
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs


Those who live long are not necessarily wise men, but those who live long are definitely those who have gone through the vicissitudes of life and managed the world.

And like Third Hokage, he is almost a witness since Konoha was founded. He who has lived from World War I to the present can be said to be a living fossil of Konoha!

"You are Shenmue, right? You are a very good kid." Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and walked to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue to look carefully, then smoked and smiled kindly.

Be calm and calm in mind.

He is indeed a very good child, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought in his heart, slightly squinting at the closed eyes of Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

Moreover, he is really blind!

There are no eyes inside, which Sarutobi Hiruzen can feel, and he can also feel the calm Chakra inside Ōtsutsuki Shenmue!

Even, this huge amount of Chakra simply makes him unbelievable!

and this!

Out of the corner of Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, he glanced at the Ōtsutsuki Quxian who quietly followed behind Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

Although the strength of this girl is not clear, her Chakra volume is also terrifying.

These two children...

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help frowning slightly. He was hesitating. The future of such a child is absolutely limitless.

If Konoha can be attracted, it will be enough to keep Konoha unfailing and stable for decades!

But this is also an unstable time bomb, and the thoughtful Sarutobi Hiruzen knows it very well.

The origins of these two children are unknown. Although they claim to be Ōtsutsuki, he has never heard of the surname Ōtsutsuki after sixty years of life.

And the main problem is Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's psychic problems. Although he is a child, his xinxing is too mature.

It is very difficult for him to recognize that Konoha protects Konoha from the bottom of his heart, and even if he joins Konoha, if he turns against the army during the war.

Konoha will fall into the abyss completely!

One advantage and one disadvantage are too clear, so he is very hesitant at the moment.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for the praise. You are so polite. Shenmue is self-knowledge and he is just a blind man." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue didn't seem to notice Sarutobi Hiruzen's abnormality, and shook his head with a very gentle smile.

Although he can't see Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression, his emotions are indeed different from the beginning.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

He must be thinking about something in his heart.

"Hehe... he is a very polite kid, come on, sit down first, I really want to have a good chat with Shenmue." Sarutobi Hiruzen sank, and then smiled and said to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

Those things are not suitable for thinking now. You still have to get to know the child first so that you can make the most accurate judgment.

But no matter what, as long as he has no idea of ​​harming Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen is very willing to befriend Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue has such qualifications, not to mention his terrifying talent, just the majestic Chakra in his body.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to become an enemy with this blind child.

Although the amount of Chakra does not represent everything, but the amount of Chakra is huge, but it will not be the weak.

This is also a law.

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue smiled and did not refuse, then the four of them sat down, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue stood behind him.

"What about Shenmue, I visited Shimokiba today, how do you feel about Konoha Village?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Shenmue with a gentle smile after Shenmue was seated.

Konoha is the place where he has spent his entire life, and it is also the place where he is most proud of.

For him, Konoha has basically become a part of his life.

"Konoha Village is indeed very lively and prosperous. To be honest, although Shenmue hasn't been out to travel the Ninja world for long, Shenmue also understands that Konoha can be called a piece of pure land on the mainland, right?"

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue is neither humble nor humble Kaidō. He was not surprised by Sarutobi Hiruzen's problem.

Based on Sarutobi Hiruzen's ingenuity, he naturally would not easily ask Ōtsutsuki Shenmue directly.

It must be an excuse to get close to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

"Haha...Shenmue is satisfied. If you need anything, you can find Asuma." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled satisfied when he heard the words, he naturally understood Ōtsutsuki.

"Don't bother Asuma, Shenmue really has something to trouble Master Third Hokage." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue first smiled.

Then Ōtsutsuki Shenmue glanced at Asuma and smiled at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"You... is it because of the Hyuga family's problem, right?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned, then as if thinking of something, his eyes drooped slightly, confirming to Bai Muzi.

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue really looks like he doesn't lack anything, if he has to say anything.

Except for his own eyes, he should only care about the Hyuga clan.

"Third Hokage really deserves its reputation. It is true. Quxian owns Byakugan, so Shenmue hopes that Third Hokage can help."

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue nodded, then said slightly helplessly.

He is not afraid of the Hyuga family, but now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is here, he can let Sarutobi Hiruzen help him solve this trouble.

Otherwise, the Hyuga family will definitely come to find them to trouble them.

Although not afraid, but troublesome, he has no time to play such boring games with Hyuga Hiashi.

He just wanted to find a target of the Hyuga clan first, and then grab his eyes.

Finally, I wandered around Konoha and saw some people set up a plan.

If things are revealed, his big deal is to leave Konoha.
