
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


Chapter 41, you go together, I have one hand (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

After the faint voice fell, Android 17, 18, including Vegeta and Piccolo, looked at the figure at the same time.

And this figure that appeared suddenly, of course, was Qin Yu who had just arrived in this time and space.

"who is it?"

Piccolo asked first.

They had never seen this face, but he could feel a huge amount of energy in his body.

Danger, a very dangerous feeling.

"I don't know, I haven't seen him before, but the moment I saw him, I felt a great sense of oppression."

Both Klin and Tien Shinhan shook their heads.

They have been on the earth for decades, but they are sure they have never seen this person in front of them.

"Do you think he looks a lot like Saiyan?"

Piccolo asked again.

The hairstyle and the body are very similar to Son Goku.

"You say that, it's really a bit like."

"But didn't Vegeta say that he and Goku are the only survivors of Saiyan?"

Klin asked rhetorically.

If it was Saiyan, Vegeta, as the prince of Saiyan, should have known it.

"I don't know if this guy is an enemy or a friend, let's observe it first. If it is an enemy, the situation will be quite bad."

Piccolo said in a low tone.

Although this guy hides his breath most deliberately, the feeling of danger cannot be hidden.

And I am very keen on the sense of crisis.

After hearing Piccolo's words, both Klin and Tien Shinhan frowned.


"Oh? Here comes another guy who knows nothing about life and death!"

"What? Do you want to compete with us?"

With a faint smile on the corner of Android 17's mouth, he asked Qin Yu.

There is disdain in the words...

You know that even the strongest Super Saiyan is not their opponent. Now that such a guy suddenly appears, how can he compete with their strongest cyborg?

"Aren't you not having fun? I'll just play with you."

Qin Yu said lightly to Android 17.

Then he turned his attention to Android 18.

Qin Yu is not very interested in fighting with them, but is very interested in the 18th.

"Oh? If you want to play with us, do you want to have that qualification?"

No. 17 still has a face of disdain.

A human being, who dared to yell in front of him like this, really did not know how to live or die.

"Of course there is that qualification, because you can't be my opponent at all!"

Qin Yu said with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Cut, this kind of ignorant self-confidence is really unpleasant."

"It just happened that the battle with Vegeta was a little unpleasant, so he let me solve it, number 17."

No. 18 said with an unhappy expression.

You know, Vegeta broke his favorite clothes just now.

It's just that the guy has lost the battle, and he doesn't want to kill him.

So I can only find this arrogant guy in front of me to vent my anger...

"Ah! It doesn't matter, I'm not interested in this kind of guy yet."

No.17 shrugged and said indifferently.

Now he is only interested in Son Goku, I hope that guy will not let himself down too much!

After No. 17 agreed not to interfere, No. 18 looked at Qin Yu.

Said: "Your luck is very bad, I am in a bad mood now, so you may be worse than Vegeta."

"Is it?"

"Then I but want to see how I am worse than Vegeta?"

Qin Yu still smiled and said confidently.

"Cut, it's really unpleasant, your success gave me the desire to beat you, and you will know soon!"

On the 18th, Willow frowned slightly and said to Qin Yu.

Anyway, their purpose is to play all kinds of games everywhere, now it is really boring.

Then in front of Son Goku, teach this arrogant guy a good lesson and vent his anger.

"Come on! I just use one hand, and stay still, if you can make me move, even if you win..."

Qin Yu stretched out a hand and smiled happily.


"That guy is saying that he can beat a robot with one hand? What's a joke?"

Hearing Qin Yu's arrogant words, Vegeta, Piccolo and others were shocked.

I doubt that they have heard it wrong!

Especially Vegeta, he has personally experienced the power of Android 18.

Even Super Saiyan can't help her at all, the guy in front of him is even more capable of bragging than himself?

"Gluck, haven't you seen them being frightened stupid by your words?"

No. 18 didn't get angry but laughed, obviously amused by Qin Yu's words.

Just kidding, there is no existence stronger than their artificial humans in this world.

"It's really arrogant! But the more arrogant you are, the more miserable you might end up in a while!"

No.17 also smiled coldly and said to Qin Yu.

"Okay! Then I will slightly modify what I said just now. Apart from standing still with one hand, the three of you can shoot at me at the same time. If you move, I will lose!"

Looking at the shocked and unbelievable people, Qin Yu said with a confident smile again.


"It seems that you are not arrogant, you are simply a fool."

"I only need one move to make you never stand up again."

Looking at Qin Yu's triumphant smile, No.18 felt like she was being looked down upon.

So she must teach this guy a good lesson so that he understands the cost of arrogance.

At this moment, Number 16 who had been teasing Xiaoniao suddenly spoke up.

"I advise you two to better not mess with him. I just analyzed his data, which is really outrageous."

"It's like a bottomless pit, he is not something you can handle...

Chapter 42: The power of one part per million (seeking an evaluation ticket for flowers)

"Yo! I thought you guys didn't speak!"

