
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


After a long time, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue felt the warmth of Rinnegan in his palm slowly disappearing, evoking a faint smile.

He had a hunch, and soon, the first evolution should come soon.

"Thank you very much, Nine Tails." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue thanked Nine Tails again, and he was very happy at the moment.

Even he felt that the huge appearance of Nine Tails at the moment seemed cute to him.

This made him suddenly a bold idea!

"You're a nice kid, speaking of it, kid..." Nine Tails shook the nine long tails slightly, then hesitated slightly.

It actually has an idea, but its unruly personality makes it hard to speak out.

"What's the matter? You helped me a lot. If you need anything, you can mention it." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue chuckled lightly, his face was slightly strange, he somewhat guessed what Nine Tails wanted to say.

After all, Nine Tails is a tail beast, without human rights, desires and endless aspirations. What it wants most at the moment is nothing more than...

"Boy, since you have Rinnegan, you should be able to help me unlock this seal? How about helping me once?" Nine Tails fox pupils flashed a struggling expression, then gritted his teeth and spoke to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.

Yes, it wants Ōtsutsuki Shenmue to let it go. The Ghoul Seal is a very powerful seal.

It cannot break free on its own unless the Host, Naruto, is willing to untie it, or use Chakra to slowly penetrate Naruto.

But it can't wait, it is Nine Tails, the strongest tail beast Nine Tails!

It longs for freedom, it does not want to be a beast in a cage!

"Help you to unlock the seal... It's not impossible, but..." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's face was even more weird when he heard that, and he hesitated a little.

Naruto lost Nine Tails. Is he still the prince Naruto?

However, today's Nine Tails does not have a bond with Naruto. It is natural to want freedom.

"But what? Boy, as long as you let this uncle go out, this uncle can promise you!" Nine Tails slammed into the door frame again excitedly, and said excitedly.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It yearns for freedom. Those human beings, but they don't care about them at all, have sealed them in such a small and dark space.

If there is a chance to go out, it will never let them go!

"Let's do it Nine Tails, you wait for me for ten years. If you still think like this ten years later, I will help you leave the child Naruto." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue pondered for a long time before he smiled seriously at Nine Tails.

Naruto could not leave Nine Tails, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue knew this very well.

Nine Tails also contributed to the growth of Naruto, otherwise Naruto would have been cold.

But it's a pity~

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue glanced at this Nine Tails slightly fiercely. In fact, his idea just now was to raise a Nine Tails as a pet...

However, this Yang Nine Tails is an indispensable aid for Naruto, so he can only seek another Yin Nine Tails!

And he remembered clearly that the Nine Tails existed on Namikaze Minato who had already died!

At the beginning, Namikaze Minato sacrificed himself and used the ghoul seal to seal Nine Tails and split the huge Chakra of Nine Tails into two.

Half of it was sealed in the newly born Naruto, while the other half was sealed in his own soul!

"If you want to get that Yin Nine Tails, then you have to meet Orochimaru!" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue thought, he does not know Impure World Reincarnation, and at this moment Namikaze Minato's soul still exists in the belly of the so-called Shinigami .

Only the crazy or even distorted Ninja scientist Orochimaru can release Namikaze Minato's soul.

"Ten years... Forget it, if you wait for ten years, your uncle may have already gone out on your own." Nine Tails was taken aback after hearing this, and then Ōtsutsuki Shenmue stared fiercely.

ten years?

I'm waiting for you!

Although their tail beasts are also immortal, the waste of time is meaningless to them, but they have been sealed for ten years, which makes Nine Tails a little unbearable.

"I'm really sorry Nine Tails." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue smiled apologetically at Nine Tails, without explaining too much.

He has been looking forward to the peak battle between himself and Naruto!

So, Nine Tails, the biggest booster for Naruto's growth, naturally cannot be released in advance.

His goal is very clear, to conquer Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and among several careful wishes, the battle against the pinnacle is one of them.

He has his own belief in invincibility, and he firmly believes that his future is the strongest!

He also has a clue about the seal of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. As for the resurrected Ten Tails in the original work, he then gathered a large number of Chakras to guide the method of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Chakra.

He didn't even want to see it.

It is indeed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, but it is only the Chakra of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and the body of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is still sealed on the moon.

For Ōtsutsuki Shenmue, this method is not advisable at all. He wants to completely liberate Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

However, this plan is still a rudimentary form and needs to be carefully arranged.
