
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs


"Haha~ Konoha is very good, I won't let you down!" Asuma laughed proudly when he heard Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's words.

He doesn't doubt that he has him. Ōtsutsuki Shenmue even used two real words to emphasize his expectations for Konoha.

But it does make him feel proud.

Ōtsutsuki Shenmue smiled upon hearing this, and then followed Asuma into Konoha Village.

Konoha Village, the strongest forbearance village in the country of fire, is also the strongest forbearance village in the world!

It is the strongest force on this continent, yes, the strongest!

Since Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama co-founded Konoha, it is the strongest! The strongest that has continued to this day!

There have been three ninja wars so far, but after the three ninja wars, Konoha Village still dominates the throne of the strongest ninja village.

It can be seen in general.

There are so many geniuses in Konoha Village. It is the best cradle to nurture heroes. Since its establishment, there have been too many famous Shock Ninja existences.

"It's really prosperous~" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue couldn't help sighing as he listened to the various sounds coming from his ear.

Ninja World is a very chaotic continent, but this Konoha Village is a place of harmony and tranquility. It is indeed a place of paradise.

The country of fire is the richest country in the entire continent, and its financial and human resources are far from comparable to other countries. This also laid a good logistical foundation for Konoha Village.

Otherwise Konoha would not be able to stand still.

"Haha~ Shenmue, as long as you like it, but I am going to be busy first, and I have to hand over the task. Let Hong accompany you to visit Konoha."

After hearing this, Asuma laughed proudly again, and then apologized to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue, he needed to hand over the task, and he also needed to confess the affairs of Ōtsutsuki Shenmue to his father.

After all, the origins of these two children are mysterious. Although their personalities are very good, Asuma didn't even get fainted and put them in Konoha.

It still needs to be observed for a while, and it is necessary to discuss it with his father Third Hokage.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Okay, Asuma, go ahead." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue smiled understandingly, but he knew what Asuma was thinking.

"You kid, I should be called Brother Asuma, right? Forget it, you really can't be a kid." Asuma shook his head helplessly, and was called by a seven-year-old child.

He really had a weird feeling in his heart, but he had communicated with Ōtsutsuki Shenmue for so long.

He really can't treat him like a child, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue, his temperament is too mature.

After saying hello, Asuma went straight away.

And Yurihong continued to take Ōtsutsuki Shenmue to stroll around Konoha.

"Hong, are you and Asuma lovers?" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue suddenly asked Hong Xiao as if thinking of something.

In the original book, Yurihong and Asuma are lovers, and soon after Shippuden started, Asuma died in the battle.

Xi Rihong was pregnant alone, but it made people sigh.

"Lovers? No, Asuma is indeed a good person, but..." Yurihong was taken aback when she heard the words, and then shook her head, with a thoughtful look in her red eyes.

She does not dislike Asuma, and Asuma does seem to be interesting to her, but...

She doesn't like men who smoke!

Asuma is a super big chimney, which makes her very dissatisfied!

"Really? Are you interested in waiting for me to grow up? Red is very beautiful, but you can think about me." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue understood it instantly, and yes, it is estimated that there are still several years before the plot begins.

It's normal for the two not to be together.

Speaking of which, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue still has a good impression of Yurihong, she is also very beautiful, and she has a very good personality.

The most important thing is her loyalty!

Her boyfriend died in battle, but she was a woman who was willing to give birth to a child without a name and to raise it alone!

It's song and tear!

"Puff~You are thinking about this now when you are so young? When you grow up, I'm already old." Xi Rihong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Looking at this delicate-looking but only seven-year-old child, Yurihong teased that she did not take Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's words at all at ease.

After all, as she herself said, she is now twenty-one, and when Ōtsutsuki Shenmue grows up, she will be thirty.

"Just be kidding, can you take me to Hokage Rock?" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue was not surprised by Yurihong's reaction, and then skipped the topic.

He is too young now, and no one will take it into his heart except to make people laugh.

But he is not in a hurry, anyway, it will only take a few years before he will grow up.

After shopping for a long time, the three decided to end, and Xi Rihong was also ready to take the two back to her home.

These two people have no place to live now, and her own house happens to have a spare room.

Yurihong still has a good impression of Ōtsutsuki Shenmue. This delicate and polite child is indeed very flattering.

Bichon kids or something, so much better!
