
Naruto: Reborn!

A guy named Yuu was killed by god but got another chance at life

JUSTHURRYUP · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

#2 10 Hours (1)

#2 10 Hours 1

"It's time to get serious no more playing around!

A man with black long hair, Yellow eyes, and a slim build his name was Shoto he came out of hiding. With Isonaki and Sasaruki.

"What do you mean sensei, No more playing around? You're acting as if we were doing bad. We did so many things and we've only been together for a while."

"Those were all tests, The A-rank missions The B rank, In reality, those were set up by me. It seems you guys weren't smart enough to notice. Yes, you did good but most of the time you had got beat by the weakest people in the village."

"I'm sorry to tell you guys, but in all my time of teaching, you guys are the weakest of the weakest. And So I will be sending all of you guys back to the academy immediately!!"

"WAIT WHAT!!" Said Isonaki and Sasaruki.

'Now I know I was right, that window that continued popping up in front of me for the past 2 weeks, showing me my stats. I didn't really do the quest to get stat points because I thought I was doing good. I made shadow clones even though I only had 50 stat points in Chakra. Come to think of it I started off with 2000 and I still haven't put them in.'

An idea then popped up in his mind. "Hey sensei I don't wanna go back to the academy, didn't you hear I was at the top of my class? Even Sasuke couldn't compete with me."

"Yeah I heard that but now I know that if you were the top of your class except all of the people you knew to be back at that academy."

"Wait sensei, Give us another chance, another test, and if we pass we can stay."

Shoto thought to himself for a white. "Okay fine If you can touch me even a strand of my hair in the next 10 hours I'll let you guys stay."

"Okay then tell us when to start."

Yuu opened up a blue Futuristic window

Points 2000>0

Strength/Stamina - 550/999,999,999

Speed - 550/999,999,999

Chakra - 350/999,999,999

NinJutsu - 250/999,999,999

TaiJutsu - 250/999,999,999

GenJutsu - 150/999,999,999

Intelligence - 150/999,999,999

Hand Seals -150/999,999,999

"You have 10 hours starting now"

They all attacked at the same time but he disappeared out of nowhere.

"You guys are starting off bad. At this rate, you'll be going back to the academy."

Time and time went by and they were nowhere near close to touching him

5 hours remaining.

'I put so many stats into Speed and I still can't catch up to him. Is he faster than Kakashi?'

"Isonaki, Sasaruki come here!"

They stopped chasing Shoto and appeared in front of Yuu.

"You guys buy me some time, I need to do 300 push-ups and Sit-ups, So until then attempt to touch him."

"... O-Okay!"