragon Ball during this time period, there may be some discrepancies in reality.

So it's always right to improve your own strength...

Of course, if you can, you can also try to continue to integrate Ultra Instinct into normalcy.