"But you don't have to grow up other people's ambitions to destroy your own prestige! Although you are a failure, I am the strongest cyborg."

"It seems you don't even know how good I am, number 16."

Hearing that No. 16 actually said that the guy was amazing, No. 17 naturally didn't believe it!

You should know that Dr. Gero said that No. 16 was a failure, so his strength is average.

Maybe he didn't even know how good he was, so he would say ignorant words like the person opposite is very good.

"Believe it or not, there is nothing wrong with my data analysis."

No more explanation after the 16th.

Your own data is absolutely not wrong, since the two of them don't believe it, then forget it!

Anyway, my goal is to kill Son Goku. I won't fight with anyone until I find Son Goku.

"Cut, coward."

"Then we will let you see our true power!"

No. 17 spoke to No. 16 confidently, then turned to look at No. 18, and said, "No. 18, show the power of our infinite energy artificial man to No. 16 well!"

The 18th looked at Qin Yu, only beckoned to Qin Yu, obviously wanting Qin Yu to attack.

"It's better for you to shoot first! Wouldn't it be a breach of promise if I attacked it?"

Qin Yu said lightly.

"Cut, this is what you asked for. I will defeat you in an instant."

No. 18 raised his brow, and then kicked his right foot on the ground, and his body shot out instantly.

The clenched fist hit Qin Yu heavily.

Seeing No. 18's attack, Qin Yu shook his head.

This speed, in my own eyes, is even slower than that of a snail!

Sure enough, at this time, their combat effectiveness was too weak and outrageous...


On the slight side of Qin Yu's body, he easily dodges No. 18's fist.

"What? Hidden away, how is this possible!"

No. 18's face changed, obviously very shocked.

"It's kind of interesting, I actually escaped the attack of 18 good."

No.17 puts her arms on her chest, and said with a smile looking at the show.

Although the guy avoided the punch of No. 18, he didn't think that he could beat No. 18.

"It's so fast, maybe he wasn't talking big just now."

Seeing Qin Yu avoiding No. 18's fist calmly, Piccolo said quickly.

It seems to have seen hope...

"It's really fast to avoid the attacks of artificial people. I don't know how powerful it is?"

Tien Shinhan also stared at Qin Yu closely and whispered.

"Cut, just escaped a punch by fluke."

"This time, you are not so lucky!"

No. 18 seemed to be even more annoyed because of a missed punch, and directly raised his foot and swept towards Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's body twisted again and easily escaped the 18th's attack.

"Impossible, you bastard!"

Both attacks were avoided, and Qin Yu's face was relaxed. This relaxed expression turned into a provocation in No. 18's eyes.

"I must beat you down!"

No. 18 gave a sweet cry.


The fist kept blasting towards Qin Yu.

The speed is quite amazing, as it was for Piccolo before.

They couldn't see the punching movement of No. 18 at all.

But Qin Yu's body was constantly twisting, which perfectly avoided No. 18's fist.

In one minute, the 18th made a hundred punches, but did not even touch the corner of Qin Yu's clothes.

"That guy seems to have some strength."

On the 17th, the confident smile disappeared, and there was a bit of surprise on his face.

He could see that the 18th had already increased her speed to the extreme.

But still can't touch that guy's body...

This shows that his speed is very fast, very fast.

"You bastard, what kind of man do you keep avoiding?"

On the 18th, there was no way to touch Qin Yu's body, so she cursed a little angrily.

"It seems you want to learn about my strength."

"If this is the case, then come again."

Qin Yu hooked his finger towards No. 18 again, motioning her to continue attacking.

"Arrogant bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

On the 18th, this time he squeezed his strength and hit Qin Yu directly with a punch.

This time Qin Yu didn't avoid it, but extended his right index finger.

"What? That guy wanted to...take the Android 18 attack with one finger."

"Is he kidding?"

Piccolo, Tien Shinhan and Klin were stunned by Qin Yu's actions.

Isn't this seeking a dead end?

Only the result of the next second made everyone's eyes fall in shock!


Because Qin Yu's index finger steadily caught No. 18's fist.

The body is as solid as a rock, without any movement.

The corners of his mouth still wore a confident arc, his face remained unchanged.

"No... impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The 18th is obviously the most trembling heart.

She is very confident in her own strength. It is estimated that besides her younger brother No. 17, it is impossible for anyone to be her opponent!

The guy in front of him not only exploded himself in speed.

It was a finger that blocked my full blow...

"Are you surprised? I didn't even use one millionth of my power!"

Looking at the extremely shocked No. 18, Qin Yu said with a faint smile.

This is the truth, he did not even display one millionth of his power!

"Hey, number 18, what are you doing? Get rid of that guy quickly!"

No. 17 also seemed to see the clue, and hurriedly shouted at No. 17.

"This... this guy is a bit different."

No. 18 Willow frowned and said in a deep voice. *